Would it be fair

to impose a tax proportial to how under/overweight you are, and direct that money to the healthcare system?

-10 to +40

0%-40% is the best on the chart

I'm a boobie sucker, can't we stretch it to 60%?

no, since those are some of the people who need health care.

what needs to be done is address the psychological issues that cause them to under/overeat, like self control issues. they need pills similar to ones used to treat ADHD

id smash everything on that chart, then impose a proportional tax on fatties above 80%

The only way I will support a single payer system is if fatties are banned from it. You should not have the right to it if you are overweight. You should be forced to get into a decent weight. It is not fair to everyone that they have to pay for your healthcare when you weigh 300 lbs.

Obviously not. It is fair to just have everyone pay for their own health care/insurance

I'd fugg any of those.

well of course user
u need your milkies to get big and strong

If we go full socialized medicine we had better start taxing the shit out of every single negative contributor to health. Those fatasses will learn to not be a burden on th system or they will have no money.

>being underweight is bad for you

kill youself fatty

+60%, thanks.

im most attracted to -30%

being a fat bulgy american isnt actually what normal body weight is supposed to mean the standards have increased for fatties to accomadate for what you think is normal

>they need pills
Are you FUCKING kidding me?

None of them would be considered fat in the US.

100% is fucking hot, wha

Oh, you again. The retard claiming people must eat only once per day.

give me 40%

Yes. No one else should have to pay because you feel like killing yourself slowly. If anything use healthcare money to buy them cyanide tablets.

I'm sorry you are homosexual user. Fetishizing scrawny, boyish girls won't mask the fact that you are gay.

You cost more, you pay more. Fuck off hamplanet

>falling for the thicc meme
You realise this nonsense has been pushed by the jews to make sheboons more appealing, right?

idk there really skinny people that always have hospital visits because of their lack of food. I fuck all those.

slippery slope cuz now i'm lookin at 80% like
yes mummy plz

40% =

absolutely fair. The states in the US that suffer from the highest obesity rates also have the lowest IQs and highest EBT usage. Make buying food more expensive and all of a sudden dumb fat niggers won't be able to afford KFC on a daily basis and might lose weight.

if you actually do some research youll realize that you can eat just every other day.
Its definitely not needed to eat 3 times per day.
You think our ancestors had 3 meals each day?
We're just overeating. Especially you, amerifat.

is ok user there's boobies without fat out there

Take off the fucking flag mask, LEAF!

I don't know, but can we do it anyway so that all the fat fucks get ruined and triggered?

>weighing less than 200lbs

I really don't care. Just leave me the fuck alone.

None of those women are fat.

Retract that, the 100% one is a bit chubby. But still not FAT like American women.

They're all slat eyes. You know, the pussy is sideways too. The wider you spread their legs, the tighter it gets

-30% with tiddies would be epic

"boyish girls"
Nothing boyish except the tiddies.

Skinny girls are fuckin awesome

Happily engaged but god damn!!!

>Taxing the "underweight"

No, please don't. I'm just naturally twiggy because I work a shit manual labor job that only works a select few muscle groups instead of making you buff all around.

5'11" 128lbs.

Also I'd fuck all of them.

>not eating five small meals a day

Ever been outside in the european or north american wilderness? You're tripping over food literally everywhere. Small game, berries, shit, you name it. And we were farming root veggies and grains before we had anything that could pass for a city. Food was scarcer, but people who could ate at least something every day.

>you will never have sex then cuddle with 40%

So... uh.... where those 200% women at?

thats disgusting shes fat in her belly

Implying 100% isn't the best of that chart. I personally am intrigued to see 100-300%.

Technically the smokers and obese that everyone gets so worked up about cost the system less on average due to dying younger.

It's not like boogie is going to live to 100 in nursing home paid for by taxes, on social security, medicare, medicaid etc


As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Gimmie that -30 to -20 man. I want the S T I C C. Shame it's so hard to come by down here

Don't go all science on us. Emotion. Smoking and fat bad!

I'm for taxing more to healthy people. They're a larger burden on society. The fatter and un healthier you are, the less you pay.

And carbon tax. Does anyone understand the "horrible" carbon footprint of someone that is fit? Not only are they living longer (drain on resources, carbon "pollution"), think about the carbon pollution excess per day.

>Wake up in the morning, drink a shake after paying $5 carbon offset fee.
>Swipe to leave the house for a jog- $10 carbon offset fee.
>Jog took longer than expected- $7.50 carbon offset fee.
>Eat breakfast - same offset fee as everyone.
>Bike to work- $20 offset fee. Choosing to create more pollution and then needing to consume more carbon polluting food fee.

Way too bored greentexting. Every food and activity needs to be carbon taxed, then taxed for health benefit, then taxed again for longer expected life, then taxed more because they can.

Yeah, fat tax atleast, but it should change as you get older because old people have an excuse. This should only be if socialized medicine is a must though

Congrats OP, you just invented insurance.

noice idea, but there is 0% chance of u getting away with that shit

>this absolutely floats my goat

taxation is theft