Is veganism worse then the meth epidemic?
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Yup, veganism is making whites weaker.
But the meth epidemic is pretty bad.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Veganism is good it's just easy to not eat enough because of all the fiber and high volume foods.
If you could get the methheads to eat a few times a week they would be healtier then the vegan.
>Veganism is good
Get out
Veganism really does increase your life expectancy. Whites should go vegan. Most of these skinny nogainz are vegans who also happen to be hippies who have an aversion to work, so they are weak and poor.
Don't fall for the meat/sugar/preservative/process Jews.
>aversion to work
Did you watch the fucking video he could not lift the watermelon even though he was trying.
Is this intentionally ironic?
Eating only fruit is a terrible diet. It's even worse than general vegetarianism, most of them at least have the sense to look for protein sources in the vegetables.
I've seen vegan bodybuilders with pretty awesome physiques, so obviously this guy is just doing it wrong or he has really shitty genetics.
>Eating only fruit is a terrible diet.
Exactly what is going to happen to these people and how long will they be able to live like this?
>Veganism is good
>it's just easy to not eat enough
If you have a hard time just surviving and not starving on a diet I would say it is not good.
Plato's Republic promotes not feeding the plebs meat as a way of enslaving them and weakening them, and as always whites go along with whatever they are told to do.
Even if he ate like a non-faggot, he would never look good. He's got the worst pec and ab insertions I've ever seen. Like a third of his torso is un-muscled. WTF
Except alot of black people are vegan and vegetarian
>I've seen vegan bodybuilders with pretty awesome physiques,
Steroids are vegan though and people lie about what they are really doing. How are you going to prove you don't eat meat?
veganism is a fucking cancer
you can't even criticise it anywhere without 10 vegans coming out of the woodwork proclaiming meat rots in your intestines, milk is a hate crime and 30 bananas a day is the optimal human diet
it's a secular religion like communism and feminism
>Plato's Republic promotes not feeding the plebs meat
Didn't the Egyptians do the same thing only feeding the slaves grain?
>their hair looks like shit
>no hair on chest
>zero muscle tone
I come here and voted for trump. I'm not a communist nor a feminist. I just don't eat meat or dairy
my relative was a total nutter that was kind of a new age cultist. she knew tons of these people that were on extreme vegan diets for their 'vibrational' benefits. every single one of these people that I met when I was a kid are dead. all of them.
I would imagine they just did that because meat is really expensive. You can't be feeding your slaves steak every night. And some people would literally die on a vegan diet, like Eskimos who get vitamin D from meat.
I think people should eat a primarily vegetable diet but it's retarded to pointlessly rid your self of animal products. Nothing wrong with some cheese and meat every now and again.
>about 1 million vegans in the USA, not all white
>200 millions whites in the USA
>veganism is making whites weaker
Libertarianism is also pretty bad. Probably worse than the meth.
vitamin deficiencies
>every vegan is a fringe psycho fruitarian
They are literally starving their brain making them retarded. The only way to keep up a big brain and big body is to cook food.
why is he abusing that watermelon?
Theres your problem. I eat a normal diet without animal products. Youre acting like all vegans are raw fruitarians
Fruitarian diet is not healthy at all. Most humans throughout history only got fruit during the summer months, and that was the limit of their sugar intake. Eating it all the time without natural fats is fucking stupid.
Autism reddit kikery
>I would imagine they just did that because meat is really expensive. You can't be feeding your slaves steak every night.
But people did not eat grains until only like 100,000 years ago.
>modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years
Which means for 100,000 of years they had another food supply.
Eating it all the time is fine. Eating it as 90% of your diet isnt
>without animal products
pick one. where do you get your normal b12 supplements by the way?
the only acceptable vegans do it for purely moral reasons and don't judge others who choose to live as the natural omnivores they are
farming only started after last ice age about 10k years ago, before that people were hunter gatherers. I.e game, fruit, fish, some plants
>pick one
Flyover that puts ass smelling shredded pulp "cheese" on everything detected
Eh only cold places get fruit during the summer only. I live in Florida and can get fruit year around in the wild. I'm sure it's the same for places in Africa and other warm areas.
The vegans that aren't doing it solely "for the animals" are usually the ones who use veganism to cover up an eating disorder. Like the faggot in OP's pic
Dude is lifting a 3 kg watermelon and cant catch his breath, kek
>100,000 years ago
I know it was less then that and there are populations who still survive like that now. That is just the oldest grain that was ever found.
Did you know it was illegal to gaze at the sun in the ancient world? Coincidence? I think not, it's the man trying to keep us down with food, we should just get our energy directly from the sun.
I bet a lot of people will start doing this in the coming years....
I do it purely for health reasons desu. Animal products cause beetus, cancer, constipation, and other diseases
vegan all the time is overdoing it, one month meat and one month as a cleanse is the way to go.
B12 is in trace amounts of plenty of plant foods, it's also to be more prevalent in the soil and water
You can also synthesize from your literal shit. It's a bacteria. Nothing outside anprim autism is even natural
Nigger what? Meat is the cheapest thing out there. I get 1 lb of chicken for 1.79 CAD, which is like 2 quarter fucken chickens. Now compare that to vegetables which are like 5 bucks a pound, equaling to about 200 calories. And if you want your proper fats and buy avocados, then you're payin out the ass.
Fuck vegans and their expensive horseshit.
This idiot is gonna fuck himself up
dat fivehead tho
>5 bucks a pound
Stop living in commiefornia. You can buy rice, beans, and oatmeal for dirt fucking cheap too in bulk
You can get seeds and nuts for fats for dirt cheap as well.
>disdain for rural people
yep, it's a vegan alright
go spend $40 on avocado toast
These are idiots not vegans.
Vegan is the only way forward, so put down you crayons and your jar of vaseline and grow the fuck up.
If you want clean pussy, have a clean body, if you want a clean body, mind and conscience become vegan.
the sooner you do it the better chance you have of not getting purified
>I just watched a 7 minute video of a mentally unhinged she-skeleton stomping around in her bathtub
What the fuck am I doing with my life.
>I think not, it's the man trying to keep us down with food,
But it is not a conspiracy grain is literally not fit for human consumption.
And saturate fat from animals is not bad for you.
You literally believe everything the government tells you don't you? Do you have like any idea how fucking incompetent and corrupt the government is?
LOL this guy is built like one of those iceniggers from game of thrones, all shriveled skin and shit
I wonder how tiny his dick and balls have shriveled up?
Equating flyover with rural is extremely bigoted of you
Flyover is an attitude, a way of life. Milk drinkers
it's actually not desu
protein is always the most expensive, meat included. grains are always going to be cheaper until we can synthesise meat on a massive scale
she looks seriously unhealthy. he looks like an average weak beta cuck, i'm pretty used to seeing that around here DESU so its nothing out of the ordinary to me.
>tfw i eat eggs and red meat everday
>looks younger than I am
>no wrinkles
>havent been to the doctor in 12 years
>im 37
Meat was expensive in the ancient world, and is still expensive in third world countries. Obviously meat is cheap in America and western countries but that has not always been the case. If you go to any third world country they eat a primarily vegetarian diet out of necessity not choice, and as a result third worlders often have B12 deficiencies and other vitamin deficiencies.
Theirs a documentary about sun gazers, some Indian Guru promotes it and the camera crew follows him and catches him eating at a buffet. These people are starving themselves and staring at the sun in place of eating food.
>grain is literally not fit for human consumption
I guess that's why it's been the basis of essentially every human civilization. Better throw away that oatmeal, it's not good for me!! Lol what a load of bullshit
>you literally believe everything the government tells you to?
As opposed to some fathead retard whose argument is some kikes paid by Egg Council creeps to shill on Youtube?
Also standing in the sun is actually extremely good for you and actually prevents more skin cancer then it causes.
And your body has a circadian rhythm that can be set with direct UV rays from the sun giving you better sleep and less depression
Do you guys think this bitch really stomps her clothes like this? And wtf wouldnt she get raped to death in ecuador?
>also did this video naked
well lads peace out bye
>You can buy rice, beans, and oatmeal for dirt fucking cheap too in bulk
I said vegetables you twat. So you're argument is instead of eating roasted chicken with potatoes, I should eat rice with beans like some kind of mestizo slave in colonial Spain? No thanks.
>You can get seeds and nuts for fats for dirt cheap as well.
Not untrue, however the fats in seeds and nuts and polyunsaturated which is garbage. You want to consume saturated fat, which come from meat, or those goofy ass expensive avacados that nu males and mulattoes love so much.
No its for midwestern morons that eat food that tastes like garbage and thats bad for you but wont stop because reasons
>essentially every human civilization
What are Eskimos, Sami. and, Native Americans What did they eat you fucking retard you think it was fucking whole grain?
They ate meat you dumb fucking bitch that is why that faggot fuck can't life a watermelon.
Why can't people just be moderate and balanced? Why do they have to go from one extreme to another?
>Stop eating all meat and dairy
>No that's retarded we should only eat meat and vegetables but not bread
Moderation doesn't sell diet books, nor the idea of a magic bullet. It's easier to believe in that next fad than to just consistently do good things.
Canada is another commie shithole
>i said vegetables
>which is garbage
Nigger what? That's easily one of the healthiest types of fats. Also shop at the spic markets their avocados are always less than a dollar
as a way of life, it's a stereotype applied to rural whites. you see rural, apply stereotype. label first, question later (if ever). same with white trash or nigger
this is just a defense mechanism for people to claim they're rational when they're not, because not being so would lose them upper class face
It actually is, "desu".
I just told you, for 1.79 CAD a day I can eat 2 roasted quarter chickens like a fucking Mongolian warlord, while you eat your pleb-tier grains full of added sugars and preservatives.
Speaking of grains, a loaf of bread is anywhere from 2 - 5 dollars - and that's just the bread alone, which I cannot make a full meal out of as I can with the chicken.
>meat expensive in ancient world\
If you're a pleb or a shitskin then maybe. My ancestors were Hunters and fisherman, and ate meat constantly, almost never eating vegetables. As a matter of fact, for my people, farmers were seen as feminine and weak, and toiling the land was seen as dishonorable.
Uh burning your eyes out is not good for you
Some people, for whatever reason, just feel better when they stick to veggies, fruit and fish. By no means is this appropriate for the general population, however
>meat tastes like garbage
stop false flagging as a republican.
>not bread
Not saying avoid all grain, I am just saying that whole wheat and brown rice is terrible because of the lectins in the plants. It is why we bothered making white rice and white bread in the first place. This is what the french eat high fat diet and white bread they are perfectly healthy doing so. Just look at this woman here who had an extreme reaction the plant proteins they break down gut walls and cause a massive immune response.
>What are Eskimos, Sami, and Native Americans
Nonetheless the overwhelming majority of civilizations have subsided on grains. It's certainly not "unfit for human consumption"
Refined grains like white bread are not good, yes, white rice isn't some health food either, but whole grains are perfectly fine. Oatmeal, barley, whole wheat, all good
If you go vegan, you'll end up looking like this. Trust me, I've seen it happen.
Besides that, veganism is for women.
>Plato's Republic promotes not feeding the plebs meat as a way of enslaving them and weakening them, and as always whites go along with whatever they are told to do.
What? I thought Plato advocated veganism because meat was a luxury in that time period and he wanted to avoid decadence among the lower classes as it would inevitably lead to war.
Im talking about those cheese eggs and meat filled cassoroles that taste like utter shit. I grew up in the south but i lived in the midwest for a year and never forgot.
>hurr you cant be a right wing vegetarian
>what is Hitler
>Eating it as 90% of your diet isnt
I literally said without natural fats.
I literally said "throughout history" as in, 10's of thousands of years of history. Not all peoples live in those areas and even the ones that do eat natural fats as well.
Veganism is for little babies. I purify myself by shooting fair-trade coffee (cold press brewed of course) up my asshole.
>Nigger what? That's easily one of the healthiest types of fats
You would think that polyunsaturated pleb fats are healthier than saturated, because you are an imbecile. You could not be more wrong. You have been lied to pleb, because slaves don't deserve to eat meat.
>Also shop at the spic markets their avocados are always less than a dollar
I don't live around fuckign spics you mestizo. And I would put that piece of shitskin food in my mouth if you paid me.
Yea semantics, because we all know the nutritional make up of vegetables and rice are indistinguishable.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Who were your people the fucking nobility?
I doubt all of them were, I'm sure you had 99 percent commoner ancestors, and guess what? They ate primarily grains, cereal, and vegetables.
> I can eat 2 roasted quarter chickens like a fucking Mongolian warlord, while you eat your pleb-tier grains full of added sugars and preservatives.
I'm not a vegan
it's just a fact that meat and protein in general is more expensive. compare it calorie to dollars. even the cheapest meat won't outdo grain simply because of the sheer amount that can be grown. grain is the basis of civilization because it's cheap calories and no other reason
I didn't say it was healthy though
Is he fuckin that watermelon?
>>what is Hitler
a socialist.
those would taste like heaven to anybody who has gone without meat and milk for years
so you're a vegan and do not supplement?
Women like this are fucking crazy, and dudes like this are just playing along to fuck those women right?
>whole grains are perfectly fine. Oatmeal, barley, whole wheat, all good
no, seeWe stripped the poisonous part out of the plant that contained lectins which is a plant toxin to make them white. That was the reason we even bothered. White rice is healthier then whole grains look that is a like all the fucking Japanese ate 50% white rice diet and they were fine and so were the french. The plants literately contain a fucking poison lectins.....
Just eat half-right and exercise
Avocados are mostly monounsaturated fats.
>I dont live aroung fucking spics
Your loss in this case. Takis are GOAT bud
>vegetables and rice are indistinguishable
Depends on what you're looking for I suppose. Broccoli is cheap, broccoli sprouts are even cheaper. You're shopping at yuppie markets. Most vegetables aren't expensive, especially the best ones. Sweet potatoes are also god tier
I've never craved vegetables or fruits in my times of need I'll tell ya that.
>If you go to any third world country they eat a primarily vegetarian diet out of necessity not choice
t. burger education
Milk is disgusting. We arent baby cows nigga
This. Veganism, pescatarian, or just a mostly plant based diet is proven to increase life expectancy and prevent an endless number of diet related illnesses
You guys realise that the jews will make veganism mandatory 50-80 years from now, right? For the goyim, that is.
I will have to look into that. I'm just doubtful of diets that try to utterly revolutionize human cuisine.
fucking brainwashed vegan.
if you aren't lactose intolerant you have no excuse
The problem is most of them don't supplement what they are missing with vitimans.