Japan gets it right again?

Is Japan way ahead of the western-world in terms of porn consumption?

They do not allow the clear viewing of genitals which makes the curiosity to see the real deal grow exponentially.

Whaddya think?

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Race traitor

>makes the curiosity to see the real deal grow exponentially
Why are they not fucking then?

3D porn is kinds shit

they live on a tiny island and have the highest population density in the world (outside of manhattan I believe)

a population decrease is only natural

The censorship legislation was pushed by macarthur. It only applies to jav intended for domestic sale.

clearly the jews have got to you, canacuck

I was thinking today, at least in 2D porn no one is debasing themselves, except maybe the artist. All porn should be discouraged, but I think if one would be able to be stopped completely and not the other, it would probably be better to only have 2D.
I think that's only in Tokyo. There's a lot of countryside in Japan too.

why do half ricers all look like vulcans

nein, (((they))) just suspended my twitter account today.

>The censorship legislation was pushed by MacArthur
why? i want to see jap porn but that censorship shit ruins it for me.

you can't just urbanize the entirety of a nation, it becomes a hollow shithole

Japanese porn-face sucks.



There's varying degrees. Some producers are borderline uncensored

i swear the second that dick goes in its like they are dosed with cosby juice; they are all half asleep

SAGE same fag that posts asian threads, fuck off shill

my first asian thread post ever
my last thread post was about furries invading my city.

go kys m8

I'm not promoting that to start with though. I'm just saying that they're not fucking despite the fact that you think pixels make seeing the real thing more appealing. I got to the point where I didn't even notice pixelation really quickly.
The whole idea of population decrease being a crisis is an invention of (((the economically minded))). Those with a spiritual orientation (Mushi-shi fans) will get through.

No...you can see genitals as long as it's not sex between two humans. Which is why you get tentacle and furry porn....or they fly to Taiwan to film.

How can white women even compete?

also you hide your flag:
you are clearly a faggot

Except it has the opposite effect. Japan has one of the lowest birthrates in the world. Their men refuse to date, let alone marry. The idea that genitals are taboo furthers the fear instead of curiosity.

I need a chinky wife, getting fucking sick of being single, hate women with tats and fucked up hair/liberalism, start a happa nazi family out in the boonies, I think 12 kids is the ideal number.

Basicly you could post japan porn on Sup Forums without breaking the rules

I would feed that tiny pancake to my tiny jap wife as her only meal

> I'm just saying that they're not fucking despite the fact that you think pixels make seeing the real thing more appealing.

Don't be so daft; they are a litany of reasons they aren't fucking- two nukes being a prime contender.
Simply pointing out a positive attribute of their culture, strawman comments aside.

>The whole idea of population decrease being a crisis is an invention of (((the economically minded))). Those with a spiritual orientation (Mushi-shi fans) will get through.

This I agree with 100%

If you are white, you need a white wife.

The countryside only has retirees and hicks because lolnojobs

Also, interestingly, the fertile country girl with more kids than she can afford is a thing in Japan. They live in the Japanese equivalent to american trailers. No central AC or heat. Rotting wood floors. Sometimes poor access to water. Best jobs available are small time retail, agriculture, and telecommuting, but that dad drives to the train station and heads off to tokyo anyways. Even though he never sees his family because of that and sometimes has to sleep and eat at a train station instead of going home because of the length of his commute and the length of his shifts. All those kids move to tokyo and make the problem worse, or move over here to the US, which is where I got my sister in law who came from a family of 8 japanese hicks.

By having tits

How the fuck did they overpopulate and maintain a high average QI when, by all science, they should be the least fertile people on earth and give birth to retarded, microcephalic, undernourished babies because they have no phsyical evidence of high female hormone levels and no hip fat to draw energy from during pregnancy


they could just look at western porn or wikipedia or someshit

I wanna see the pussy. Can't stand pixel shit Jap porn

The population issue is because of their obsessive work culture.

2D promotes healthy habits and fitness

alien gook looks mixed with white upper body strength?

3dpd must be tossed aside in favor of glorious 2d

Don't fucking tempt me with that. I live in MA, women like that go to the cities to be sluts. Women who love their country are married by 20, ruined by college, or move away.

There are no wives in Massachusetts.