Liberal here!

Liberal here!

Can someone tell me what you guys are actually about? Are you really Nazis? Why would anyone be a Nazi? An evil ideology that killed jews for no reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

You'll find out if you neck yourself

>Liberal here.

Go away. These boards aren't for the likes of you.

Sup Forums is a board of peace!

Praise Anders Breivik! vroom vroom! Gas chambers, race war, etc

Lurk moar and you will find out

It's all satire here.

>for no reason

Real NAZIs would have taken the streets decades ago. So no, unless you're media, then yes.
Hitler killed jews for no reason? Really? He just woke up one day?
Sit down faggot, Sup Forums is going to tell you a story.

Sit down, user. I got this.

Lol no reason.

Hey user, what percentage of Soviet commissars were Jews?

I'm a nationalist socialist if that's what you mean.

Conservative here!

Can someone tell me what you guys are actually about? Are you really Socialists/Communists? Why would anyone be a socialist/communist? An evil ideology that killed slavs, chinks, gooks, etc for the sake of classless society?

There WAS a reason, but typhus killed the jews. Nature is with us.

When not playing detective I like spend my time trying to push the left into killing the right.
I am hoping they will start bombing again.

What is pol actually about?

Well, I've been around Sup Forums since before it was Sup Forums. It started as a something awful image hosting sight that moot copied from 2chan because he was 16 and didn't know shit about shit.

Luckily, M00ts naivety and neglect allowed Sup Forums to become a place of free speech and child porn.

After years of fighting the pedo's away, all that was left was free speech.

Now, there are two types of people attracted to free speech. One is trolls, because lulz. The other is every person with severe autism. Because Sup Forums had the freest speech online, and most autistic manchildren interact primarily through the computer, Sup Forums became a magnet for autism.

However, most of the Sup Forums user base was happy to shitpost and got tired of dealing with all the fucking autists that kept ruining threads. So, the mods decided to create a board on Sup Forums dedicated to free speech in it's purest form to quarantine the autists from ruining the website.

Because although autists are great at arguing trivial bullshit to death, no one else gives a shit.

The first threads on Sup Forums were mostly harmless discussions of World War 2, which is most autists favorite subject to be autistic about.

Until one day, when a troll from Sup Forums asked the WW2 autists how many jews died in the holocaust.

That simple troll spawned an autistic frenzy that quickly escalated into full autism heil hitler 14/88.

Eventually the JIDF showed up and started trolling / shilling / sliding the conversation to protect their interests. However, autists are immune to such attacks.

Eventually the trolls from Sup Forums found other targets to drag here. With the influx of shills, this board was a fun place to be for many many years.

Then m00t sold Sup Forums and the (((moderators))) killed true free speech here. That led the autists to move on to other chan's.

Now, all that's left is a bunch of brown people roleplaying as Nazi's, because - ironically - White people aren't racist.

>no reason


Some are ironically nazis
some are unironically nazis
some are white nationalist
some are larpers
some are left wing
some are right wing

some are here for sick memes like me


Stick around and lurk to get a good perspective of us. At the very least, if you disagree you can learn to deconstruct our arguments better than most liberals could.

About a month of so and you should get a good idea. Welcome to your new home



my fuhrer is better than yours
he was so cool it took the fuhrer himself to kill the fuhrer

checkmate whitey


>suspenders attached to a belt

what was meant by this?
>Girls in homes without a biological father are more likely to hit puberty at an earlier age, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

You say they moved to other Chans... as which?

>Can someone tell me what you guys are actually about

Sup Forums 4fun and 4friends :D

Sup Forums is a board with many different political ideologies but the thing they all have in common is they're in some way,shape, or form nationalistic and have a lot of pride for their country or deeply want to fix it. They all want to make good money and be in an economy where it's not going to go to shit because Shekelberg decided to make bank off crashing economies.

There should be a shit load of soviets beating them up in the second panel

Fuck off nigger


I'm an observer who doesn't mind the rise of a not primarily racially based hybrid of nationalism and socialism springing up, with US hegemony.

>1 post

we are about posting only once in a thread. just like you

They tried to do that with a statue

nobody will read this

>An evil ideology
>that killed jews
Holohoax you talking about?
>for no reason.

>pic related
Coming from the man who made holocaust denial illegal I think his words have merit. Also worth noting is the Soviet Union population was only 1.8% Jewish.

>killed jews for no reason
you know very little of history or of the jews.

I'm just here for the spicy memes, like Pepe the Frog, he's so cute

i was going to prove you wrong, but gave up half way in.


>killed jews
>no reason


No reason he says.


I feel as if this image fits the description of what your looking for.

Just got to look at south africa to get an idea of sweden's future.

If youre triggered by anything, we dont care fuck off
Debate us on something and prove us wrong, i dare you, you cant,

Noone is actually a nazi. Nazi's died off 70 years ago. there are few skinheads here but they are irrelevant. the partisan right is exactly that, from conservatives to libertarians. and not what your shitty media push as "nazis". Liberals have a lot to learn.

Many people are here to talk about stuff, satire or not, you can't talk about anywhere else due to the PC dictatorship.

>hello anpn can i stay here ?
>sure but first
>let me tell you about the jews

Thumbnail posters go first on dotr

lmao, cry more fags