Anyone else want to see negro beat down obnoxious lumbesexual mma fighter
Anyone else want to see negro beat down obnoxious lumbesexual mma fighter
Floyd's head os so small compares to Connors
I may dislike nonwhites but I only TRULY hate obnoxious manlets
down with coonan mcgrooby
NO my lucky charms are on McGregor!
>the virgin undefeated boxer / the chad cross-sport mma fighter
They're fighting for Soros' kike bucks
its already know that Conor is going to lose for the sake of the narrative.
>Being the champ
>Needing bodyguards
Cassius Clay is disappointed.
the nigger will win, but only by cowardly shucking and jiving as usual
These faggots still haven't fought yet? Wtf they have been shilling this shit for months!
It's not true that black men are universally better fighters than whites. Rocky Marciano used to beat these mullianas into gravy.
Floyd is winnings this for sure,floyd is one of the bst of all time in this sport
>troll libtards who will interpret Notorious' win as an act of racism on par with Atlanta's hilarious Superbowl meltdown.
that's how (((they))) get $$ from it.
Floyd Nigweather is going to turtle up and dance around the ropes the entire match, and the sad part is that he'll win because of it. Boxing is a dumb sport.
Both are extremely annoying but I hope the mcgregor wins
that's the point of boxing, to outclass the other boxer. given that, mayweather is an amazing athlete, you just don't understand the sport like an uncouth trolling Stupid!
well it will probably happen considering that he is only boxing and nothing else will be allowed lol
This Saturday.
Both Mayweather and McGregor walk away with nearly $100 million from this fight, win or lose
>boxing isn't about boxing
>it's about grace and other stupid shit
Apparently you don't know about Dempsy and real boxing.
I know they're going to box, but I hope Mayweather fights McGregor.
After the racial cracks they made at each other if he runs he'll be called a punk forever.
>fight shilling
fuck off
I hope Mcgregor beats him till he's hamburger meat.
>want to see negro -
No. Fuck niggers
All in on Maywheter
As are his hands.
Fixed match
Racial jokes? Source?
Is Google broken, faggot?
I hope for the mutual destruction of both conflicting parties
first off, thanks for introducing me to Dempsey. that guys insane! secondly, the word "outclass" in boxing typically means to beat another boxer at their own boxing style, i.e, to beat another slugger at with your own skills in slug boxing. I think you got that mixed up a bit. regardless, what a copout for mayweather to pick such an easy target such as McGregor for his last fight
Both are niggers.
There was nothing racist about what McGregor said. Mayweather is just being a typical black and playing the victim.
They're both pro fighters with pro managers and pro advertising teams.
Doesn't matter who loses, both their bank accounts have already won.
The last time mayweather fought an Irishman he was left with broken ribs and had to cancel his fight
The last time Conor went up against a black man he was left without his wallet.
I'd like to see them kiss. That chocolate dong was made for pasty Irish ass.
Niggers don't need big skulls when their brains are pea sized.
yes, too loud mouth degenerate divas going against. the potato nigger even more obnoxious
they've been shilling about as long as the "nazi marching" narrative has been running through the news cycle, and towards the tail end of the "muh russia" narrative hit the bricks -- really makes you think...
what saddens me is how this "welfare" poor boy who came up in life didn't learn jack shit about life as he came into fame and fortune! looks like it got to his head with first paycheck and now it's nothing but narcissism/ego/entitlement spewing out of him, at least mayweather playing a character and shows both on and off personalities but McGregor is just pure garbage 24/7 no matter what Media he is on. I hope he gets his teeth knocked out so he gets his ego in check
thanks for doing it, bitch. u know ur role and place.
I give Mcgee has a .01-2% chance of winning, if I'm being generous 5% max
UBERMENCH FLOYD will fuck that wh*Te dogs ass
Muh dick: the multibillion dollar hbo drama
lmao true
That nigger can't even read.
Amazing huh ?
I put 3k on his ass no way I'm gonna let that nigger win
boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy
It would certainly put things in their natural order.
It's a boxing match and there is only one boxer here.
Mcgregor fucked up agreeing for this fight, should have been MMA then Floyd would get sent back to Africa.
Either way they will make more money in few minutes than any of us in whole lifespan.
Don't know why any of you would expect anything different from the Pacquiao match.
Floyd will win this easily. He literally has 99% to win this match.
not sure waht to expect but im exciting as hell for this fight
depressed prefrontal cortex is indicative of afro heritage.
also, on average they have some of the smallest intracranial capacities. No one beats abos though.
it is going to be extremely boring for everyone involved.
floyd will win. hes been a boxer his entire life.
connor wont know whats comin to him
mcgooger will do a spinning back-kick right of that little maltesers head in the 3rd round.
>this fight still hasnt happened yet
damn boxing is bullshit, are they going to hype this fight for 3 goddamn years before they finally do it?
No wonder MMA is catching on, at least they advertise a fight because the fight is really happening soon and then move on to the next event.
This boxing marketing campaign is atrocious.
hoping for a Zab Judah V. Mayweather -tier chimpout
He fucked up? Since when is $100 million for one fight a fuck up
>Media will try to racially promote it
>If connor wins, blacks will chimp out
>If mayweather wins, Trumps friend wins
Either way it will be a win.
Also, both act like fucken apes, and i bet 50 on connor KOing him in first round because the turn around is insane. All it takes is 1 good punch. Mayweather is 40 and McGreggor knows he can't spar with him. He just needs to go crazy for the first 2 min swinging.
mcgregor is going to start the fight with confidence but will be demoralized by round 3 and mayweather might even knock him out.
When is this going to be user???
Maynigger will win by arbitrary decision, screencap this
That's floyds boxing style. He's extremely boring to watch but it obviously works. He's 49-0
They should have allowed them to fight how they want, that's how MMA etc started, it was boxers vs skinny martial artists etc and then John McCain the fucking cuck ruined it all
I'm praying conor knocks him out but if he doesn't do it in round one or two floyd is going to wear him down and probably finish him
Connor is going to put mayweather to bed before the 4th round. Look at MMA vs boxing and the damage given and received. Mayweather fights with pillows on his hands. He's not used to a real fighter or McGregor's unorthodox technique. Connor moves like water and is unpredictable.
>The ONLY way Connor McGregor loses is if he kicks, knees, or elbows Mayweather.
I'm expecting a long, boring fight of Mayweather dancing around the ring not getting punched like every single one of his fights
It will come down to decision and Mayweather will win
Connor McGregor is going to kill him.
the fight is rigged.
For months now (((they))) have been pushing a racial agenda of white vs black.The tensions are high. White pride is on the rise.
so the fight will go like this. Match begins, Maynigger runs around the ring like a nigger gang punching someone and running away. McGregor during the 3rd round looses himself and commits an illegal move, being disqualified. Maynigger turns this into WWF and asks to continue the fight. The official fight has ended and over, offical betting houses give out the bet winners money.
during the 7th round McGregor knocks maynigger out. Niggers that bet on May, ask for their money. Whites refuse to pay since McGregor won. race war.
Irishmen are the only people with skulls thicker than a nigger.
No. And why would you say such a thing? Envious? Conor in the third you fag. Make sure you have a box of tissues handy to wipe away your tears also, bitch.