Why the fuck is the twitter pol shilling Amazon? Are they the Jew now?
Maybe they're just trying to feed and house themselves you ungrateful fuck
oy vey, the goyim know.
>pic related
Who? Amazon's CEOs?
then they can do it without dropping Sup Forums everywhere
fuck that faggot
what the fuck....
Hahaha! It's like I'm on Sup Forums!
First you faggots care about ecelebs and now you shill for some random fucking twitter account? Christ, nu-pol is cancer.
GET UR LOLZ ON AT Sup Forums.org
This is not the same Sup Forums news network.
Different user, much more cringe, less edge.
Kosher shabbos goy pol.
Is this the faggot who tweets out people's jokes from here and doesn't give credit?
Aka every pol user with a Twitter handle.
You queers disgust me.
Oy goys! They found us! Lets take off to Israel! Pronto! Get the Shekels! Oy vey!
>give credit
It's an anonymous image board. Nobody is supposed to get credit or recognition for anything here.
That faggot running the account is nothing but an attention whore. He's gotten BTFO in threads he's made himself yet refuses to stop his faggotry because he's a normie addicted to likes and retweets.
Who's he supposed to give credit to, exactly? "Anonymous poster"?
Everyone thinks it's more than one person running the account lol. It's only one guy, Levi. I know him personally.
Also this isn't his account. It's someone else.
I'll bet he brags about it non stop. Whats the kike look like?
Not the same account as Sup ForumsNewsNetwork tho. At least it seems like it.
The post quality is much more shit, and totally kosher. No more redpills for normies it seems.
Ann Coulter used to follow PNN before the bans.
What the fuck is the problem? If you don't like people making money, go back to /leftypol/.
>Sup Forums twitter accounts
the absolute state of this boards
He has been on Brittany Pettibones YouTube channel mutiple times. I actually usef to help with the but it's true, he is an attention seeking fag. One day he just stopped responding to me.
typos baka. used to help with the account*
Spooky proclamation.
That ungrateful bastard. What's his last name or some alternate accounts?
>big-timing people in our little movement
Fuck that nigger.
Butt. Hurt. Detected.
This is not Levi Smith's account. Levi ran his account very well. This guy is way more cringy.
>Democrats are the real racists
What the fuck is he supposed to feel grateful for, you fucking fruit?
Literally everyone with the word "pol" in their twitter handle and some sort of kekistan flag is a redditor. Just like that #free kekistani account or some shit shilling out their faggy shirts in every tweet
>Levi Smith
Wait, his identity has been known and has not dead yet? Why the hell not? That guy is cancer incarnate as far as flooding Sup Forums with newfag normies.
This is a new account, the old account got banned
The old account was legit, but this guy sounds a lot like a controlled op, beware
His house has been broken into apparently.
Levi is a good guy. He got fucking Donald Trump Jr. to follow his pol news account.
Apparently he doesn't like getting called out.
Typical jewish behavior.
I think this image says everything.
Polnation was shut down.
It's a trap.
It's probably a controlled op now
They shutdown the other pol twitters and put up this fake one
shill disinfo campaign.