San Francisco ' Freedom Rally '
Crissy Field Beach, CA
Starts at 2pm
Alt Right expected to show up in full force.
Identity Evropa to show up
don't do retarded roman salutes this time pls
Hope the Antifa faggots dont ruin your fun
They have already caught wind of the event
let's get ready to rrrrrrrrrumbllllee
Let's do it faggot. But the other user is right. Don't bring your nazi LARPing shit. Good optics, good times, good outcome. I just hope this terrorist son of bitch, pic related, doesn't show up. All hell will break loose
I hope another commie dies but by their own fault of the wheel.
literally one day after this , is an alt right rally
at Berkeley
It will be taking place at the Martin Luther King Jr Park, Berkeley ,CA , at 1pm
1 shit show after another
>san Francisco
This is is like going inside the beehive and starting shit
Heres the flyer
for Berkeley
This poster is a false flag made to make us look bad
Report and sage
It white guys vs AIDS patients and their variety pack of untermensch. It wouldn't be fair otherwise
Another fake poster by /leftypol/ infiltrator
>false flag to make us look bad
>posting on Sup Forums
>being this new
Obvious shill, look at the imagery you are putting in your fake posters
You fooled us once with Charlottesville, you won't fool us again
Fuck me sideways. What are you doing?
>looks at posters
>mfw i have no face
Hello /leftypol/ shill, you're fucking obvious, nobody is falling for your controlled op shit again
>I'm fresh off the S.S. Reddit: The Post
We know you've only been here since Gombuld Grompf got elected. Stop posting and start lurking
It's a fuckin' /leftypol/ shill trying to make us look bad
Anyone who goes along with the imaginary nazi psyop is a useful idiot.
Exactly what a leftypol shill would say
Holy fuck you are dumb, I've been here forever
Look at the fuckin posters, /leftypol/ literally created this shit
You are literal cancer
go kill yourself multiple times
Nobody is falling for your shit leftypol shill, go ahead and keep trying to bait people
Yeah right. Go back to modding RTD you stupid nigger
>being this new
Why do so many people with gadsden and ancap flags have the same mental process as commie faggots?
Lol, we all know that both the alt-right 'nazis' and the 'antifa' are both paid actors sponsored by George Soros. Soros just bet like 40 billion against the stock market, which keeps rising and rising. The old faggots have lost their touch and will soon be paupers.
You're dumb as fuck, look at the fuckin posters for fucks sake, this is exactly what /leftypol/ would spread to make us look bad.
Because they watch the news on summer break and come to Sup Forums to be edgy.
sure is summer in here
No, it's exactly what a typical user would make because it has a hint of self-depreciating irony. It turns a defeat into a victory but you're still so full of summer you don't even know how to construct a fucking meme you ignorant little fuck. I got some special bullets I made just for you, god damn nigger lover
>make a poster about making the alt-right look like terrorists
>calls me edgy
Fuckin hilarious fuck off back to /leftypol/ you fuckin shill
I'd kill you with my bare hands right now if you were here
You're either a fuckin shill yourself or an idiot, look at the posters and wake up
we will be there, on your side brother
Say the word nigger or faggot instead of shill over and over and over. It makes how new you are so painfully obvious
lol have fun punching the ground with your face after you catch a couple to the chest baby boy
>an alt right rally
>in one of the most liberal places on the planet
The only way this could be made worse was if it was in Detroit
Hold on let me finish your next sentence
What makes them even more scared is them not knowing who is and isn't one but they just call everyone a Nazi so it doesn't matter.
What the fuck did you say to me you little bitch
Don't Roman salute
Bring American flags
No Nazi larping
Put the good looking people in front
That's all you need to do for good optics
New episode hit me right in the feels. Doctor Murdoch is my spirit animal
If Antifa shows up, there will be blood spilled.
I have some friends who aren't even political going to counterprotest this because they heard "nazis will be there".
If I were you I just wouldn't show, then have them fight the cops
Can the Alt Right even make a presence in a state like Commifornia? I highly doubt it.
That's not what Iron Pill would do. We will fight for the pride of Europa, we are her children and we will not cede control of our destiny to hooknosed heebs and monkey men. Struggle is the very essence of life, how else does one exceed the limits of oneself? We will not give up, we will not be replaced.
Watch out
>newfag so new he wasn't here for battle of berkeley
Umm, Berekely anyone?
remember goys, civic nationalist in the streets, white nationalist in the sheets
> by their own fault
An alt-right guy chimping out? Perfect
Let's do it lads. If the (((globalists))) think we will be intimidated into silence, they have another fucking thing coming.
That was before everyone knew the Alt Right was just about white nationalism.
(((first post)))
Either you're a newfaggot who is WAY to far behind or you're a shitskin christcuck/oathcuck.
Either way kill yourself.
>5 months ago
Way after hillary and the media went after the alt-right, sorry newfag.
They really showed how controlled op they are with them attacking that dude defending some other kids meme signs.
Just like with the Nazi stuff who gains the most from turning both sides onto the only people who call them out?
I am with you 100%
but right now shitlibs are so riled up, you can just get them to do the work for you...the whole point of these is to get them to show up and chimpout so normies can see how hysteric they are
>behaving like a kike
No thanks. Pick a side and stand for it openly.
kikes seem to be doing all the winning, so yeah i think we should play the kikes game
but hey if some retard spergs out and gives the left more ammo, you can say i was right, if it goes 100% according to plan, you can say i was wrong
I'm too tall to be in the front though...
This, any person who thinks they are going to out sneak the master sneaks is naive. They fear you actually going out a shouting the truth.
The media would all paint it their way anyway, cucking has never worked and will never work. You're a bitch made redditor who cries about PR and you should probably go back.
> No Nazis, Communist, KKK, Antifa, white supremacist, I.E., or white nationalists. This is an opportunity for moderate americans to come in with opposing views. We will not allow the extremists to tear apart this country.
Specifically, Richard Spencer and NathanDamigo will not be welcome.
>Before you accuse Patriot Prayer as being hateful, please find specific examples. You will not find any hate speech, you are being lied to by corrupt politicians. SF is supposed to be a safe haven for minorities. If this is true then please be respectful to the speakers we are bringing in. 3 black, 2 hispanic, 1 asian, 1 Samoan, 1 muslim, 2 woman, and 1 white male.
Look at all that cucking.
Do they really think that's going to stop the Left from calling them Nazis?
>pls sir, fuck my wife, just don't call me a white supremacist!!
Have some fucking dignity.
>e-everyone look at my fascist flag while i advocate cucking insead of leading
Just end it you fucking faggot.
this is all staged. it's all a part of the show.
Ok faggot lol, you are losing to the jew because of jew tactics, yet you continue doing the same shtick that got you here in the first place?
Look at this cuck lmao...Damigo and Spencer have done far more for the movement than you or any of your cucky civic nationalist ever will.
Good luck re-inventing white nationalism for the 6 gorillionth time. Maybe this time the media might give you a fair hearing and not call you a nazi :)
be sure to bring weapons n shit
t antifa
>you are losing to the jew
Except every single """free speech""" and alt-right rally has grown in size you fucking mong. Keep on trying to subvert with your defeatist kike tactics though, it's very transparent. Need that fascist flag to hide the star of david i'm guessing.
Read this user your appearance is the most important thing, this is important aspect to get the normies, 0 nazi symbols, no salutes, no swastikas. The tallest and strongest must march in the front center.
Might as well show up and let the lead organizer
get all flustered because the alt right shows up.
It might even save some peoples lives.
yeah im sure your larp rally with nazi flags and roman salutes are going to be totally worth all the flack trump is going to catch while he MAGA's
to borrow a phrase you guys are like fat nerds at a comic book convention, you might feel happy to be with your buddies but everyone else sees you as fringe outcasts
if you were smart you would let the other side be the crazy ones
should be held at cissy field.
Atleast there you fags would fit in
Wait, are you saying we should be bringing our recreational McNukes? The day a man can no longer bring his recreational thermonuclear weapons to political gatherings is the day this country dies.
the media has you by the testicles
the venue reeks of federal goonery. dont go.
What a fucking obvious controlled op shill
These events are legit, but the fucking OP is trying to divide and conquer BEWARE
Do not spread these posters, they are designed to make us look bad, look at the official event material on google search
>t. leftypol shill
xDDD go fug urself
Holy fuckin leftypol
Summer fag , you are still in the thread?
that triangle means 3-parts woman
You're clearly leftypol. You haven't once said faggot or nigger. Ghosts would envy your transparency
but we do let them be the crazy ones??? lol when has an alt-lite cuckfest ever got national attention?
anyways enjoy hanging around with your kekistani flag rallying for "free speech" whatever the fuck that means
We will keep doing all the heavy lifting in the background for you, and you can feel like you're important in your little maga hat :)
What's the deal with the link in the OP though? I didn't click it because it looks funky
ok you are shilling
>a leftypol nigger calling me leftypol
Oh the hilarity
Kill yourself nigger
OP is a controlled op shill and so are you
Beware, it's an IP scanner
OP is leftypol trying to trick people
It's fuckin obvious
OP spreading fake posters and trying to get us to all dress up as Nazis so the media can make fools of us
im not a civic nationalist, i just know timing is everything. most of america have been mentally programmed to view our fallen enemies the nazis as being the literal worst thing ever, whether thats true or not doesnt matter (though im sure you in your replica hitler bunker knows better). the point is, most of america's whites are like guys who have lost their legs in a car accident and you are telling them to keep up with you while you sprint. not to mention you shit all over trump and put him in a no win situation everytime you emerge from the internet
You realize your crying like a bitch just makes us want to do it worse? lol
>IP scanner
lol my sides. Hope they don't back trace me. I'm looking at it through a remote virtualization box on someone else's network right now. Precisely what part is the "ip scanner?" lmfao
>san francisco
fake and gay rally, probably just gonna be a bunch of faggots moshing with dildos and fucking each other in the ass.