Channel 4 The State, a ISIS Soap Opera
> The State is a four-part television serial written and directed by Peter Kosminsky, dramatising the experiences of young British Muslims going to Syria to join Islamic State.

> Peter Kosminsky (born 21 April 1956) is a British writer, director and producer.
> Categories: British people of Polish descent : British Jews : Writers from London

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> The State is right to humanise Isis recruits. We need to understand
> What’s disconcerting throughout, making this drama all the more effective, is that amid the horrific, all-encompassing violence (the most gruesome of which mercifully stays off-screen), the protagonists are humanised.
> Rachel Shabi
She's a kike, isn't she?
> Rachel Shabi is a British journalist and author. Shabi was born to Iraqi Jewish parents and grew up in the UK. She studied politics and literature at the University of Edinburgh.
Of couuuurse

> Extremely British Muslims on Channel 4 tonight
> The documentary seeks to shed light on what it means to be a Muslim in modern Britain
Bongistan is a lost cause

Glorifying Isis, what a great proganda film. Channel4 is really trash now.

Have some sort of agenda, pal? How old are you? Are you dumb? Are you deaf? Can you think independently outside of your nazi programmming? When did you last call your mom? What would she think of this?
Have a thought experiment.
On a planet named Earth, let's say they have twelve countries, all twelve of these countries are fascist and expansionist.
After fifty years, how many countries are left? Zero, they wiped themselves out with no regard for their fellow man. Let that be a reminder to all you swedes who may support something like golden dawn or brits who may sympathize with hitler or mussolini. I've had a long night and soon a longer day after hearing of *my* presidents continued warmongering.

Is this a new pasta?

>US troops to anything
>Literal first worlders go to join terrorist organization and behead and mutilate civilians
Let's understand their powerful human struggle

>British people of Polish descent
more like jews that got kicked out from Poland

Those retarded gets

I wonder if they will show the MC beheading captive Christians and Shiites, raping his 9 year old Yazidi slave girl, or chanting about how much he wants to murder kikes.

lol I work in TV research and I'm assigned to British/Canadian TV, I've been waiting for Sup Forums to hear about The State

it's one thing to tell the stories of Muslims who fall into terrorist cells because they had no choice. it's another to tell the story of Muslims who literally seek out ISIS when they don't need to in the first place. there is no way to humanize anyone who willingly joins the ranks of the Islamic State. the Taliban and Al Qaeda aren't even as bad, wtf are the Brits thinking? do all of your networks just suck Sadiq Khan's dick now?

Bwahaha. Here at least they only make shows about them banging our women.

>it's another to tell the story of Muslims who literally seek out ISIS when they don't need to in the first place. there is no way to humanize anyone who willingly joins the ranks of the Islamic State

So it's not even to show them as zealots or retards? It's literally a whitewashing attempt for head cutters?

Jesus fucking christ.

> All the women are elegant but strong – independent heroines making a positive choice to sacrifice their freedom for the sake of their pious religious convictions. Joans of Arc, every one.
> All the men are sensitive and soft-spoken – driven to fight in God’s army for their love of their families. Everyone is deeply intelligent and multi-lingual, with extensive knowledge of the Koran.
> The leading characters soon learn to sneer openly at the pathetic white fighters, who are mostly fat, tearful, closet homosexuals.
Oy Fucking Vey

> The second episode tonight includes an appallingly callous tableau of dead babies in an incubator ward, after a bomb strike on a hospital.
> And when the bomb strikes that baby ward, there is no hint that any blame lies with the ISIS cowards using the hospital as their shield. If anything, the fault is with the unseen hand, presumably American, that fired the missile.
> The only explanation for the characters’ betrayal of Britain is summed up in one line: ‘I ain’t never going back to that kuffar dump, bruv.’

Do we get to see them get absolutely BTFO by the Russians like what is happening as we type or is that too pro-Putin for British TV?

It's a drama, they'll probably end up dying with a sad Platoon soundtrack. This is so fucked up, I can't even. Bongland is slowly turning in another kebab shithole and libtards are loving it.

Always channel 4 and E4. They were more anti-brexit than any other channel in the UK. Always trying to bring race into it.

Fucking Jews

It's not true though, British people hate ISIS and the government gave the SAS the free pass to hunt down and kill every single "British" citizen who went to fight for them so they can't come home.

Channel four is not representative though.

No it's the BBC's gender fluid otherkin communist child.

The BBC is a terrorist organisation at this point.

>(((our))) kids

>MSM literally empathizes with people who torture and kill innocents
>Meanwhile if a white person says they want to stop immigration and that jews control the government they should be killed

Television is full of Baphomet worshipping trannies. It should be called Trannyvision.

They covered up Saville because the BBC is full of nonces, blackmailed nonces who work for jews. Remember they had Jill Dando killed.

Some retarded right wing papers tried to paint the BBC as some sort of socialist/old labour propaganda group when they've always been an arm of the real establishment regardless of who was in power.

>Gender free
>lean towards feminine so they're easier to abuse

>our kids
I swear the fucking government thinks they own the children and they're merely allowing their parents to be their caretakers... for now.

Most blatant propaganda campaign I've ever seen.

>They quite literally glorify ISIS in the tv adverts for (((The State)))


Notice how it's only ever whitee kids they pull this bullshit with. Suddenly "diversity" isn't important to them anymore.

>be british, join isis, get a tv show
>be american, post shit online in support of isis, get arrested by fbi and thrown into prison
no wonder europe is so fucked

>of Polish descent
>British Jews


every. single. time.

Muslims are the real victims, bruv


Who's still paying the license fee?

Channel 4 is basically antifa media.
The news on there is so far left it basically can't go one day without mentioning racism and oppression and interviewing crying blacks, feminist writers and rapefugees.
Boss of the channel is a jew of course.

Do yanks even have an equivalent as bad as CH4? I mean Sex Box and the dating show based on genitals. Have they topped either of those yet?

TV channels like channel 4 and BBC are becoming increasingly SJW, its quite sad they're already capitalizing on the terror, and we all know if the anti isis messages are too strong the producers will be fucking beheaded. while they walk out of starbucks.

> Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster
Lovely, you get to pay for this crap, whether you like it or not

Is the last episode about how they go back to Britain and live normal lives as your neighbors?

all of them

I just looked the channel 4 up and I see that they are nominated for the Diversity in Media Award.
Congrats to them.


They've been pushing this shit as far as they can get away with since the 90s. This just illustrates how far we've slipped.

I wouldn't mind an ISIS comedy show similar to Hulgan's Heroes.

Is it ever going to stop? Please for the love of god stop

Muslims have more self respect than Brits to let their kids be messed up with like that.

Britannia delenda est

>‘I ain’t never going back to that kuffar dump, bruv.’

>government gave the SAS the free pass to hunt down and kill every single "British" citizen who went to fight for them so they can't come home.

Sauce? I’ve read there’s so many they can only keep 3,000 out of 20,000+ under surveillance

there were definitely SAS raids in manchester aftermath though

Holy fuck I can't believe this is real. I was full sure this was an exaggeration. How can they keep getting away with this?

>How can they keep getting away with this?

Who's going to stop them?

No one I suppose. This is how the world ends.

Well, at least the Brits know who their core television demographic are.

The state of Britain, lmao, absolutely what the fuck.

I watched it, found it a bit boring and full of ugly brown people. But to say this is a propaganda film is bullshit. Every five minutes the characters are arguing over what they can and can't do because of their autistic religion constantly encroaching on their daily life, if anything it reminds people of the comfort they have in the west and how the recruits are lost, misguided souls.

At least Four Lions was funny, this, I'm not so sure anymore.

This guy thinks they are all transgender?

If it portrays them as not knowing what they were going into, having regrets and shit, then it is 100% bullshit. There is no way some kid would go to Syria thinking it's anything but a beheader Dysneyland. Everyone has seen the videos, everyone knows what it is.

the day is lost, there is no hope left

That's the way it needs to be. Only one side can win.