Art Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo

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where that gothic art at



>not this time, cis









what is that?


My new yacht

Nice things. We can't have them for some reason.








Rider by Albrecht Durer. Interpreted to be anti-materialist anti-degeneracy on one hand, also interpreted to be anti-nobility on other hand. Is the rider noble or a degenerate? You decide, lots of symbology to interpret.


I can take some pics from some rare books in my collection.
bump, give me a min

Gustave Dore's Illustrations of the Crusades (orig. 1877, Dover 1997)


My favorites are plates 8 and 9.




Who has the London version of this?


This books good, Sup Forums might like it.



That's a book cover.

Literally nothing but crap itt, oh dear

I've never liked this, not even to fleetingly glance at. Just don't get what people see in it, besides
>muh romanticism
It's a boring painting.

Officer of the Second (called Second Life) Hussar Regiment

First Hussar Regiment

note the Totenkopf, these are from 1830

This thread reeks of babbis first nice painting.

Hey nice choice, man! I was in D.C.'s Western Art Gallery. Check out 'Joshua Commanding the Sun to Sit Still Upon Gibeon.' I think these two paintings are related, or at the very least I saw the one you just listed, in person. It was awesome.

Posting european art



One more month

I don't think that painting is supposed to be flattering.

>Only Post Niggers
God dammit kikes


you forgot the proxy shlomo

posting jewish art
>there is none

are portraits accepted?

Definitely one of my favorites. Giovanni Battista Piranesi - The Prisons (Le Carceri)
First edition - 1745
Second rework - 1761



Anyone got more like this?




Jesus Christ you guys are a joke. It's always the same, the fastest way to make a fool out of and expose a "conservative" is to test his acumen on fine art. For all the talk of fighting degeneracy and fostering the traditional values this is the kind of tripe you admire. Admittedly some of the stuff here is alright but not a lot, and only these four are great:
These posters should be hanged:

I prefer this version

Didn't mean to include the Boeckhorst in the shit list.


nobody cares, stupid faggot

I hope someone on this ridiculous board cares. Now go take your kitsch shite and fuck yourself.

i can assure you they don't. nobody likes a snob

I dont get it. Some of the posts you quote are indeed cheap and kitsch, but many are alos really well done classical paintings.

Says the philistine. Everything is a matter of taste I take it, right?

Most comfiest of light settings, it actually feels warm to look at.
maximum comfy

too bad the graphics is shit.
Probably a noob drawer.

hey anyone here like frazzeta?

>kitsch shite
>posts pleb garbage tier Poussin

user, you have shit taste.



last one

Awesome, finally something to airbrush on my pickup-truck.
Gotta call my brother Billy-Bob, he will love those.
Just hope hes back from ER already, got a bad batch of moonshine last week.

One of them is neo-classical, but none are really well done. Royer and Edwin Long have made some decent paintings, but the anons above picked their lesser works. It was a mistakr to include the Boeckhorst, because no doubt face to face the brushwork is superb, but the design isn't his strongest.

whatever Switzerland Frank Frazetta is the best


whats wrong with:

Albert Bierstadt american landscape artist

so what you gonna tear down statues you don't like now?

not art.

boring generic piece of art.

I'm sorry you're so lonely. My heart goes out to you stranger. I pray one day all your pain will be as meaningless as your anger.

love this

I love these threads because they always prove Sup Forums is a bunch of pretentious faggots. Not that that was hard to puzzle out to begin with.


Brainlet detected

The last one comes closest to being alright. The first is ham-fisted melodrama with no sense of space, the second is obviously based on a photo; no modelling or expressiveness. The third is just an academic cartoon: fleeting appearances to the contrary, everything is lit by the same meaningless white frontal lighting. The fourth is literally kitsch, point me to a single interesting texture that hasn't been fan-brushed to death. The last isn't that bad but the design is very boring and flat. Hasn't even tried to create an interesting colour composition, but there's an interesting subtlety to the lighting.

>I like bland old European art featuring random white generals/battles/whores
>therefore I am deep

You detected yourself, nigga.

Of course not. Retain everything for posterity. Just know what to place on a pedestal.