Why should I not be allowed to smoke this at home before bed?
Why should I not be allowed to smoke this at home before bed?
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Because it will turn you into a small souled bugman who cares only about hedonism. It weakens society.
Do whatever you want, no one actually cares about you or what you do.
>inb4 hurr durr illegal. Its only illegal if you get caught, only idiots get caught.
Because that's a shitty nug and you should feel bad for buying trash bud from ghetto niggers.
Basically this.
Like booze, it puts you in a stupor and makes you susceptible to subversion from jewry.
While a government should respect individual freedoms, a government also needs to look at things on a global scale - drugs have been used to weaken nations before and they are extremely effective at it.
It's no use giving everyone all the freedom they want only for the Chinese to come and take it away while we're all too distracted on opioids to fight them. (like we did to them a couple hundred years ago)
You are scum
Because blah blah degeneracy, something cuck etc. etc.
try something cleaner before bed.
like lsd & peyote. and mushrooms.
at the same time.
Frequent pot smoker here
Because it makes you lazy and kills all motivation to make something of yourself.
>I support freedom and free speech
>but only about the shit I approve of
this is why there is a liberal party -
because we all know what you tight-ass fags come up with when you can make the rules
You are a degenerate
It weakens the community(millions of faggots, exposed to new drugs), it weakens the culture(drug fag culture now is a-okay) and it weakens next generations.
Do it, you don't even know it's part of a plan to drug down america.
Also pic related.
Wonderful idea
I don't support freedom, I'm not a fucking cuck. Weed turns you into a degenerate and should be eradicated.
very nice argument
>has only smoked indoor from greedy white trash that pumps liquid nutrients for profit
only thing that gets me through being a wagecuck tbqh , that and modafinil.
Call me degenerate - I'm probably a better human than you, I work hard, pay my taxes, strive to be a positive member of society, tolerate the leftist slaves and welfare leeches infesting the developed world.
B-but I only smoke right before bed and I only read Sup Forums while high. I've done nothing else degenerate in many years, i-isn't this okay?
Really, though, I started smoking because pharmaceuticals weren't slowing down my degenerative vision disorder at all, once I started smoking 10 years ago, I stopped needing injections into my fucking eye every 2-4 months.
While weed CULTURE is degenerate, I did find a use for smoking that prevented me from having to go through hell and pay an assload for treatment.
Pulp and paper and oil profits. Hemp is in Bible under a recipe for Holy Oil. Weed is in titmilk. Nicotine offsets any problems the nag artists will have with this
It makes people mentally ill.
Should have endured the injections. Your lowered IQ closed more doors for you then you could ever imagine.
not me - although ive seen a lot of people go that way, doing nothing is boring af.
smoking weed does not make me ok with that
Citation with relevant data needed.
Most mental illnesses are genetic.
what drugs should i take to be stronger, then
t.duuuude i love joe rogan
>Weed and Cocaine were both unregulated drugs during America's formative years.
>It's suddenly the cancer killing society NOW.
No. The Drug War is the cancer because it pushes less harmful drugs into the same umbrella of federal notoriety as the shit that can ruin your life, and you'll inevitable have an overlap when trying to maintain a supply because there are no safe marketplaces for it.
Cigarettes meet the qualifications for a schedule one drug, are a LITERAL cancer on society, and are completely legal to use because muh tax revenue.
Not an argument
Why do you need to take a psychoactive drug to go to sleep you fucking retard, at least use it to do something.
Not an argument
you know whats up ;)
the only argument i can make against it
is smoking puts debris in your lungs..
it's hard to break ritual habits
and it may lead to insomnia nights
when you are without weed.
consciousness is freedom.
freedom is within.
Speak for yourself, brickweed puffing nigger.
Red meat and hard work
what a pathetic little nug
You shouldn't smoke cannabis before bed because it reduces your REM sleep.
Op do wtf you want, dont look for others to make your judgements.
Remember all ye that all existence is pure joy, the sorrows are but as shadows, they pass and are done but there is that which remains.
"Lilith" too
I don't see the problem with it. unless you're using it so often that you've gotten too comfortable in your escape world (like vidya) and you're incapable of facing the world without it. I will say it's more rewarding when you still work on better yourself while using, instead of using simply for pure hedonism. It affects people differently, just be careful you're not going psychotic from it.
This webm makes me fuckin laugh every time
What good is freedom? Freedom to destroy yourself? Your nation, your community? Sure maybe a few can smoke the herb and not suffer problems but the vast majority can't. Liberalism/marxism and dude weed lmao are inseperable at this point.
What is that get up called?
very this
wtf kind of bong is that?
Red meat is shit for niggers
eat fresh vegetables
and work until you are tired, then work some more, then rest as hard as you work
take cold showers and wear clean clothes and clean sheets and dont smoke or drink alcohol or drink sugar poison, brush your teeth 10 times a day, dont defile your body with tattoos and dont have sex unless you want a baby
Because you will gain a dependence on it and then one day you will find you have no weed and can't sleep.
aweeee yea
its just an e-nail with a fat dish that he dumped 2 grams of reclaim into.
also, xanax
We see where kek comes down on this issue
>closed more doors
Tested at 128 IQ professionally twice a decade apart, no impact.
Self-employed for 20 years, well enough off that I'll never work for anyone else again.
Any other bizarre reasons why I should have continued to go blind just so I could be "cool" on Sup Forums?
>eat fresh vegetables
This guy gets it. A little meat is good, but you can't have too many vegetables. Men need broccoli, tomatoes, leafy greens, and other shit that's filled with iron and good for the heart.
Never felt a negative impact from loss of REM, only thing that's definitely a positive is I used to have terrible nightmares about being shot in the face at close range (the wife would hear me shouting in my sleep and wake me up), after a few dozen of those, I'm fine not dreaming any longer.
Probably gonna get shot in the face one day, tho.
what are the problems that weed causes?
>Weed raises Estrogen levels:
>Weed Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:
>Weed Causes Cancer:
>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :
>Weed Is Addictive:
>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:
>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:
I can't believe people like this guy still believe this reefer madness meme
>Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
>Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:
>Weed Causes Lung Damage:
>Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:
>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:
>Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:
>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:
Yeah, I hope to one day sort out my shit, but until then I'll take the hassle of smoking over waking up in a crouched fighting position every morning.
Mazel tov!
>pear earth
The Big Seven: fruits, nuts, vegetables, seeds, eggs, meat, fish. I fucking love barbecue, BTW.
Can i have the meat and nuts bls
Oh and some seed
it stopes you from dreaming. if you care about dreams, don't.
Long-term use damages your brain. I've seen lowered coordination.
why only one source?
No fruit?
Exactly. If it serves an actual purpose, that's one thing. But, I'm not a "stoner" in that I don't have any connection to LE WEED CULTURE, I buy from dudes who ship in from white growers in CA and CO (cutting out the narco connections of Meheeco), I don't smoke shit weed, and it costs me the same as my conventional medical treatment did.
If I found any impact negative enough, I'd quit, but considering I value being able to drive and do regular activities, I think I'll keep on with my "smoke 2 hours before bed only" routine.
No no fruit. Scares away the best penises. But i still try to be fruitful. And procreative too. But anyhoo
Just copped this for $45. How did I do homies?
What's the point in smoking weed when you are going to blow the smoke out the second it hits your mouth.... fucking waste of bud
I've never smoked enough to get withdrawals from it, but I have heard it's actually a thing. I used to drink myself to sleep all the time in order to wake up early enough and out of unhappiness with daily life. It fucked me up. Definitely, don't do that.
>only one source
are you retarded? been smoking too much reefer? all of the "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" links aren't actually from the same source, that site just compiles studies from all around the world.
Well you'll also need *eggs* to be fruitful, but it's going to smell like *fish*
just stop with this shit and pass your time on Sup Forums
That was awesome. They're making eggs out of only man stuff now so I have no clue what's going on anyways
Why not both?
I would have no problem with it if we weren't a socialist society that allows you to fail and then taxes working people to support you.
You want to smoke that, fine. If no one wants to employ you for smoking that, fine too. But then if the user can pick the government's pocket because they smoked that, NO WAY.
>it weakens society
No, it only weakens him. Unless your ideal society is made up of degenerates, you shouldnt have to work.
t. poor stoner
In Brazil the weed science defense team is strong. Idiots think it's good for health, and the media push hard for this idiocy. Those idiots, like this idiot, think that 100% of ALL things hemp is good for health. They think if you put in your asshole, it will make you shit gold too.
Ignore it. This idiot is a upper middle class stoner head faggot, who can't leave his stupid addiction for nothing. Probably smoking low quality favela tier marijuana too. The one with lots of SHIT in it that will give you that good old cancer.
you are giving money to murderous cartels and have been doing so for 4 decades with no thought to the consequences. even if it should be legal, your pleasure got people killed
for that alone smoking should be punishable by death
your days are numbered, faggot
Nobody is healthy in brazil
Cuz your mom said no and you live under her roof.
Im on mobile is this singapore? Please cane more people for chewing gum
>you are giving money to murderous cartels
Unless you buy from one of the, oh, 5000 white growers in the USA right now.
Really, cartel weed is a rare thing to come across where I live. If you aren't buying from niggers or Mexicans, you rarely would encounter it.
Between that and next-gen sex dolls, women had better clean up their acts, quickly.
Sup Forums is worst for your mind than any drug I've tried and for me, more addicting too.
yeah thats the problem with drug addicts in general. of course they mostly hang around in cities on tax payer dime, steal here and there, make the city dirty.
this scum should be evicted and sent to a work camp. whether or not they get to use their drugs there, is of secondary concern.
Im still scared they'd spark on my dick or toothjob me but yes you're thinking with both heads
Not poor but I just love to get the most out of my weed. Holding in the smoke feels good
Cuz without it, you'll be forced to watch degenerate media and CNN so the CIA and NSA can control you. Unless u end up here...
hahahahaha you're really retarded
who's saying it is good for health? just smoking it not too often will not give you good old cancer.
the problem is the abusive shitheads
>work more GOY
>more hours GOY