WTF is wrong with the_Donald?

WTF is wrong with the_Donald?

(((fellow white man)))

Who the fuck knows.

Do not get angry at them, for they don't know any better. Show them the way, user.


>still unironcally supporting drumpf

I thought with Afghanistan stuff something would have changed, but everyone is neocon now.

Muslims are objectively bad. Whether you have a problem with Jews or not depends on if you believe in the free market of ideas or not. Jews are simply smarter than white people. We should always defer to their better judgement.


Of course the Jew buys the fake hat instead.

T_D started out as Sup Forums lite but the constant threats of "SHUT IT DOWN" from reddit's actual administration team means they had to develop a "Politically correct" redpilled opinion.

They're useful for spreading wide-reaching Sup Forums redpillery to the masses. I generally abuse them to get Sup Forums related things to the front page of the entire reddit site which is about a billion and a half desktop/mobile views a month.

fuck off libtard we on Sup Forums are official allies of r/T_D.

Any success yet? Did you manage to push something on front page?

Please tell me that faggot died, painfully?
I'll still ahev the last laugh, its well known that Chemo spreads cancer all around the body. Chemo was first developed from mustard gas, left over from WW1 at John D Rockefeller's funding and behest.

t. mudslime
i'd take a million jews over 10 mudslims any day

Sup Forums isn't much better now-a-days. We could have nipped the t_d problem in the bud the "redpill the normies" crowd won out and now this board is trash.




>now this board is trash
2017 Sup Forums is now 2007 Sup Forums



Virtue signaling

>he thinks Trump is a nazi

Allies is too strong of a word. They are our parasites.

The_donald are the most cucked pathetic faggots ive ever seen. It makes me sick. They thought the "goy bye" thing was antisemitism by the msm. Ffs.


I heard Jack Posobiec was saying that. It's sad that these retards are so clueless.

Fucking hell im laughing so hard at this

based jew man

What did you expect?

>Muslims are objectively bad. Whether you have a problem with Jews or not depends on if you believe in the free market of ideas or not. Jews are simply smarter than white people. We should always defer to their better judgement.


>not being jewish
>2012 + 5.8

its like youre not even trying

They've been programmed by the kike mods there. Remember that t_d was started by a literal kike: jcm267. Google him if you're a newfag, he used to run a bunch of pro-Jew/Israel subs and other subs that made fun of nazism and Palestine before he got (((dox'd))) which was an obvious load of bullshit. Massive fucking Jew doing the Jewiest of Jew shit.

hilarious how many kikes are actually involved in all of this alt-lite shitshow. they've actually succeeded in manipulating all the t_d cows into supporting neoconservatism again. as if $6 trillion+ USD down the toilet and all of the spilt american blood wasn't enough already. shadilay!

>they've actually succeeded in manipulating all the t_d cows into supporting neoconservatism again
Yep, and these fucking retards who flocked here from there and think they're redpilled, trying to virtue signal their "redpilled" anti-NatSoc views completely ruined this board. Fuck them all.

Is he ded/dying?

>nurse trying to do her job
>worked her ass off in school thinking she will be helping people
>goes to work
>some mongrel dying of cancer
>''h-hey m-miss, d-do you know that Trump was a-actually doing a good thing by attacking Syria''
>''let me tell you about Trump and Syria, miss. Miss?''
>''h-hey, have you seen The Matrix ha ha :), do you know about the red pill haha? :)''


What is wrong with Jews?

The worst part
>6241 points
They see nothing wrong with this.

>try to water down redpills
>still lose spectaculary because libs want to destroy any non-neocon opposition no matter what
What was the point of doing that?

Sup Forums has always been retarded and is the most reddit board on this site now

>everything jewish is bad

You dumbfucks sound just like antifa, just replace jews with whites

Came here to post this.


That's a cute boy.

>still thinking Jews operate with a hivemind and evil in their hearts

There is no point to it and there never was a point to it. These reddit people just want to be part of a club. It's like bronies or Doctor Who fans.
Reddit users are all like this. They just want their little fan community where they can feel welcome. There is no ideology behind them, no ideas, no goals. It's just ''hey guys, check out my hat haha, I am one of you guys :)''
The inoffensive and accepting nature of these people allows them to foster a little retarded community where no one can hate on them. It's a circlejerk with thousands of people making inoffensive comments patting eachother on the back while making creepy fake smiles.

>thinking they don't

Wow fellow pedes, check out that based Jew in a Trump hat!

We have the best jews, don't we folks.

Your average Trump supporter

>subscribes to two failed ideologies, one dimensional viewpoint

the_donald is full of retards circlejerking all day long. Still better than the rest of reddit

You must be one of those post modern, neo, faux neo, Jewish Nazis
>Sup Forums

Not an argument, retard.

The Heather tweet was hacked by weev

what's wrong with that pic?


This is your average user on /PTG/ and all those guys who used to shill against Nazis on Charlottesville




One of my favourites.

I consider the inherent fallacy present from the get-go didn't warrant attention.

what do you expect

>christians living with jews = no problem


I really really want this faggot to die

Boomerposting / 10

the_donald and trumplets are the worst

I thought the Ustase removed all Jews from Croatia. Seems they forgot one.

>please be satire

They are edgy autistic retards. In Poland we call them "kuce"

>still thinking a hivemind means everyone is mentally linked together and think the same

The place has botnets upvoting stuff, it's really easy to get something to the frontpage.

>(((facist rem)))


>/pol trying to destroy USA

What the hell?? I'm pissed now, why do people think we are trying to destroy USA? We literally bring the truth and facts n yet they have the audacity to use those findings and call us evil

My god. Do they hear themselves talk?

you realize there are good jew and bad jew
good jew fight the bad jew

only with the good jews help can we win...
with jews you lose but also win!

hard for many of you to accept but its true

They are civic nationalists; they don't realize civic nationalism will always fail because the negroid nationalist will use the vote of democracy to replace our culture and our laws with their culture and their laws. White nationalism is the only way forward for America and the acceptance of fascism is the only plausible idea that will allow the constitution and preserve our race and culture.

i wager i'd fuck that face. nice chicks to pull out from the inside, with my throbbing nazi cock. Just think of it, user.

yeah like seriously what the heck is wrong with these people who don't hate all Jews. They must be mentally unstable..

Lots of jews are pro Trump, they are the same as whites. Some are liberal faggots and some are proud republicans.

thats a guy isn't it?

Maybe because everytime someone ask if you want to see the world burn.

You say yes.

Some jews are ok, Hitler had jewish officers.

I am from Sup Forums and say fuck you faggots. Stay the fuck out of my board. You are not welcomed there.

Enjoy your botnets and fuck off.

Young jewish guys always look like ugly women

It's like god wanted them to give up on life and become traps.

>White nationalism time!
>Cue splitting hairs over who is and is not white
>"perhaps we should include jaw strength and height in the criteria, mein fuhrer"
>"nein, i am not adonis and i am still white!"
>"are britons white?"
>"i think we should let russians in guys, they're pretty alright these days"
>"hold on a minute some germans are actually pretty ugly. what do we do with them? test for negro blood?"
>"hey hans, i'm ugly and i'm pure. fuck off."
>hours of bickering later
>"okay, so let's make the japanese honorary aryans and let the sexy ones in."

Sometimes you gotta just let it burn to the group so you can rebuild


try asking that guy what he thinks about whites having their own countries

Lmao, this is what we got for trying to get reddit on our side. Now we have to find a way to distinguish ourself from retarded shit like this.

>WTF is wrong with the_Donald?
It's not just the_donald.. I'm a proud Sup Forums Jew.

We're everywhere. I'm probably fucking your daughter.

I personally believe Asians, Slavs, and some Jews are allies of the white race. However that being said I am no genocidal maniac, I just believe that america and Europe should be majority white. Whites excel in political and economic philosophy over any other race. All races are superior and inferior in different areas.

> Red pilling, yet doesn't know chemo is poison and there are several other methods to successfully treat cancer consistently.

Ok baws.