Fuck you for ruining my social life. I was already a pretty red-pilled libertarian but Sup Forums made it so much worse. Now I feel like I'm talking to children when I talk politics with my good friends of 20+ years. They are decent people but it's like trying to explain orbital mechanics to a toddler. They don't understand individualism, or collectivism, or give any fucks to learn. They have no consistent philosophy underpinning their beliefs, to them it's just pure emotion and whatever feels right at the time. Not being able to discuss real issues with people in person is driving me mad. I can't talk about blue-pilled shit like the latest Rick and Morty, or whatever-the-fuck new superhero movie. Posting on here isn't the same as ranting about politics with a real friend over beers. So just to summarize, fuck you, also I'm pretty sure some of my friends think I'm a racist now.
I just want to say fuck you Sup Forums
Don't mention it.
Cool story, goy.
You're here forever.
Rick & Morty isn't bluepilled you autismo, it's just a dumb cartoon. Not a single thing remotely political in that show is meant to be taken as anything more than a dumb joke.
friends is a spook.
There are only "allies".
Those normies are as fake as ...tom cruise. they put a mask on everyday, empty headed.
Get used to it or go back to kikebook.
> You're here forever.
You sound like you were a faggot before you came here.
then talk about something else you stupid fuck
Your friends sound like faggots
>friends is a spook
top kek. so true
Welcome to reality.
It's fucking horrifying. Don't forget you're here forever.
You can't get thru a nigger hate thread without becoming a racist user, it imposibru
get new friends
OP you just described my friends.. know what i do? i just try not to think about it..
No! Let me out!
You can never leave now
Wait until you learn that "redpill" is bullshit enlightenment ideology, there is no end state to knowledge, and you've been lying to yourself for years.
start feeding them small red pills. don't start with soros and zionism. if you won't sperg out, there's still hope for those lost souls. i already made some of my co-workers despise nogs, muzzies, gypsies and (((them))).
From what I can tell, you took the red pill relatively well. Some can't handle it and lose their shit. Welcome to reality my friend, you're one of us now and forever.
>Now I feel like I'm talking to children when I talk politics with my good friends of 20+ years
Welcome to my life.
>tfw favorite coworker is a commie faggot
>we argue all of the time
>still get along
>he'll be the first to get a bullet
When I look at that pic, perhaps I shouldn't wish a red-pill on anyone I actually care about. I wonder how many here would take a blue-pill if one existed? I've been downloading every goddamn movie from the 80s, which is about 50 per year, and watching 1 per night, even shitty ones I've never heard of, I can feel it slowly reprogramming my brain -- even though I notice all the degeneracy and psyops -- I figure if I do this for maybe 100+ hours like some Clockwork Orange style shit I can actually reverse some of the deprogramming Sup Forums has done to me and convince myself the world might actually be worth living in for a while longer
There's no such thing as "redpill" just different approaches to information.
there's no going back now
Do you guys like western tourists? Your country sounds pretty interesting.
you'll never get out
You know the drill.
>he fell for the Sup Forums meme
>when you're so red pilled you understand these threads are made only to improve morale on Sup Forums to make it seem like our efforts are worthwhile
As a child I was made to read Sinclair and Orwell and thought I'd been red pilled. In the 70's I read "None Dare call it conspiracy" and thought I was red pilled. In the 80's it was Ayn Rand and Libertarian BS. In the 90's I decided all politics were bullshit, married a decent woman, started a business, raised some kids and did productive, satisfying work. Realizing that all red pills are really blue was the best piece of knowledge I ever gained. No political philosophy will ever fix anything. All you can do is laugh at the idiots and get on with life.
Rule #1 of healthy friendships: You don't talk politics with your (childhood) friends.
Trump is done
They still work desu
>No political philosophy will ever fix anything.
>That's not a red pill.
Silly user, you're right! VIOLENCE FIXES EVERYTHING.
But if you were given the option to forget all your red pills and go back to being a normie, would you accept it?
Its been like this my entire life. My grandfather redpilled me in 3rd grade. It doesn't get any better, but I'm amazing at hiding my power level. Drinking is the only thing which dumbs me down enough to speak with normies.
tldr: thats why u dont talk bout Sup Forums outside Sup Forums, dumbo
Pushing people to despise muslims is almost trivially easy, assuming you're not working in a office full of "public servants".
Raising the JQ seems incredibly difficult though. I've found you can only really do it with non-westerners.
Fuck 'em, find and join a group that shares your beliefs and be at the forefront of the revolution rather than being a cuck, godspeed user.
me irl, talking to friends:
>me: have you heard about what that nigger did in barcelona yesterday?
>maciek: yeah, fucking insane. and they're just lighting candles and changing their facebook pics as usual
>me: right, doing their masters' bidding
>przemek: if it happened here, we'd be restarting the ovens already
>me: yeah, lol. anyway, how's your sex life?
i feel bad for you western fags, but at least you have Sup Forums
tfw when my nation's cucked
Reichshunter Catler will eliminate the rats.
> how's your sex life
Pretty boring I assume.
>Reddit - The Animation
>not bluepilled
Okay sweety :)
The rage will pass. Eventually you'll see people like toddlers running with scissors.
Not gonna work bro. Cannot be unseen etc
Just go back to blue pill mode, start taking anti-depressants and become a tranny and cut your dick off while shuving huge things into your asshole to stretch it.
If you do not like seeing the world as it is, you can always reindoctorinate yourself.
The truth is though you are a concern shill. None of us, want to go back to bluepill and all of us have been able to control what we say In public. People who know me, know that I am against communism that is it.
OP you nigger. You have only yourself to blame if you've decided to stay and fuck yourself over, not this stupid website. Grow a pair and fuck off
Here forever.
But this is the hope that other people will catch this disease of having some clue about politics and not be able to shake it, and thus other people will join until it's the new norm amongst intelligent people.
I have multiple layers of taqiyya. To different people I am ignorant of politics, a centrist, slightly left wing, sympathetic with the extreme left, open to the "far-right"/alt-right, a fascist, a liberal with concerns about white people becoming South Africans, a China apologist and a Heabrew/Jewish supremacist.
when you say your friends think you are racist, are you saying that you are not a racist? ;_;
>insert "notaracist?" pic
There is no way out.
Hardly a day goes by that I don't look towards the past of the USA and feel a deep and profound sadness.
A European nation without the burdens of the Old World, free and untamed, to live the American way and strive toward a dream unattainable by all other peoples. I would kill to live as a teenager in the 80s, to catch a glimpse of it in its twilight.
This was the first nation to construct buildings that literally scraped the sky.
To watch this world slowly decay, the bolts twist and turn under the pressure of their construction, the foundations crumble and sag into the Earth.
Holy shit, these levels are fairly accurate.
I went 4 > 5 fairly quickly and remained as a growing conservative for about 3 years.
Then, once found out about Sup Forums & also more redpilled youtubers, i skipped 6 and went 7 > 8 > 9 in about 1 year.
Currently halfway to level 10
"buy war bonds while we kill white germans in Europe"
Not a nice picture at all.