Earthquakes and the Eclipse

More earthquakes this week proceeding the solar eclipse. Most of the activity has been north of the equator or near it.

The map in the link shows increased geothermal activity caused by tectonic shifts, with most of the stress being placed along the larger plates.

The cause of this could be quite a few factors including the combined gravitational forces of both the sun and moon over isolated areas, the tilt of Earths axis changing, and/or the magnetic field of the poles changing.

An Earthquake was felt at Yellowstone park when the eclipse was taking place. This could have been caused from the focused gravity of both the moon and sun causing an uplift on the Earths crust. While small, these movements could cause the already weak ceiling of the calderas magma dome to crack and or partially collapse.

Over the next 48 hours and following weeks, the ground over the caldera will resettle and add even more pressure back onto what could be a compromised chamber. Even the smallest of cracks could cause pyroclastic flow and anyone visiting Yellowstone park should be wary of an increase of seismic activity and dangerous gasses that could be released without warning.

The posted map shows a possible sheer in the North American plate. Take the red line as a rough example as the path could follow weaker areas in the crust. There is also a chance it could split from North to South, but considering most of the tectonic shifts are pressing inward, it could cause a convergent scenario. The top half of the plate will dip under the lower half and cause a series of volcanic events. Mountains will appear across the country as these lava flows turn into a new mountain range spanning from the pacific to the Atlantic. This activity can happy very quickly as referenced in the first hand account of a farmer who had a 1000ft volcano form on his property.

Other urls found in this thread:Ă­cutin

Yellowstone Caldera

Path of the Eclipse. Note how it passes very close to Yellowstone park

Major earthquakes above a 5.0 magnitude over a 30 day period.

Yellowstone eruption prediction map.

NASA is currently planning a way to stop the super volcano under Yellowstone from erupting

Areas in yellowstone have both bulged and dipped in regions around the caldera. These could be major signs of a resurgent dome which has got scientist worried.

tl;dr: use it for geothermal power to 'cool it down'

While that may help slow down an eruption, if you follow the red line on the map I posted It shows how two super volcanoes line up. Their placement could be an indicator where the north american plate was possibly much smaller before the ice age. With the melting of the ice caps, this could be causing a shift in weight where the top of the plate in pressing downwards while the bottom half is pressing upwards due to tectonic forces pressing from the south.

Tectonic predictions showing the South to North split running up the north American plate. These predictions were made with no other determining factors other than current plate migration.

bump for effortpost

Theory so retarded it could actually be true.

The earthquake frequency could also be because of the increased solar activity during the solar minimal.

>More earthquakes this week proceeding the solar eclipse.

Bullshit. Earthquakes in last 24 hours: 75. Daily 24h average for the past year: 106

There's not more activity than usualy. There's less.

It very well could be. I forgot to take this into account. There has been strong evidence to support a coloration between solar activity and earthquakes/eruptions. Especially during the solar minimal.

Sorry. Meant to say earthquakes above magnitude 5.0 but was running out of characters.

Coloration between the Sun, Moon, and the San Andreas Fault

>be american
>get choked to death by volcanic ash

Video showing how the sun can effect the earth in varying ways including earthquakes, eruptions, and weather.


A wikipedia article accounting Paricutin, a volcanic mountain which suddenly appeared in a otherwise non active region.Ă­cutin

Less means the pressure is building up instead of being released