What can we do to overthrow and put down the false government and false state of the PRC, and especially to put down the Chinese Communist Party, which is the wrongful leader of all China?
Let's seriously discuss this, Sup Forums. Anti-communism is among the highest objects of discourse in the present political reality. This isn't merely about reality (which is of course a mixed model thanks to the pragmatism of Deng, and the state murders), but also on general fucking principles, which are that there should not be, in this world any government, which in any way, shape, manner or form, describes itself as being "communist". This is a government which deserves to be destroyed, and to have its destruction imagined and willed by all the peoples of the world.
Therefore, let us openly discuss in this space how to put down the present Chinese government.
>not dreaming big >I've got high hopes >whoops there goes another wax mango
Matthew Cooper
China is a massive threat to the rest of the world. They remain united while the rest of the world falls to the multicult plague. Its only a matter of time before they rush in to conquer everything.
David Cook
Who cares?
Josiah Torres
Fuck yes Australia and New Zealand is with you FUCK CHINKS
Justin Carter
Let Japan get nukes and other advanced weapons not just defensive... She and little kim do lesbian porn vid for their people
Hudson Gonzalez
We need to openly strategize how to put them down I mean specifically the FALSE STATE of the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY as fleshed out in the PRC and the CCP, etc. This is what we should cause to cease to exist, and to cause to cease to have power. How can we do it?
-place political pressure on our local governments. -learn the nature of our governments' indebtedness to the present Chinese state (more cynically, destroy the present Chinese state altogether but this is naive and inadvisable, and old debts would still attach). -stand in front of tanks and be morally superior to the false Chinese state.
Jordan Nguyen
Bannon considered china the wests greatest economic threat. Although it seems they are culturally a bigger threat than economically
archive.is/L3Hqz >China might use data to create a score for each citizen based on how trustworthy they are
Connor Moore
You guys are LARPing faggots and it's getting really lame. You want to fight China? Learn Mandarin. Study Chinese culture and philosophy. Learn the way in which they structure their beliefs. Learn their history.
How many of you retards even know what the Taiping Rebellion is? Or how old China is? Or about Chinese ethnonationalism thanks to the Manchus? Or how they perceive time?
Austin Brooks
use the muslims
David Bell
Nuke beijing
Aiden Long
Fucking this call me anytime and I will kill communist for free
William Ross
Anthony Scott
The only way New Zealand can put pressure on China is by voting for Winston Peters this election. Every other party sells our country out, they are buying up our sparse land
Logistically, making people aware of how inhuman they are is a start. Presenting their dystopian authoritarian policies as the antithesis of western values. They eat dogs for fucks sake
Anthony Adams
Camden Ross
>(((CIA))) trying to get Sup Forums to do their bidding
I think we should worry about the nasally enhanced shadow-rulers literally trying to kill us off through immigration first.
Ethan Myers
Japan is demilitirized for a foreseeable future. If another big war vs commies breaks out I don't even think we'd rearm them. It's hard to trust any of the states out there in commie land.
Brayden Carter
Just get America to nuke them and say they were aiming for NK.
Liam Campbell
Fuck you dad, they're fucking up your ex-colonies and you don't even care
Joshua Wright
>Be CIA >Hate Sup Forums because they are good at sniffing out lies >Want to shut down Sup Forums but knows that would cause issues >Decided to make one of their usual mistakes and attempt to use some on Sup Forumss hate for leftist Communism to attack China >Sup Forums realize the trash tier attempt >Get BTFO
Seriously, the only thing the CIA seems to do well is lose track of terrorist they created and spy on people who think the CIA are the good guys.
Don't you fucks have another war to start and promptly lose?!
Jackson Wood
shitty psyops checkin in
Jackson Bell
By reading "The Inevitable Collapse of China on 20XX'- XXth edition. >If the year of prophecy has past read the next one.
Chase Williams
The Chinese communist party >can be destroyed Yes, in theory. >should, must be destroyed Unless you provide an alternative that would work in such a population in a short period of time, hell no.
Luis Price
this is some fake chinese anti canadian material I cooked up.
it makes it looks like the chicoms are going after our retarded little brother.
Carson Johnson
Hi, CIA.
Henry Perry
more fake chinese anticanadian stuff. only the party is allowed to make fun of other national leaders.