Truly /ourgirl/
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Asperger's is cute
she somehow finds a way to pull it off, it's honestly impressive.
Christ, you fags are such white knight turbo virgins
She's just learned how to use guy-culture to exploit horny kiddos for sheckels. You are falling for the exploitation because shes good looking. If this was an ugly hag doing this you would be pointing out how retarded she was.
When you get older you'll start to notice how womens looks aren't greater than their annoyance, and you can get on with your life instead of being led around by your dick.
>tf2 fag
Autism overload
>finngols will defend this
>noobs who didnt play or hated on tf2 BTFO eternally
Tf2 players are annoying cancer. Now there game is long dead they have spread around like a pustule exploding and spreading viruses everywhere.
she is so cute I want to kill myself knowing i will never get a girl like that
haha, you'll never have /anygirl/ so put your Woody away.
You should kys over the fact you're equating a romantic feeling over seeing an underaged person.
Tf2 has to be one of the more clunky modern fps games, no idea why it got popular. I've played a lot of fps in my time and tf2 just felt way off.
Everyone knows that autism + lolis = the perfect candidate to represent Sup Forums
i meant the modern lauren southern who is my age
which is why you chose a video of her when she was too young to take cock.
>shes good looking
lol, shes maximum a 4/10
stil enough for sad virgins though.
that's JESS
She has nothing on elle
>he doesn't even have at least 1000 hours logged in tf2 on a single class
If you play OW , you're feeding sjw cancer. tf2 was a real game. Freedom, no sjw , no reporting system.
i can point out she was cute as a kid and still say I want current lauren to by my gf
im not saying i want to fuck kids, that's not what cute implies
damn she was qt
now she tries to hard
she just today made a new video again talking about how bad hitler is. and how our kids should be taught about how evil germans are. seriously.
she aint redpilled. she's nowhere near. If she STILL believes in the Holohoax shes either a Jew or a lost cause.
>tfw over 1k hours spent on the black scottish cyclops alone
we can hope they did
Lauren is a fake anti-feminist anyways. She's a full blown feminist, make no mistake.
Brittany Pettibone is where it's at. She really wants to get married and pump out 7-10 little future aryan templars and helpmeets. She's even still a virgin.
But Lauren is a coal burning CC rider. She probably won't ever have kids. She wants to be a "serious journalist."
agree but PANZER DVA
Feminism is right more than it is wrong.
HA! about what? feminism was a corporate scheme to double to work force and the american family was sacrificed of the crucible of the 1960's typist's career
Men and Women comlement each other but we have different roles to play in society
How so? I would say every part of feminism was very wrong.
Giving women the vote was the single event that destroyed the country. It all came back to that. Here's a great infographic about it. Very compelling.
Her sister is a straight up weeb. Lauren probably is too.
Weebs are degenerate so probably not.
>I don't want the statistically dumber sex running everything
- Lauren Southern
Not having a kid at 22 doesn't make a "feminist", and there's no evidence of "coalburning".
And her being in position to be a journalist to influence millions of people and going to Europe is better than having a family now rather than in 5-10 years.
Honestly I cringed at that when she said that.
It's an interesting stance because she's obviously smarter than the average similar aged man, while in contrast wanting to get out the message though that women are on average not as smart as men.
The only thing feminism is wrong on is that it doesn't champion birth rates and champions freedom over duty.
But in that there is a rape culture, or other degeneracy that sexualizes women- they are correct on and such things need to be waged war on.
>obviously smarter than the average similar aged man
Being a smart girl, she understands how women think and act as a collective and that as a whole, they fuck shit up, and that only exceptional women should get power. Exceptional women always did
>But in that there is a rape culture
There is no rape culture. What we have are a bunch of women who think it's absolutely fine to get wasted and then fuck with some random guy. Once they realize the mistake they made, they immediately need "someone else" to blame for - in that case, the man whom they had sex with. It's the same with drug addicts. They blame everyone else, but never once consider that they themselves and their irresponsible behaviour are their house belongs to the bank now and they are sleeping in a trainstation. None of this justifies insane "Yes means Yes" laws
There are some places where rape is literally standardized, even down to religion in the Middle-East, but that doesn't happen in the West, and it's not what feminists complain about. They protest fake "rape culture" in Western schools, and then support mass migration of Muslims and Africans to Western countries, despite them being the most likely group to rape anyone. For Muslims, rape of non-Muslim women is accepted practice. It's like feminists subconsciously want to create a "rape culture", so they're bringing it in
>other degeneracy that sexualizes women
Feminists don't care about sexualizing women. They just want a thought police for men, as if it's not normal for men to like attractive women. Feminists are perfectly fine with women whoring themselves out, riding 30 different cocks before they're in their 20s, going on "slut walk/pridess" and trying to make the whole idea of calling women "sluts" and "whores" unacceptable. They want women to lose all decency and respectability and become fat, hairy, manish whores
Either the man has taken advantage of the woman for being drunk- or is drunk himself as well and not in control of himself and very well could have committed heinous acts worthy of a rape accusation.
As a prohibitionist I have no pity for drinking culture.
>and then support mass migration
Many groups support mass migration.
>Feminists don't care about sexualizing women.
> They just want a thought police for men
These contradict.
Feminists I have discussed with are very over lapping with traditional values in which they do not want women sexualized in the media anymore, for women to be treated with respect as opposed to sex objects.
kirino is way lewd
The vote was the thing that allowed every shitty welfare/far left thing to pass. Women are poor voters. One vote per household is much better.
Did you read that infograph?
It's already incompatible with my beliefs as nat soc when we believe voting rights be equally taken away if they are to be taken away in any capacity.
It would be a massive disservice for Hitler to have overlooked the role women played in the revolution- and it will be the same story for us.
Womens lack of intelligence goes well beyond IQ. Even with high IQ they seem to lack the mind to invent, build, innovate. This goes similar with how Jews have high IQ but invent almost nothing, no art, no engineers, no builders.
There's more to the brain than IQ
I would support changing voting rights in a future NatSoc state in some way. Few options - full time workers. Land owners. Not on any sort of government assistance.
Definitely need some system to avoid what happened in America.
I'm very open to stuff like that, but gender divide and conquer is just that. Divide and conquer.
Well, that's why I would prefer only Men vote. Giving women the vote changed politics forever. It should be illegal for the government to be allowed to get between a marriage.
Hmm, maybe Mothers could vote. Or wives. Something like that. Make it an incentive to promote babies. For men, have to be employed and/or married.
That's healthy of her
> the man has taken advantage of the woman for being drunk- or is drunk himself as well and not in control of himself
What if the girl just wanted to have drunk sex, then she regretted it afterward? If you don't have a pity for drinking culture, why isn't the woman to blame for getting drunk in the first place?
If you believe that women have no agency and it's never their fault, then why are you a feminist which is all about "equality" and how women should be "strong and independent"?
>Many groups support mass migration.
A feminist who thinks one of the main issues for women is "rape culture", then supports bringing hordes of migrants who have large rate of rape is like an environmentalist supporting deforestation or animal rights activists supporting vivisection. They're working against their own narrow scope of interests
>These contradict
No it doesn't. They only care about sexualization if think men are "objectifying women" or have a "male gaze", which is really just natural male attraction to women, so they're fighting nature.
They will go after cartoon characters, films, games, etc. but meanwhile they'll cheer on women riding the cock carrousel, they'll promote "slut prides" and claim "women should do whatever they want with their bodies".
>do not want women sexualized in the media
Instead they want them to be fat, masculine, unattractive, Muslim, to be "gender-neutral", or to be a "strong and independent woman who don't need no man", not to be represented in "traditional roles", etc.
Read this shit:
All they care about is media representation so men stop enjoying things, it's never about doing what's best or addressing actual issues
Also how can you claim to be "NatSoc" and support a movement that has been almost exclusively Jewish-led since the start?
>What if the girl just wanted to have drunk sex, then she regretted it afterward?
And what if she actually got raped? What exactly is the problem here? The worst case scenario being men might think twice about having a one night drunken stand? oh NO
>They only care about sexualization if think men
This is anecdotal, we obviously speak to different feminists.
>Instead they want them to be fat, masculine, unattractive, Muslim, to be "gender-neutral", or to be a "strong and independent woman who don't need no man", not to be represented in "traditional roles", etc.
Anecdotal most of this. There are many like that, and many who are simply fighting injustice in regards to men getting away with rape, groping, or demeaning words.
>Brittany is a virgin
Tell me that this is fake news, bro. Because I am in a restaurant and need to control my hardon.
Removing Blacks and going back to gender segregated university would solve the rape problem. Both of these are no-brainers in future ethno-state. There will be a lot less women in college too, since it will be vital to first build strong, large families, and keep the workforce small so that one man can earn enough for his entire family.
A NS country would fix pretty much all of the gender related problems that we have today, heh.
She claims to be a virgin. I haven't inspected her hymen personally though.
>things that sexualize women
Like women having tits, butts and men having sexual hormones. Fucking human nature, bro. We need some government law to ban erections and female heat.
>tfw tf2 is your favorite game
I'm in love
>The worst case scenario being men might think twice about having a one night drunken stand?
The worst case scenario is men having their lives ruined over petty shit and lies, and it becoming easy to abuse. Rape should always be addressed seriously, but creating absurd laws like needing footage that the other person said "yes", or claiming there's a "rape culture", or that anything can be considered "rape" makes the whole issue lose all meaning or seriousness it deserves.
>This is anecdotal, we obviously speak to different feminists.
Find me a feminist who cares about women sexualizing themselves or women sexualizing men.
>demeaning words.
So what, do you need trigger warnings? Safe space? Hate speech laws because someone got their feelings hurts?
The point is that they're way more focused on what goes in the media at the expense of real issues, and they especially don't care about women whoring themselves out or being degenerate IRL, it's only about media representation that "sexualization" becomes a problem for them.
You would see a lot more feminists addressing the refugee crisis or what goes on in other countries if they were concerned about real issues, and not just destroying and emasculating Western civilization.
Hail the true queen
She claimed that? wow. She is a special girl indeed. And the evil twin. kek. I wanna marry her.
Since I'm traditional and don't believe in sex before marriage, and a prohibitionist- there is no situation where I side with more rapists going free, than some men maybe getting wrongly accused somehow.
>So what, do you need trigger warnings? Safe space? Hate speech laws because someone got their feelings hurts?
Yes. Sexism is something to be eliminated. The type of men who inhibit bitterness towards women are something to be left behind.
Most rape is done by blacks. Whites who rape are usually heavy drug users. In an ethnostate, both of these people would be gone.
>Since I'm traditional and don't believe in sex before marriage, and a prohibitionist-
No you want your cake and eat it too. You want women to do whatever the fuck they want, and whatever happens, it's men's fault, like all feminists.
>Sexism is something to be eliminated.
Acknowledging the differences between the sexes, delineating gender roles, treating women and men differently depending on what's best for them is actually a good thing. That's considered "sexist" like pink being assigned to girl and blue for women. If you oppose that, you're not "traditional" at all.
Women and men are different and have completementary abilities and preferences that should be utilized as best as possible to create an optimal society. That doesn't mean you have to "hate" women or men, you just need to understand that and not fall for the meme that "everyone is equal".
pls be trolling m8. It's like you're roleplayin as a literal "Feminazi"
Pic related is the idea of "equality" or "combating sexism" in the feminist's head.
Of course. It i s important to shut down misogynist bitterness as to avoid the brand of nat soc being associated with these almost-always libertarian mgtows.
You're deluded. As is the case with all who share your mind set. I literally just aid I'm traditional and don't believe in sex before marriage and you derive from this
>You want women to do whatever the fuck they want
>Acknowledging the differences between the sexes,
Now you have changed the argument.
Or we are simply on a misunderstanding.
There is a difference between talking about gender differences in a respectful way, and a disrespectful way. This goes for race realism/ethnic nationalism as well.
David Duke is a good modern example of conduct. Never says a swear or racial slur. There is no need.
People with less discipline and class ruin it for the rest of us by demanding racial slurs be tolerated in the movement and expect all ethnic nationalists to band together to defend someone with a history of saying on their pod cast " we will one day bathe in k word blood ".
I don't stand with vulgar, hateful people and will march forward with ethnic nationalism just the same.
>Acknowledging the differences between the sexes, delineating gender roles, treating women and men differently depending on what's best for them is actually a good thing. That's considered "sexist" like pink being assigned to girl and blue for women. If you oppose that, you're not "traditional" at all.
These are essential in an NS state. Boys and girls will be raised differently. As I recall, in Germany they were schooled co-ed until around high school, then they mostly split off and learned gender-specific things. For men, it was about building brotherhood bond and learning how to be a responsible husband and father. Women went and learned about things like cooking, childcare, how to be a good wife, and some female-specific sports if they wanted. No co-ed sports. No co-ed dorms at College.
There was also summer camps where the genders would be nearby and meet up for some activities.
I really liked how NSDAP handled schooling and gender roles. No surprise they rocketed to success.