Will anything ever be as entertaining as the 2016 election?
Will anything ever be as entertaining as the 2016 election?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Zimmerman trial was 100x as entertaining
Wait for the Hillary Clinton trial threads
Is that pic real?
Jeb story arc was the best story arc
It was some good times, now though is the come down. Too many fucking normies ruining shit and they brought all the cucks and lefty fags here
The 2020 election
Daily reminder youtube.com
>tfw the zimzam trial was 6 years ago
Yep, although in the original photo Jeb! was partially in a shadow causing the effect.
The primaries were amazing. All of the Sleepy Ben, Cruzposting, etc. memes were fucking hilarious, along with the craze when Sup Forums first discovered meme magic. I'd be very okay with being stuck in some Groundhog Day-esque loop where I'm forever in the primaries.
Trump's 2020 re election is going to be hilarious.
The barron election.
No never
nope. it was a once in a lifetime event.
Brexit referendum was pretty entertaining. Never been prouder
2018 congressional elections will be a good ride
Not really though
Election memes ran for almost a year
Watching America implode into civil/racial war