I'm at the wall of ;(
Why do kikes go to that stupid thing? Didn't they just prove the thing they thought it was, was somewhere else and that is just some Roman wall? lul
If triple digits you must yell "ALLAH ACKBAR" at the top of your lungs
trip digits allahu akbar 2nd attempt
Deny the holocaust
six tragrillion
it belongs to Palestine you kike
Roll quads and op screams ALLAH ACKBAR
Start grinding on the wall while screeching hilter did nothing wrong
piss on the wall
Make a sign and protest it. Bonus points if you wear antifa clothing.
Wrong wall mate, isn't it a roman fort?
Rolling for trips, OP count the oy veys.
stick dick in crack of wall. proceed to fuck wall.
That's the point. Everyone already protests the Palestinian wall, nobody protests the kike religious wall.
did you bring the bombs
Why do you pray at / simulate sex with the ruins of a Roman fort?
write message "Gas the jews" on small peace of paper like cuck kikes in the cracks and pretend to be praying.
user, mossad niggers might be on thread
hahahahaha OP should throw a shekel on the ground to lure them out.
I have a shekel OP can borrow, and I won't even charge interest.
Piss on it
You better start pissing there like Ozzy at alamo .
why are you there?
Hurry, destroy it!