Neither side. The only country I will and ever loved is Japan. I honestly could care less about the rest of the world. But I will be against any country that is against Japan, however.
Two bad guys are killing each other, who would you support?
Brody Ramirez
Jacob Johnson
Matthew Ward
Neither is bad.. India provides 3rd rate tech support for the world and Vachina makes cheap gadgets
Charles Ramirez
This is a tough one..... cant we just hope they kill each other?
Ian Turner
just change some details around
Dylan Thomas
The guy with the popcorn maker
Aaron Long
India 100% brits still feel a slight connection with our poo bros.
Samuel Wright
they are both shit tier I hope they wipe each other out
Brandon Morgan
Loo Poos.
Jacob Baker
>bad guy
You need to show your flag Rasheed