The alt right is so retarded...

The alt right is so retarded. I can understand being worried about all the Muslims coming in to the west but wanting an ethnostate safespace from all the people with different color skin than yours is just pathetic. How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?

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Of course it can not happen now, but what's wrong with wanting an ethno state ?

Who lives in your house ? You and your family, right ? Not the family from the house on the other side of the street who don't even wash their hands after peeing.

Why is that wrong if a man wants to live with his people ?

>race is just skin colour

that'show we know you're a shill. check the crime stats if you really believe this (but you don't)

Its mass delusion. I understand that MSM and the PC-"culture" are incredibly frustrating, but skin color wont fix the current Zeitgeist of "wrong think".

In the end, everyone blames something. The alt-right blames blacks and jews for everything.

funny how you don't (ever) see repubs denounce BLM black activits antifa nation of islam...the list just goes on. But when white people stand up for themselves? Boi you better have an umbrella.

100% of people will always blame someone because it's in the human nature.

The thing is : just because everybody blames somebody doesn't mean it's never true or never legitimate.

And I don't see what this has to do with anything, we just want to share the country we got through war only with people sharing our genes and manners.

She needs a good bleaching.

>but wanting an ethnostate safespace from all the people with different color skin than yours is just pathetic. How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?

Realistically the whole ethostate thing is a Sup Forums meme. In reality we'd have to genocide 100 million people to make it happen so a real answer would be to get rid of the 1965 immigration and naturalization act and pass legislation to "protect the culture and heritage" (this is the type of language many nations use in the immigration law) of the United States. That would mean an immigration policy that ATTEMPTED to return our immigration levels to historic levels of at least 80% White. (Over 90% would be closer to actual historic levels)

We would never get there but we could maintain a White majority IF we did this and took a hard line on illegal immigration and, (this would be the hardest part) got rid of birthright citizenship. Birthright citizenship would be the hardest because it would require a change to the Constitution or a complete reversal by the Supreme Court on the interpretation of the 14 amendment.

>asia for asians
>africa for africans
>Europe/USA for everyone.

go read up on the JQ and race and you will soon realise why civic nationalism will never work

when you do nothing about jews they take over your media and government and brainwash the population with subconscious messaging that makes us more divided and degenerate

why do jews own MTV and niggerfied music culture? why do jews own the porn industry? why did we get into wars for israel? why is our banking system and economy in a boom and bust cycle where all the failing banks were jew owned? why do jews promote feminism heavily leading to terrible gender relations?

Its not realistic. You wanna throw out all the non-whites in France?

Good luck even matching non-white birthrates m8.

Thats why I wrote "mass delusion". Its over. Unless ofcourse France goes full Hitler-mode, which will never happen since women vote left.

In my forst post, I stated that we can not do that.

Literally the first thing I said in this thread was : "Of course it can not happen now,"

But just because it can not happen doesn't mean that : "wanting an ethnostate safespace from all the people with different color skin than yours is just pathetic."

It's human nature that have been taken away from us.

>You wanna throw out all the non-whites in France?

That's what's going to happen anyway - either in the near future, peacefully or as a result of a civil war in 30-40 years.

you fell for the meme desu famlam

>wanting something tantamount to a utpopia

Come back to reality m8.

we get it, you like nigger dick, also

>what is basic biology

race has about 10% to do with skin color, if you made niggers pale they would even be uglier, i.q averages, skull structure, bone structure, aggressiveness all has to do with race. you plebeian faggot

You fell for the meme about it being a meme. No, some people actually believe this shit could happen bro.

You shoud wash your hands twice befor and after you pee

Women do not vote all left if there is a crisis.
The media control is about preventing women from understanding there is a crisis.
When 9/11 happened, CNN was literally running a story for two weeks how Dick Cheney was a 'Silver Fox' and Rumsfeld was high in sex-appeal because he is so alpha.
No advanced nation needs immigration at all.
That is 100% an international and domestic Business desire.
Robots and machines have replaced the Blue Collar.
AI is currently replacing Skilled Professionals and White Collar workers.
We do not need any immigration, at all.
And we can cut into minority birth rates easily.
No one has to get gassed.
No one has to be expelled.
Although you can expel and revoke citizenship to immigrants if they break certain laws.
All of these things are legally possible and totally humane.

She would look better without the bolt-ons.

false equivalence the post, fuck you if i stub my toe i don't blame the jews or blacks

>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?




No, you should literally be washing your hands every 5th minute, you fucking idiots.

All the people with different color skin have showed extreme hostility towards white people, they only respect strength and they will take all they can. Ethnostate or instilling some degree of fear in them is the only option unfortunately.

Remove the welfare in the present day, and 90% of the economic migrants will scurry away like cockroaches from a barren house.

They will learn that to live in a first world country does not mean to have an easy life, but to have a challenging life.

Alternatively we can wait until native-Europeans become such a minority that the welfare state collapses and muslims go door to door robbing, raping and slaughtering native Europeans - thus resulting in a new ethnostate of sorts.

Good god the future looks bleak - why was it so bad that white countries exist again? I've never been told.

>le race is just skin color meme

> Sup Forums reading comprehension level

The document clearly says precentage of newborns «at risk» tested. Meaning 100% of newborns tested were at risk and therefore almost exclusively non-white

It happened in Israel so fuck you.

You built a shipyard and a foundry on a perfectly perfect piece of clay and now you must be eradicated from the face of the earth, whitey.
Also, different ethnicities require different marketing strategies. Making us all into one big mush will mean that G o o g l e can reduce it's marketing staff by 78%.
Take your medicine, dinosaur.

> Jews are so retarded. I can understand being worried about all the Muslims coming in to Israel but wanting an ethnostate safespace from all the people with different religion than yours is just pathetic. How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?

Why? What difference does it make?

If anything i welcome Muslims, watching leftards getting raped and slaughtered by irony is beautiful

plus sharia law will actually benefit white heterosexual males, only leftards will suffer under it

What are you protesting against?

Retard who translated thinks this means 73% of newborns in Ile de France are non-white. This is not at all what the document is showing. It means 73% of non white newborns in Ile de France were tested.
Basically this document is of no relevance at all on Sup Forums

Yes it may have happened in Israel, but that doesn't magically make it possible to happen here. To vast majority of people in the west just the idea of creating a white ethnostate and separating people based on skin color is the most horrible evil thing ever, and always will be. It will NEVER happen here, maybe that's unfair to you, get over it.

How do you know you can sustain a multiracial state successfully? Are there any examples of success? Don't you think you should test theories before applying them (everywhere)?

In Eastern Europe it can happen. Any niggers will be put 6 m under earth or made kebabs for the west.

>Basically this document is of no relevance at all on Sup Forums

Are northern Europeans at risk for sickle cell anemia? What percentage of southern Europeans? It's not fucking Sicily, it is France.

Hmm, that doesn't really make sense. Why would they test a far higher percentage of non-whites in Ile de France than elsewhere in France? Clearly the percentage has to be the percentage of all newborns regardless of ethnicity. It's the only way those numbers make sense whether in comparison with each other or with the increase over the years.

I get that "nouveaux-nés à risque dépistés" can be read the way you're reading it, but I don't think that's what it actually means. I think it's just clumsily worded. Because reading it the way you read it makes no sense in the context. They'd only test 73% of babies at risk in Ile de France? Why? Why would they ignore 27% of the babies they know are at risk? Or they'd test only 8% out of all babies that have been determined to be at risk of having sickle cell in Bretagne? This would be gross negligence. Surely you can see this reading makes no sense in the context. If I'm missing something obvious, by all means point it out, but I just don't see how your reading works given the numbers.

Empires were typically multiethnic, however they typically required brutally authoritarian practices to maintain the order so frequently imperilled by the chaos this created.

I can't think of any others, desu mass-scale immigration like what we see today wasn't really possible without warfare/conquest.

>It means 73% of non white newborns in Ile de France were tested.

Nope it means that 73% of all newborns were tested, and here are raw numbers.

Dear lord, this is dumber than niggers level of reading comprehension.
The document gives no idea of what percentage of total newborns (all races included) is non white. For all you know, it could be 1%, and therefore 99% of all newborns would be white, in case this is too hard for you.
The information on the doc is, once again, of no relevance whatsoever

It shows that awareness of necessity of testing and access to tests is increasing, and is at its most in the capital. You think if you did the same document for prostate cancer you'd have 100% everywhere, or that you'd include 100% of population in the stats??

>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen
lincoln was a kike.

Well fuck me, I stand corrected, guess I'll go kill myself

>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?
Getting rid of faggots like you would be a good start.

We had white ethnostates in Europe just 20 years ago.

What the fuck.

>the idea of creating a white ethnostate and separating people based on skin color is the most horrible evil thing ever,
So Israel is pure evil in your mind then?

>Muh skin colour

I think they're more bothered by the low IQ and barbarism that come with it.

This is a slide thread.
Antifa members list

A simple fact that sharapova make more money than serena williams , girl in the picture is ugly and OP is Faggot

A simple Fact that unskilled labor who come from third world country won't help economy

A simple Fact that Alexander empire , Mongol Empire , Yugoslavia . Soviet Union , india , brazil all the multiracial country failed and collapse

A simple Fact that white become minority mean America economy will be collapse

See this Faggot

1972 America GDP growth rate was 5.236% (85% White)

1997 America GDP growth rate was 4.487% (70% White)

2016 America GDP growth rate was 1.6% ( 60% white)

Keep believe your self "Muh brown people" and "muh race-mixing are good" identity politics crap

Are you trying to fake news me by taking my statement out of context?

To the VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE the idea of creating a white ethnostate and separating people based on skin color is the most horrible evil thing ever,

I didn't say me. Also yes israel is pure evil.

Having an ethnostate does not mean you can't travel elsewhere. In fact, I would encourage it in order to spread white genetics as far and wide as possible. The white ethnostate is the comfy, persisting home in a world of chaos, though. Who wouldn't want that?

This is not a slide thread. Sorry you can't have a safespace on Sup Forums either pussy fagit

>Also yes israel is pure evil.
And therefore so is Iran, Switzerland, Iceland, South Korea, Japan, Congo, and dozens of others that are essentially ethnostates.

According to you, wanting to have control over national demographics and cultural heritage of a nation is "pure evil".

Of course it can happen, in fact it already does, but silently. Segregation is natural, whether you are liberal or not, you are slave to your ethnocentric drives.

educate yourself on race before you say anything.

>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?
>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?
>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?

Literally Europe from Thousands of years ago until only a few decades ago you dumb fuck. Jeuss fucking christ.

Force to put people in one bag who have different culture and ethnicity

Alexander, Stalin do the same thing
it's end tragically

the Serious problem is you think you are better than imperialist or communism

but imperialist or Bolshevik are far smarter than you

for anyone who doesn't understand why that front part of the brain is so important.

>To the VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE the idea of creating a white ethnostate and separating people based on skin color is the most horrible evil thing ever,
Now yes, after decades of brainwashing. In the future, who knows.
Most people also think getting replaced is horrible. At some point they'll have to decide which of the options is less horrible.

What? How is it an ethnostate?

> from all the people with different color skin than yours is just pathetic
Race is far more than skin color, you anti-science mong. Non-white populations with low IQs and impulse control are the reason this country is turning into a third world shit hole.

>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?

Civil war, ethnic cleansing

you know...

>Ethnic cleansing is the systematic deliberate removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous.


Reminder that is alt-right is literally alternative right and includes any right winger that isn't a mainstream neo-con. OP is just a leftist shill posing as a republican.

>How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen, anyway?
C'mon you know how.

>the alt left is so retarded. I can see being worried about individual rights and some equality of opportunity but wanting to enslave and corrupt the entire human species and force them into a totalitarian communistic society is just pathetic. How in the fuck do you think that could ever happen anyway?

I wish I were joking, but this is the state if things.