What are /pol's thought on this?
Is it real, or some crazy conspiracy theory?
CPS abuse: is it real?
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In the 80s and 90s fake child protection agencies came knocking on parents doors in the UK and claimed they'd abused their kids and were gonna take em away. Showed fake papers and everything.
Stupid parents gave up their kids and never saw em.
Smart ones rang the cops and the "child agencies" ran off.
They got a couple hundred thousand victims like this.
Of course it's real you idiot. It happens all the time and always has. Glow-in-the-dark CPS niggers all deserve a bullet to the head
If she didn't want to be raped she should have just said so, I'm sure they would have stopped.
Goes to show how discriminated against paedophiles are, when a consentual interaction is automatically classified as 'rape'
Look I understand you have a children and are mentally insane that you think every single type of child abduction case is some kind of huge conspiracy but you need to stop. Go take your medicine and relax not everyone is out to take your shitty disgusting children away from you. Stop coming to Sup Forums you middle aged dried up whore. BTW CPS has always had issues shit like this always happens. It happens a lot with nigger kids and nigger CPS workers.
Have you heard of the whole Scottish godparent bullshit? Sounds messed up.
u bet its real. we live in a fucked up world sonnyboy
>>They got a couple hundred thousand victims like this.
I bet he liked them
t. podesta
As a police officer, I think that most CPS workers are crooks and deserve to be shot, desu. They are incompetent and intentionally slack on their job which gets kids raped and killed.
t. middle aged women who thinks Sup Forums is her personal army
Do you know who CPS workers are? Not all of them are scumbags most of the white ones at least want to help the kids. How do I know? I know many CPS and social workers who are white that work in nigger neighborhoods risking there lives to try to help niggers (delusional) out of there gutter shithole lives. A lot of the workers are incompetent because most of the time its some nigger that was hired because they need more diversity. Its the same shit with the DMV and most state jobs its filled to the brim with stupid niggers that are only there because they are non-white.
This ---->
Cut your dick off and choke on it you fucking piece of shit
Did you actually read the article? She was taken from her grandmothers home because of the parent's priors, not for any abuse... The mom was on drugs 13 years ago, but was sober at the time of being taken...
The mom was refused visits because she called police when she suspected abuse. After it was found out that she was in the hospital because she was almost burned to death, the mom was refused visiting rights.
If someone can show up with no warrant or court order, take your child and send her to a rapists home, then to another home where they bathe her in boiling water, something is wrong.
>is it real?
you serious?
>reddit spacing
Shit happens all the time faggot ALL THE TIME. Also you really don't know the background or the reasons for the childs removal for all you know she was back on drugs again.
They're incompetent morons. The path to hell is paved with the good intentions of incompetent future cat ladies. The majority of CPS workers are brainlet retards and most of them do deserve to get shot, no memes just the truth.
>Also you really don't know the background or the reasons for the childs removal for all you know she was back on drugs again.
Oh well I guess that solves it and a baby getting raped and boiled alive isn't really an issue. Phew. Thanks user you solved it.
Just got done looking this up on Google like an intelligent person. There are many websites that talked about this Devani child abuse case in Arizona but they're not mainstream media like CNN or Firefoxnews.
The Named Person scheme got dumped for being oppressive. Expect something worse though
Weird aren't you
>The Named Person scheme got dumped for being oppressive
That's good.
>Expect something worse though
Does that mean they want to enact something similar throughout the UK?
We used to lynch people for shit like this.
Mob trail and all that.
That's a horrible infographic. It's not even chronological.
>a couple hundred thousand victims like this.
i really doubt it was "a couple hundred thousand". the logistics of that are insane.
it happens all the time in uk, no one does shit about it. but then, in uk, family court is absolutely kangaroo as fuck and they put gag orders on you and can put you in prison for violating it by talking about your case.
>Social services receptionist handed personal file of child rape victim to her alleged abusers as part of campaign to de-rail trial of 'paedophile ring'
>From at least 2001, multiple reports passed names of alleged perpetrators, several from one family, to the police and Rotherham Council.
this lady "abducted" her own two sons after she discovered they were being raped by their dad and potentially other "professionals". they were seen by a doctor who confirmed that they had indeed been sodomised but the family court would not admit that evidence, instead they made a story of how the mother drugged her kids and tried to take them away from her. she went on the run, others who have had run ins with uk social services raised money for her.
note the pictures, neither of the boys are young enough to not try to seek help if she was how they were trying to portray her as, and they are able to walk rather freely and happily there.
there were a bunch more instances but it's hard trying to dig them up, but i think it's got to be organised as fuck. things like rotherham and even rochdale don't just happen because "we're scared to be racist", the lot of them participate in it.
CPS (now renamed DCS – Department of Child Services)
"Hello is this the DCS? Good I would like to order the services of a child. Yes I'll hold"
i didn't even get into their baby snatching ways:
Beware the baby-snatchers: how social services can ruin your family
The care system’s eagerness to separate babies from parents
>British social services tried to kidnap my son
>Spanish authorities seize two-week-old son from British parents who fled UK to stop social services 'kidnap'
>The state-sponsored kidnapping of children is not a dream - it's Britain in 2015
>Secretive family courts seize 10,000 children a year - and we don't know how many adoptions are right or fair
Wow congratulations on the nice people you know spending other people's money to maximize the number of black people.
>How do I know? I know many CPS and social workers
wow, great anecdotal evidence there user.