ANTIFA attacks BLM!!
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Big if true
mask on fuck it mask off
In information technology a reasoning system is a software system that generates conclusions from available knowledge using logical techniques such as deduction and induction. Reasoning systems play an important role in the implementation of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems.
>if true
You literally just watched it happen you stupid leaf. God I hate you fucking leafs. After we genocide the niggers, you faggots are next
Does Antifa not believe that black lives matter?
This is like watching the first Alien VS Predator movie...
As a fascist organization, (((antifa))) will slowly start attacking and attempting to remove other groups through intimidation, threat, and physical violence.
Sounds like the left is starting to divide. Time to get a beer and watch the 2 terrorist organizations beat each other up
Why would they fight each other when they're all the same paid agitators with the same boss?
>left eating it's own
hi it would appear that you are new and most likely also a fag.
I've been here longer than you, stupid faggot. I realize that's an old meme but it doesn't apply in this situation. So either he didn't use the meme correctly or he's a retard or moar likely both.
You have been chosen.
8ch net/pol/res/10404804.html#10449447
republican plants, not actually antifa, obviously
You're a republican plant.
It's going to be comfy when we ally with the nogs. I'm looking forward to my temporary black gf before white sharia is implemented nationwide and I'm assigned a white woman to have children with.
Antifa has learned what was already known for centuries. Black idiots are very much punch-able. Alternately this could someone from the white nationalists disguised as Antifa.
blacks doesn't want to do what Antifa wants them to do, they realize antifa just want slave soldiers and lashes out... hmmm
The left destroys everyone and thus everyone will be equally poor or dead.
God has been here longer than any of us... and he will someday judge your actions accordingly.
well they're ethnonationalists
That girl "you just fucking pushed me"
y'all d've
We saw this with communism, especially Stalin. the left tears down everyone who is successful, so they flee from the area or are killed. Then paranoid fear sets in and they start executing everyone who shows the slightest sign of being a counter-revolutionary. The quality of their central planning went way down because they chased a large majority of the successful people away and people started to starve as a result.
A similar thing will happen with the progressive left, the more power they get the more they'll drive successful racial and gender groups away because of intersection between gender studies and racial studies. Eventually they'll have mostly black females and white male cucks and their movement will become so ineffective it will be comical to watch. We will see a magnitude of retardation rarely seen in human history. It will be wrong to stand up to pee and reason with black people. They will lose all credibility.
Did blacks really think that commies would want to share the authority with them if they came to power? Obviously they're just pawns
Yeah but this isn't a behavior exhibited by white nationalists
>y'alld've s'tve d'nd'un'ffin
ftfy lel kek XDxDexdee
>white people thinking they're so "in" with blacks, they call one an Uncle Tom
Not sure that he's BLM
Is your argument white nationalists are incapable of producing a false flag attack?
Official statement from antifa
Look out nigger my commune's gettin bigger.
Dude, you're everywhere.
Why are you linking this
8ch net/pol/res/10404804.html#10449447
Articulate wtf you want ?
Never mind the false flag theory. Holy shit even left wing Antifa believes black people are savages. They have been officially slightly red pilled.
>i repeat not a member organisation
No but statstically near impossible compared to antifa being antifa.
In communism no lives matter.
Couldn't happen to two nicer groups of people. Lets hope they wipe each other out.
I would have thought all the leftist brainwashing prevented confrontation with black people though.
Lurk more, Jesus christ
Another quality Black man vs. Antifa video here:
i take it that black guy is a fascist?
>lurk more
Yeah, because lurking more would somehow make that leaf misusing that meme from a cartoon from over a decade ago make sense. It's supposed to be used after someone says something nonsensical or outlandish. He just watched the fucking video and saw it happen, there's zero room for interpretation.
big if trur
>a fascist organization will do fascist things
Bold prediction
significant if factual
Does this mean liberals are chaos followers, and BLM/Antifa just follow different chaos goes?
BLM being khorne and antifa being slaanesh?
...whos' Tzeentch?
Fatpositive is obviously nurgle.
Let them fight
YES! I hope this escalates to a fucking war. Any way to meme this real?
Because it's leftism. It's a perpetual race to the bottom.
if y'all'd've thought it be like it is how it is, it do, but it don't
antifa attacks black man
>two intolerant ideological violent groups appear in one location
>somehow expect them to coexist
Nothing new here. The only thing they have in common is their hatred of Western culture and the status quo. Beyond that, they have as much brotherly love as Sunni and Shia
Wot in tarnation
Isn't that a Sup Forums account?
(((THAY))) are losing control
Sir, you seem to be ass-blasted, butt-bothered, booty-buggered, anal-angry, or something of the sort.
In the eyes of a leftycuck perhaps, but i honestly think he's just a normal citizen/blm supporter who's tired of the commies piggybacking their gatherings to spew antifa propaganda.
Antifa members list
Nah, just having a lark and a LARP m80
The Jews got Jewd!
Communists sure didn't
Would side with BLM desu
Antifa will even kill niggers if they disagree with them enough.
Honestly, i am surprise it didn't happen sooner considering the whole left ideology is based on "GIVE ME FREE STUFF BECAUSE I AM MORE OPRESED THAT YOU". Infight was literally just a matter of time, as we know from history.
>Fatpositive is obviously nurgle.
big if true
>Fatpositive is obviously nurgle.
Fatpossitive will be slaanesh since is all about body pleasures.
Nurgle will be those gays who take pride in being STD carriers.
Well Che always hated black people and antifa being the sheep they are probably do so
Big if true.
BLM wearing tidy shirt and cowboy hat? You sure those aren't some black conservatives?
I don't believe that happened.
Black will always do the contrary of what white people do.
Nope that Nigga is a Crip!
But even if, doesn't Antifa break it's rulea by punching a baboon?
Also Antifa posted that the part ways with DinduLifesMatter!
I don't think Khorne would represent any leftists except organized criminal gangs.
Tzeentch would obviously be the intellectual elites with the grand schemes, satanic rituals, etc. Basically, all the Magick users, people at the top and cult like lemmings who do their biddings at these events.
Nurgle is definitely gay rights shit, welfare leeches, and the slothful. Possibly even anarchists who just want to see everything "collapse" (Lord of Decay). Those people don't bathe after all.
Slaanesh is all the decadence, the fatties, the feminists, the trannies, the gays (who are actually gay), the drug addicted, the sex addicted, etc.
Straight from the top. Funny how anarchists have a leader.
my sides
Competition for sorosbucks
We need to meme a bigger hat
>Anything to keep the poor busy
Doesn't matter who are the ones fighting as long as we have monkeys at each others throats the people will be too distracted to rally
It's fucking poetry. Even blacks hate these pussies now
thats exactly what i was thinking when i saw him
Lads, I think I'm in love with the girl at 1:10 shouting at the nigger.
we want the niggers to win right
Antifa are fucking unstable, they seem like the type of people to attack randomly with needles
Leaders are fine in Anarchism. Rulers are different.
Rulers proclaim a rule that must not be broken for an arbitrary reason.
Leaders show by example and have willing followers. Not by coercion. Sooo! Big difference.
I don't know for one side, antifa are our mortal enemies, opposed to everything we represent.
In the other side they are white.
She is waking up, but sadly, too late.
niggers' biggest enemy is niggers. 90% of black homicides are done by other niggers.
antifa is an anti white jewish controlled communist organization.
of course we want the niggers to win.
Eбaлa жaбa гaдюкy, literally
Hmmm... Has Sup Forums adopted (((them))) tactics?
>fucking idiots
Let's push the left too far. They removed the
Confederate statues from Austin, TX.
We should get them to try and rename Austin.
Look at this triggering quote from Stephen Austion "I sometimes shudder at the consequences and think that a large part of America will be Santo Domingonized in 100, or 200 years. The idea of seeing such a country as this overrun by a slave population almost makes me weep. It is in vain to tell a North American that the white population will be destroyed some fifty or eighty years hence by the negroes, and that his daughters will be violated and Butchered by them