This is our feminist leader. And you say feminists are ugly...... projecting much?
This is our feminist leader. And you say feminists are ugly...... projecting much?
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I don't know user how to respond to that, but i am sure you would be happy if it was a tranny.
desu she does it for money
>how to destroy a movement
Holy fuck leaf, you represented the nation.
What is the point of feminism? What does it actually achieve?
Can i lick her soles
Chrys Chukwuma (born May 12, 1978) is a former professional American football running back who was signed as an undrafted free agent by the Dallas Cowboys and played for the Las Vegas Outlaws of the defunct XFL, Tennessee Titans, Edmonton Eskimos, Montgomery Maulers and the Arkansas Stars of the National Indoor Football League. He was drafted in the 16th round of the All American Football League by Team Arkansas.[1]
I want to impregnate Emma.
she has the wonkiest boobs ive ever seen.
Where's the ass?
Its a parasitic meme that achieves civilizational destruction for the sake of false pretences
She doesn't really believe in feminism. She's just a mouthpiece for one aspect of cultural Marxism.
it's going to be beautiful when she is done riding the cock chargers and feminism has no need for her anymore
considering we've all seen her nudes by now
She's average at best.
But she is ugly. You can already see the wrinkles forming. The typical feminist fat setting in and her personality is just a bag of muh emotions and no reason
Before the Christians, Vikings we're an egalitarian people and both men and women were equal in society. When Christianity came, they turned it patriarchal.
Today, we are getting back our true heritage of equality.
>oh no that poor camwhore who voluntarily whored herself out on the internet to pay for weed and abortion because work is yucky
Yeah no fuck off
They chose to do these trades because they would fucking starve without the guy in the middle's demand for their otherwise worthless products.
She has the face of a 12 year old boy
She has the body of a 13 year old boy.
>2017 a.d.
>Still foaming over former child one-hit-wonder actresses with shitty anglo womanlet genetics.
>not joining the master race in the worship of Alpha 6'3" women.
This now a Debicki thread
>black guys stealing hard working white man's ring, smartphone and food
Pretty accurate.
That is, until you become a caliphate.
Celebrities bash trump, support feminist and all the other things because it's how you get work in hollywood.
The more you virtue signal the more hollywood liberals will give you work.
wow... this is deep...
>And you say feminists are ugly...
Nonsense. She has a nice penis.
Richard Dawkins?
>Richard Dawkins?
Yes! How did you know?
not my proudest fap.
I could smell the fedora
if she was really a feminist she wouldn't wear those hooker heels, its essentially modern foot binding and makes you defenseless
Straight back. Broad shoulders. Like a man.
Overrated actress best known for correcting the pronunciation of wingardium leviosa and whose #HeForShe campaign was basically just industrial scale friendzoning while she fucks her rugby player boyfriend. Great leader.
I recognize that bulge!
The Average feminist IS ugly, that's an undeniable fact
How does the people here who worship Emma feel knowing that she fucked an Asian guy ?????????????
She sucked on Asian cock
so her hymen is still intact? neet
She took Asian cock in her
At least her boipucci would still feel like it's unused after him
ich will fucken
ich töte sie fucken
This is AMWF
Walking the doggy
are you guys retarded? it's clearly a woman, it's clearly a criticism of white feminism
look at those fat rolls, emma fags btfo
Fucking hate this virtue signaling cunt.
Ugliness of the soul cannot be helped.
holy kek please post this on her twitter, she would honestly get such a laugh
She's literally vapid.
>men need help
>he for she so men have purpose by helping women
>that will help men
Money and power for women who had nothing but housework in semi prison of the house before.
Would you fuck Emma Watson knowing she race-mixed with an Asian?
pretty good knowing her pussies still tight
That face on the dog "Listen paparazzi, I am not hanging out with these people out of my free will"
She's a robot created by the globalists to spread cultural Marxism to the masses
It's worst than that. She's an English woman.
>feminists are ugly.
she proves the point.
What happens next?
Must be a total cuck who patiently listens to her "heroic" stories of how she champions feminism and "men are fucking rats", "but you are a good guy, thank you for supporting me"
The chair she is sitting on was designed by Austrian architect and designer Josef Hoffman (15 December 1870 – 7 May 1956). Clearly she is a racist.
the young guys get friendzoned and the fat guy gets her drunk and foot fucks her poot shoot in the back of a dennys
And how about that jawline? She's a he.
Why does the chick in OP's post look so familiar in a not-Emma-Watson kind of way? I'm pretty sure Emma Watson resembles some other actress.
And why does her hotness vary so widely in her pics? Some of her pics are complete buttaface material.
shes an 8 at best
Everything she ever wanted has been handed to her on a Silver Platter.
Ohh the Patriarchy.
But she is ugly. Inside and out. And all SJW's/Feminists are pedophile degenerates who only say what they do because they're paid to do it. There is no difference between them and any terrorist mob.
Why scrub the floor with shrimp and not a sponge?
Anyone who feels any sort of emotional bond of romance with a celebrity they don't know is a slave of the lowest type.
>tfw you will never be spit roasted by the weasley twins
why live?
>ywn suck on emma's toes
why even live?
that is the face of the undead
She is a fucking Princess. Not a slave in any way.
not very far tho
>A-user kun p-pls cum on my feet
Not as deep as your mom's bung hole.
The moment a real war should ever start - and I mean actual war, not antifa LARPing by assaulting harmless people in the streets - feminism would disappear overnight.
t. female person
Who doesn't want a girlfriend who takes care of the engagement ring herself? You are just protecting.
No it wouldn't. They would fight using sticks, die by the hundred/injured by the thousand, and then play the eternal victim. Most will become spineless as women are often want to do, few will act like they're hardened veterans and increase violent rhetoric. They most likely will have never even touched a gun or tool of war.
Culling the herd of feminist females, leaving the real ones alive to breed with.
No feminists in a house fire
>ywn date with Emma
Feels bad man
Oh man, you can just tell that she is the kind of chick that would say shit like "hurt me daddy" while you're fucking. Honestly, just now, imagine her looking you dead in the eyes and moaning that line into your ears with total sincerity. I don't even care that she is an idiotic feminist, because I, at least in my mind, have already dicked the feminist out of her silly little head.
I don't bloody think so.
If anything, hyprocritical feminist parasites would do a 360 and start bashing men to go fight and protect the precious women, selectively "forgetting" all the "equality" blabbering about women that are strong and not only don't need no man but can also be able to do all the things men do.
Rare photo of Emma.
I wonder how many of the British girls in this photo have grown up & race-mixed like Emma has?
those feet lads...
I kind of feel sorry that you have never really been close enough to a woman to realize they have a good amount of fair, most of which gets groomed and plucked but it is a fact
And you're from Germany of all places, those bitches are not top of the class when it comes to grooming...but they're all getting fucked by niggers and turks anyway
She's average.
They won't back away from that. Especially those that follow the rhetoric of Mary Daly, Andrea Dworkin and Julie Bindel. They will act like mighty war heroes for feminism because not once will they ever have another chance, regardless of what they have or haven't actually done.
What about them? Those ankles look like they are about to burst in those heels.
what about them?
It achieves an unstable society which is a good setting for men to compete in natural selection.