Who can fight better?

Who can fight better?
Blacks or Whites?

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whites Ahmed, the only things niggers can do better than anybody is run

We will find out on Saturday.

btw NO EXCUSES when you lose, white bois. I know you're great at making excuses for everything, but this will be a fair and square fight.

They use 8 ounze gloves. McGregor has officially won already

maybe open up a history book and you will see

If Slavs are white, then whites

Kek,well maybe for you ahmed

This match won't prove that.
It's a pro boxer and an amature boxer in a boxing match.
If it was a fight that allowed you to use all of you fighting skills McGregor would destroy Floyd.
But in a boxing match, Floyd is a master of his martial art.
All this will prove is that Floyd is a great boxer which we already know.

I can't wait until
Actually, this is meaningless

who took the globe?




Put your money where your mouth is and bet on who you think will win.
Talk all the shit you want, but both of these guys walk away rich as fuck and won't give two shits about what the public thinks, it's all a big show.

>Who can fight better?

The one that trains more of course


You tell me.

In boxing, niggers have the advantage:
- longer arms (apes)
- less body fat, so more muscles for the same weightclass
- more muscle in the upper body and shoulders compared to legs and hips


holy shit, just realised
1914 Ottoman Empire looks like especially retarded gondola


Negroes have been winning boxing for centuries, anons.


I fucking love Whittaker.

Based Herb Dean with the late stoppage because he's /ourguy/.

>White boi can't compe...

Now now Shlomo Evreicu, now is not the time to attempt divide et impera.

Whites used to work together better, in an every man for himself scavenger world of today I don't even know, too depressed to care.

Probably the Race, which managed to conquer and enslave the other.

Last time I checked the Niggers where still mad about slavery and colonialism so I guess its 1-0 for the white team.

report and sage fight threads
r/sports is that way, shill


We all know Mayweather is the biggest poser in the history of Boxing. People like to say "he's the best Boxer of all time" when in reality people who dent ride the black cock of ignorance say it like it is "he's the best DEFENSIVE Boxer of all time" which is totally different. For one becoming a boxer isn't that hard not to downplay other greats that where actually great, Mayweather is just "smarter" then the average competitor by thinking Hmm if I keep up my stamina and dance around for ten rounds ill win every match. Being a defensive Boxer and a actual Boxer is two totally different things, actual Boxers are looking for the wining blow making it interesting, Mayweather doesn't care about that he cares just about the statical win, nothing else. On paper he's the greatest, but in reality he would never stack up to some of the all time greats who play it his way with the power to match. Mayweather has never intentionally knocked out anyone because he doesn't have the power to do so, NEVER did. The only person he knocked out in his career was some random and the guy was literally standing in front of him thinking the referee called the round. Plus being a actual fighter like Conor is something totally different, we ALL know that if it was a head up fight Conor would demolish Maywaether, most people would if they have average Boxing ability. The main reason people watch Mayweather fights isn't because he's a great its because they want to see him get fucked up for dancing in the ring so much, he'll even admit to that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Mayweather is nothing more then a white mans money machine.

who would win?
The Greatest Martial Artist of All Time
300mg of penicilin?

>Professional Boxer vs
>UFC fighter
>in a boxing match
I'm going to kek heartily when the nigger still loses though.



I agree with this so much, how can people even like that fraud ?

And his lust for money is just disgusting.


Do those webms answer OP's question

>He wins every fight but I no liek how he wins so he's a fraud
Yeah you don't seem to have issues at all :)

He's /ourguy/

Yeah really ruined the sport.

technique > strength, so whites.

I agree, I personally actually think that makes him better.
Let's say you have two great sword fighters one of them gets hit a lot, the other doesn't get hit. Which one is better?


His last fight, his leg was completely fucked and he fought for the entire fight the guy's a true warrior.

Yadda yadda yadda

mayweather is a defensive boxing phenomenon. Theres no way around it, he was absolutely amazing with his defense. like it or not.

why the fuck isn't America red? Can tell some retard Amerifat made this trash

Black. other races can't win against black

>why the fuck isn't America red? Can tell some retard Amerifat made this trash

can't you read?
1914 map you fucking retard


>other races can't win against black

Let's see you "dance around" and not get hit by professional boxers.

Care to elaborate? Mc gregor isnt used to boxing gloves

Of course Mayweather is going to win, he's the boxing specialist in a boxing match.

Mike "If he eats rice I won't be nice" Perry

I meant general

Mike "Lands the axe on the anglo-sax" Perry


He wouldn't last in a actual fight, I said yeah he's one of the greatest defensive Boxers ever but it doesn't make him the greatest ever. Theres a difference, he knows what he does and does it on purpose, he's a slim ball. It's completely subjective to say he's fights are entertaining because of the rhythm of the fight, the only thing you get from them is basic form. People want to see entertainment. But nobody here can say his fights are objectively better to watch, because thats a total subjective view, Boxing has become for docile since the "money" Mayweather. Which is way Boxing is dying and people are moving to UFC. In all honesty he's ripping y'all off and he knows it but don't care because muh greatest defensive Boxer. More like Boxing joke.

whites, all effective fighting styles were made by whites

Mike "Smack the black" Perry

All I see are two niggers.

uhm but whittaker is not white

Normal is 10 ounzes
Mayweather has never been hit by an 8 ounze glove in his life.
McGregor beats harder than anyone Mayweather ever fought.
Smaller gloves make it more difficult to hide yourself behind.
It will be an absolute demolition.

nice 1
but everybody knows slavs r not white

that feel when heem is dead so we spam webms on Sup Forums

dont tell the rest of them

there is no mistaking it, we(humans) are apes

machida is half monkey half jap
not white

>'s completely subjective to say he's fights are entertaining
But it's not subjective to say they are not? Fucking kek you smarmy rat

What the fuck are you talking about, 8 ounce gloves are commonly used in FW fights

Mayweather spent the majority of his career using those gloves

Exactly, your acting like I didn't suggest that but saying what you quoted.

t.asian who never stepped foot into american schoolyards
t.base nig


real fucking clever name
have a (You)

Alright I'll correct myself: In this weightclass 8 ounce gloves are illegal. Doesn't change the fact that he will be hit harder than ever before in his career and have only small gloves to hide behind.
4 rounds max

All those maniacs in the background. Humans are animals after all.

Look dude at the end of the day, people can say whatever here to win whatever argument, but everybody wants to see a real man fight with blood and injuries. Nobody can deny that, and if Mayeather is doing his dancing routine on channel 62 and some random is getting beat up on 63 were all flipping to 63 because we already know what to except from him. Its human nature to want to see the actual violence no matter how educated or "intellectual" you are. More so in man then women of course because muh biology.

MMA is incredibly satisfying sometimes

Persuade me that i admit it.

>rashad stoned off his tits in the background


Fuck I hate this tard

Mayweather got this. he wouldn't fight him in the first place if that wasn't a sure thing.

McGregor gets 100 million for this stunt. both win.

>hating my fitefu
Gonna need you to get in my guard, bro

well one unfuck your grammar i don't know what your asking

and 2 while blacks do hold up in most boxing classes they almost always get beat out by slavs like this user said you can see this post for multiple ufc matchs of whites (mostly anglos) dominating blacks
along with en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Olympic_medalists_in_taekwondo
examples of martial arts being dominated by hispanics (part white usually 60%+) whites, and east asians
speaking of hispanics you can look into their successes in boxing
also historically whites have DOMINATED race warfare since we came into existence (indo-europeans)
i can also give anecdotal evidence from growing up in a east texas town that was 80% black that whites won almost every fight unless the nogs ganged up on the poor kid

History would say whites

kys dumb casual

ask white cucks in america lmao


Jesus Christ why didn't the referee end this right there?

a lot of these refs are shit, but this is redic

>the slayer of Sup Forums

Joanna is pretty qt for a terrifying goblin

lol you ain't seen nothing m'dudes


he has 26 KOs on his record.

53% of his fights. Yeah that's not an impressive amount, but to say he can't knock people out and never could is just not true.

That said, he will beat Conor with a decision, most likely.

If I was that guys bother, I'd crack that ref with a bat

>black male loses to whtie woman in a physical fight
Glad to know I'll never be this pathetic.

When whites get pissed off, they become the better fighter and of course if they aren't autistic