Democracy doesn't work for all countries and some nations are more stable and prosperous under the rule of a harsh dictatorship
Post one sentence redpills
Gay is OK.
OP is a faggot
The Republican party has never reduced the size of government.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were completely 100% justified but the Tokyo firebombing was not.
Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome cannot coexist.
Democracy doesn't work
>some nations are more stable and prosperous under the rule of a harsh dictatorship
literally only singapore
Women deserve to be treated as lesser creatures.
Racial differences are real.
Stay a man of honor.
Fuck Gene Simmons.
tfw no gf
its always the jews
A mean IQ of 90+ is required minimum for a liberal democracy. That is why the USA is seeing its institutions eroded right now and can barely claim to be an elected oligarchy.
There are multiple competing factions of Jews at play on the board, and none of them are thinking in the long term.
niggers, they gon' nig
> multiple competing factions
This is something I read about at LRC long ago, about how it was not realistic to speak of "establishment", because in reality there really are two or more establishments with opposing views.
ie: those that wanted Hillary to win because they benefited from the warmonguering and those who wanted Hillary to lose because more warmonguering would eventually collapse the Z0G and they'd lose everything.
I'd love to bash that guys head.
There is something so strange about trannies. Literally like aliens or something.
Reminds me of another good one-liner redpill:
>Seperation of powers doesn't prevent corruption, it just promotes competition between corrupt individuals.
This should have been the first post.
I kek'd
A species when separated geographically will evolve with different capacities based on their environment.
Bitcoin and blockchain technology is going to change the world; I'm going to be a literal fucking billionaire in less than five years
Do animals know they are animals?
News demonize us by showing our reaction, but not what we react to
If you are not a liberal at 20, you have no heart; if you are not a conservative at 30, you have no brain.
Women are, men do.
Trying to oppose the kikes and the left in their current agenda is counterproductive at this point as opposed to accelerating the collapse.
There is no means to reform this system; you either destroy it or remove yourself from it all together.
we're from the government and we're here to help
It's ok to be tactfully offensive