Drumpf looked at the sun during the solar eclipse. Lol

Drumpf looked at the sun during the solar eclipse. Lol

He's finished now, media is having a field day. Repeat after me pol, bye bye Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:


why can't he avoid the bad optics?

Bye drumpfkins!!! Lol, silly little plumpf had a bad day, dumbass blumpdf. Haha celestial bodies 1, bumbfkins 0!

bye bye Drumpf

Don't really care, I just know that he'll never recover from this one!

These digits prove it.

>he was wearing eclipse contacts this whole time

It was cloudy at this time in D.C.

Really, then where did the picture come from?

what picture

dogos drumpf btfo it's over

The sun blinked first

He looked at a partial solar eclipse. Looking at a 85% covered sun is not a problem.

Yes, because getting the bulk of the attention/coverage during the election worked out so poorly for him. He knows what he is doing.

Take the Barron pill lads


He looked up at the sky. What the fuck is wrong with liberals

trunp will be impeched by tomrw cuz he dumb lol

I looked up at the sun just now, wtf I'm blind.

Oh wait, I'm ok...just like Trump.

You fags are afraid of everything.


someone post the gif of this, he glances up for less than a second. fake news
this. if you guys see the gif of him, he snaps between poses, indicating he knew and wanted them to be shared as single frame pictures

Anything to get away from the Nazi/charlottesville shit

Feed them their own muzzle


Fake news

He's checking for double digits

What is that? 10x speed l?

Your saviour president is a literal retard. Nice work Sup Forums.

He probably thought it was another hoax like global warming.

He only stops looking because one of his aides shouts don't look to him. The man is a fucking idiot.


I did it too with the sun for about two seconds today while I was at the beach

What is going to happen to me now?

How can he be such a total dumbass? Even a child would understand to not look at the sun.

Well, I hope he enjoys his blurry spots.

Is this impeachable?

Even a 95% blocked sun has the potential to damage your vision permanently, without you even realising anything before it's too late.


You forgot the piss.


Fuck it all. Trump is a let down. No I am not a shill. Sick of this bullshit as the globalist scum rape our culture. I am out Sup Forums. See you when I get bored with actually living a true Libertarian life. No time soon...out!

>2 scoops
>2 genders
>2 sides
>2 eyes
>2 terms

Is Trump fucking retarded

that's where you're wrong. trump and the sun had a staring contest and the sun blinked.

clearly he had to show Barron where the sun is beforehand

Real Americans stare at danger and don't bat an eye.

>Sun cowers in fear behind moon to avoid Trump's stare
Leftists BTFO

You idiots, that was just a part of transition. This isn't even his final form.

epic image, upvoted

i'm sorry does it offend you? do you need a safe space? do you need to call your therapist for an emergency session

fucks sake get over yourself

reddit go home

lurk more you dirty fucking redditor
