When will Pewdiepie impregnate Marzia?

Seriously, the guy is 27 years old and has an insane amount of money. He could easily raise 3-4 kids. His wife is pretty attractive and is younger than him, so she should be fertile. Will he ever impregnate her, if so, when? He claims to be the champion of the Nordic race and pushes for the extermination of all Jews, but has not yet been able or willing to impregnate the Mediterranean woman that he conquered. Why is this? Thoughts? How can we get him to understand the need to have many Nordic sons?

Rule number 1: no cuckposting.


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He looks at her busted nose, and thinks she could be a Crypto-Kike

Bg kumbi pls go

His Mediterranean-Nordic masterrace kids shall rule the lands

She is quite beautiful except for her brown eyes

Is this the only race mixing that is acceptable? I think only if the man is Nordic and the woman Med, because I've heard Nords are their overlords ( Italians admit this, Spaniards say this, this is the rumor in Portugal) etc.

>pushes for the extermination of all jews
Please go shill somewhere else, Olaf

He does this subtly, you Austrians did it too obviously and that's why you failed back in the days

Never because pewdiepie is a homosexual. It's almost like you've never watched any of his videos because it's quite obvious.

He said he was (((bi))) in a livestream and cucked on Charlottseville.

Fuck him.

These are slanderous lies. Do you have any proof of this? No? Didn't think so either

>He said he was (((bi))) in a livestream
Really? when?

>He claims to be the champion of the Nordic race and pushes for the extermination of all Jews


And tattoos

do not disrespect Lord BG Kumbi ever again

>that's why you failed back in the days
Without Austria this board wouldn't even exist. You would have to release all that pent up anger over a fucking e-celeb somewhere else, because you can hear Ahmed bang Helga through your Ikea walls and you can't cope with it.


I don't think they are even married. He's playing it cool. He probably wonders if it's worth in modern world to take such step. Looking at his country Sweden he must have worries.

He's a literal man child

Never mate with someone that does't have blue eyes. Then you get an untermensch like me. Every time I see my mom's beautiful eyes it makes me sad

desu sometimes the way he speaks is a bit gay, mostly when he goes into the fry register like a valley girl

>ITT: Nordicuck claims women like blonde haired men

Keep dreaming faggot, tall, dark and handsome isn't a meme.

If you can't spot a homosexual that obvious you're hopeless. You honestly think the kikes would allow a straight white man to make a living playing video games and splicing in jump cuts? Nah bud that's kike territory. Go watch some Chris Ray Gun.

Aren't the vast majority of millennials though?


Op is a fucking moron

What do you mean? Rude and uncalled for desu

I agree, brown eyes suck but you're a burger so it doesn't matter really, you are all mongrels on this faithful day my friend

because kids are optional

>Sup Forums in 2017

Why not tall, blonde and handsome? As far as I know the tall, dark and handsome is a ((( Hollywood ))) meme. Are you using this jew meme to justify you being a shitskin? Pakis aren't very tall, nor handsome as far as I remember pal bro bro

> Will he ever impregnate her, if so, when?
> He claims to be the champion of the Nordic race
> pushes for the extermination of all Jews
Can't you hear how ridiculous that sounds

It's probably because he's too comfortable and one or both have bought into the nightmares of having children MEME

>implying you become a man when you impregnate or get married

This is aslide thread
Antifa members list here

Yesterday. Some asked him that question and he said "yes". Whether joking or not, not sure. He sounded pretty serious and nonchalant about it.

What's wrong with being the stalwart champion of the Nordic race and working towards the destruction of one's enemies?

It's not fair. Dad had green eyes, mom has blue eyes. I got blonde hair but brown eyes reeeeeee

Fuck that's dissapointing, this is now a Pewdiepie hate thread ( seriously )

>Implying this isn't true
Only true white men should be allowed to vote
True men being men who have married women and produced two offspring.

why aren't YOU producing kids user?

wtf are you talking about? can't a guy shitpost a little these days without being called antifag?

I'm planning on it in the future, making progress in getting there actually.

Just stick with Marcus, brother. Also, tell him, why is he being a faggot by not starting a group.

He should fuck a nice swedish girl instead

>cucked on charlotville
>implying you will ever gain mainstream support

Keep doing the roman salute and waving third reich flag you dumb faggots. Guarantee success.

>a nice swedish girl
>swedish girl
I don't even know any of them but all the Danes I know are roasties

Pretty sure it's peak gay to be interested in another man impregnating his wife. You are literally sitting there thinking about him blowing his wad in her. I bet you want to help.

my gf is Swedish and a christian so they exist

Pewdiepie Youtube views vs Ricegum Youtube views.

It is hilarious anybody is talking about Pewdiepie anymore as he is irrelevant now especially the young demo that uses Youtube as an entertainment platform. You know the OP (and others who spam Pewdiepie) are oldfags.

Pewdiepie isn't tall. He's 5'9"

Welcome to 2017 and see somebody who is actually popular today


>Welcome to 2017 and see somebody who is actually popular today

And Ricegum is fucking a girl who is about 100000000x hotter than that duckface Marzia

You couldn't be more wrong

>Pewdiepie isn't tall. He's 5'9"
He is 6ยด ( 183 cm ) so he's average height

I watched PewDiePie every day for a week to see what all the fuss is about. It is pure cancer.

In doing so, I believe I can provide a valid answer.

He does not have kids because he is an enormous faggot.

the falling popularity of Pewdiepie and the rise of Ricegum on youtube is basically an allegory to what is happening to whites today

Pewdiepie = OLD WHITE GUY
Ricegum = NEW Hotness and the future

I honestly hate nordics

Because a blondie blue eyed man inspire such a masculinity, isnt it?


Who cares, he's a pathetic gook

>Ricegum = NEW Hotness and the future

ricegum's white girl > pdp's Marzia

>ricegum's white girl > pdp's Marzia

Seriously, if PewDiePie had babies, he could start a channel that covers the entirety of the pregnancy of the babies. Women tend to love this. During the videos, Felix could drop some redpills.

This isnt photoshopped.

Very good idea

Ricegum > Pewdiepie

OP is gay

The rule of this thread was no cuckposting, and of course a burger comes in and cuckposts. Stop with your degeneracy you mongrel

>voting matters
People who can't even write impregnate the most women in India and Africa, literal stone age people fuck like gypsies as soon as they sleep next to brother/sister. If you think those primitive pee-pee grabbers with their little sticks in middle of rape/poverty country are men then you gone full retard. It's not about marriage or impregnating that makes you a man, it's raising the child what makes you a man because you find out how annoying it is, so you develop more nerves, unlike those who loose their nerves, those are even below children ripe.

>white girl

Americans are so mixed they can't even tell anymore.

nobody will ever love you chinkshit. asians are like cockroaches. we should have nuked you all.

ricegum is a faggot and if he wasnt rich (thanks to retarded kids) he would still be a virgin.

>My idol doesn't want to raise a little coal burner

New trend I've noticed lately

>Slavs come in with humble, thoughtful posts
>Burgers constantly spew shit about cuckoldry, race mixing, overall degeneracy etc

What do burgers mean by this?

Ricegum's girl is hot. Marzia is ugly.

Who is cuckposting?

1. Ricegum is more popular than Pewdiepie in 2017 see as proven by views on their recent videso
2. Ricegum's girlfriend is 1000001x hotter than Marzia.

He' s a millenial.

Millenials are in love with their media. Everything/everyone else is second place.

>Claims to be bisexual, even confirms it as of recently when asked by fans, live.
>Became a sell out, then decided to sell out more by turning "counter culture", and attempting to be a discount Filthy Frank.
>Goes on about "redpill" type shit, only to turn a 180 and say, not even a week ago, "I am stopping the hate jokes. This is too far. When people think I actually attended and supported the rally in CV, I can tell I have been doing too much." and then goes on to apologize to the viewers, especially the impressionable kids (the majority of his fans).
>Has made millions upon millions, as does his GF, yet neither of them actually have ambitions to use said money on.
>Literally handed everything by his CEO parents from day one, then got lucky on YouTube due to an algorithm glitch that he did not even notice at the time.

It is clear that he will not impregnate her based solely off of his own ideals, UNLESS he needs to find another way to be relevant and make headlines, so, hell, maybe he will knock her up, if only to get on some drama channels more.

Mate, you seem to be really gay for this twinky asian guy da fuq is wrong with you

dark doesn't imply dark skin you dope, it implies darker features, Sean Connery has jet black hair and brown eyes so he would be a good example.

>Ricegum's girl is hot. Marzia is ugly.
Who cares? He's a gook so he will never be able to keep a woman since he most likely has a shrimp dick and look at him, she will leave him for a more masculine guy for sure. Pewds on the other hand is white, and his girl is too. That's why it's important. Nobody cares about this ricecum guy

Most common way to fail with women and to make women failed is to not have any taste and bang random women, it's no surprise then that women become overconfident and cheat. You gotta organize people and develop disrespect for women who don't show you any respect. Americans have no disrespect for male/female whores and no taste in women, they fuck anything, they don't care about anybody. Americans glorify whores, more partners the better.

Ok so everyone must look like a jew, got it. Or could it be that you have those non-white traits and want to push them on others?

Are you dense? Social media uses and user rise exponentially.

Of course someone famecocking now is getting more revenue than someone 10 years ago.

People grow up.

i think you meant to post this on you mincy fagut

I once watched a video of them together. She has the fucking mind of a 5 year old and it's really freaky. I do not want her raising a child.

>Traditional women like faggy men
Sweden yes