Will Trump supporters acknowledge this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I lost count how many times Trump broke his promises

4d chess confirmed!

>No replies from Trump supporters

Guess it's okay to go left on immigration as long as Trump is president.

When neo-con/globalist warmonger like Graham loves Trump, you know it's a bad thing

Bannon has been ramping up his attacks. No good headlines for Trump these past couple of weeks on Breitbart

This is why I love the Trump haters. The acclimated dreamers stay. But vast swathes of of criminal and un-acclimated illegals leave and the wall goes up which is still more than what Americans had before.

Trump could rape you and you'll consider it a victory because he only got you in the pussy and not the ass as well. "Heh. We sure showed him."

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Fake news

Breitbart is telling me Trump's base are not happy. But I've been on Sup Forums for 20 minutes. I think they're still happy with the president even though he's sending poor. young, white working class Republicans to die

i dont get your first image OP? maybe because im not american.

That is called being a traitorous kike.

MAGA folks.

The dreamers need to die

Very real news!

Graham: if you don't add 4,000 troops then it will be the next 9/11 ! ! !

Graham: if you block the middle East from invading America you're literally Hitler.

Graham is a faggot that needs to go

i love how they've realized "a source familiar with the matter"has lost its effect so they just keep adding additional familiar sources instead of finding a better way to vet their story

>Cultural Marxism
This guy again and again. What an idiot.

>staff inhibits executive branch, here's why it's good to commit treason
OP is hysterical, lmao

Reagan made the same mistake. Trump is getting rolled if he goes through with this. Amnesty with no border security and wall.

Did Stephen miller betray us?

Obama cut and ran from Iraq and ISIS filled the void. With new ROE and a dropping of the philosophy nation-building we may actually turn things around in Afghanistan enough to be able to leave and not have completely wasted almost 3k lives. That's Trump's belief. There is no win-win to eating a shit sandwich served by two terrible Presidents.

/leftypol/ please kys.

I hope these faggots are just flying a kite here.


Not sure if Trumpfags even show their sorry faces on this board anymore.

That would be cause to remove MIller, he's supposed to be serving the president, not the swamp.

>Did Stephen miller betray us?

You know he's a kike?

Wow it sure is weird how much resistance there is to the candidate who campaigned on and is trying to implement policy favorable to whites. Almost as if all the institutions in this country have an anti white agenda or something...

But Sup Forums told me he was /ourkike/

>sources familiar with the thinking

PROTIP: 99.99% of the Nazis here are Shareblue, /leftypol/, and Antifa

Nah bro we sign up dreamers and send them to die.

fuck you pussy

Amnesty == The end of republican principles
Have these people learned nothing from California?
Do they think they'll convince hispanics to support a weaker, smaller federal government with stronger more independent state governments (likely resulting in lower welfare) merely with the strength of their arguments?
Fucking retards, welcome to the Unified States of Latin Americans faggots.


What did he mean by this?

Trump never promised to deport DREAMERS. Where the fuck does this come from?

You were doubting even Afghanistan announcment when Fake news actually reported it correctly 1 day before it

>Like the Syria war fake news?
>The north Korea Nuclear war fake news?
>You dumb asses have 7 years left
He always said he would let the Generals decide during the campaign. Nice try though. Fun watching you squirm.

Pede's will just call it fake news, then rationalize it as a part of some grand plan

>Build the wall but also...
>Citizenship for millions of invading children which will heavily brown the country
Well thats more like the fart of the deal but Trump is still /OurGuy/

Seems to be a pattern:



Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

What is he realistically supposed to do about Afghanistan then? If he pulls out then you'll be saying how retarded Trump was for repeating Obama's mistake and leaving a power vacuum before the job was done.

If Trump abandons immigration he has no chance of re-election. That's why people support him and he won despite being a bumbling retarded game show host, because he appears to be pro-white, that's it. If he didn't give off the impression of being the pro-white candidate, he'd have no support, he'd have some zionists backing him and that's it.

>What is he realistically supposed to do about Afghanistan then?

Is Afghanistan within the border of US?

if he cucks on immigration, he'll lose nearly all his base

Its citzenship for 1/20th of the illegal population for slashing legal immigration, building a wall, and making sure no employer can hire illegals. If you don't think this is an amazing deal then you should go back 2 reddit

No. Can you answer the question?

Where did he explicitly confirm in that speech that he was sending 4000 troops to Afghanistan?

>just because broken clocks may or may not be right twice a day means we should always unilaterally trust them to be right all the time
Not an argument

>If Trump abandons immigration he has no chance of re-election.

His base is so stupid they would turn into amnesty supporters.

Fake news retard

>No. Can you answer the question?

Than all US troops must leave, I don't care what happens, let Iran and China take control of it.

>Fake news

The idiot Dems think this is how Trump won the election. They also thought fake polls would keep turn out down for Trump. Lets let them find out the hard way in 2020.

Let the goatfuckers sort it out themselves. We have problems with infrastructure and jobs HERE in our borders. Nobody else is going to come fix those problems like Daddy America will for Afghanishit.

>Where did he explicitly confirm in that speech that he was sending 4000 troops to Afghanistan?

He didn't say it explicitly but Fox News and other sources reported he already signed off on it and gave US military "unlimited" number of troops it could deploy there.

amnesty for criminals is a betrayal

Name ONE single non-white country who’s people are at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
Name ONE single white country who’s people AREN’T at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
That’s because there is a program of white geNOcide.
They say it’s “anti-racist”, but it’s simply anti-white.
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White.

Would you make that sacrifice for permanently moving to a merit based immigration system and building a wall? In the long term it will slow the flood, not speed it up


no. we're being genocided, then there is the issue of rule of law. why should criminals be mass pardoned?


Member when Reagan told us this one time sacrifice would end the illegal problem. Member?


how about no immigration at all from non white countries?

My non-white country it's at risk of having less amerindian people that euro/africans.

Are you guys retards? There's no way he'll ever pass that stuff through the neocons in congress.

>why should criminals be mass pardoned?
To get neocons to vote on a bill that cuts legal and illegal immigration and makes america less brown in the long term

>supports anti-fa
>supports blm
>supports amnesty
>muh leftypol

An obscure Kennedy killed a girl.

kill yourself shill rat

Bet you haven't watched the vids, are you afraid that something might show you that your current POV might not be as right, afraid you won't be able to act self righteous any more, afraid to admit you might be wrong, afraid of humility, afraid of becoming humble. Fear and pride the two greatest obstacles in the way of wisdom and enlightenment.

This is the end of the Republican Party. Whites will never vote for them again.

Alt-Right mission accomplished.

>Fox News and other sources reported he already signed off on it and gave US military "unlimited" number of troops it could deploy there.
>according to one senior official
Unsubstantiated claims with no proof from "anonymous sources"? Sounds like fake news. You have no valid proof that he's even sending troops, much less how many.

show flag faggot

But u are latino!

trust is a very important thing, you can't get it back once you've lost it

if he does this it will be proof that he's just another establishment tool

why isn't he going after anti-fa? what happened to being tough on law and order?

Faggots like you are the reason I hate coming on this board.

This. Complete horse shit

Actually what the fuck even happened with the wall. It's not going to be built is it? Just fucking lol desu


Bump. Stop fucking posting in dumb eclipse threads.

They should be talking about how they're revking the past 30 years of birthright citizenship grants, not amnesty.

This is it, this is where I step off the train.

Does that means we can't have non-prolatino opinions?

Nice try leftypol

>trying to deceive the president so he can't do his job properly

If he makes it so bad that 20% or more of the "DREAMERS" self deport cause their entire family are forced to leave, and they can't come back due to new immigration laws effectively forcing the DREAMERS to live in America alone without family... I'll support it

>Border wall
>Detention facilities
>Legal immigration halved
>Electronic system so no illegals can get jobs

in exchange for

>1/20th of the illegal population can stay, and if the neocons don't like the deal, he can just deport the DREAMers anyways

Do you think this will make america more, or less white?



not an argument

must be rough knowing you're a worthless cuck

t. chinese spy

Im sure a guy who turned a million bucks into reshaping the the New York skyline then decided to try something new like having a hit tv show for a decade one day decided he may as well destroy 2 political dynasties as a retirement hobby needs a 34 year old kid to tell him about policy.

Stephen Miller was ordered by whom? Who has enough power in the WH to tell Miller what he can and can't tell the president? Someone name a name.

Why the fuck would you put just [immigration] in square brackets. Square brackets is for when something isn't said explicitly but implied implicitly. [on immigration] should be in brackets, without it the quote is

"was ordered to brief the president on in recent months"

Why are commies illiterate?

>Do you think this will make america more, or less white?

the immigration bill is fucking retarded anyway, just replacing mexicans and somalis with chinks

the pols know exactly what the people want, they just don't care

Theyre blocking it every chance they get

The same way we got trump in with no bullets, he cant get shit done in less than a year because neocongress

Top kek. Not believing is the reason Sup Forums is so special, so get the fuck out of here you buffoon.
ANYONE here knows that nothing is true UNTIL it actually happens. Trump said in his speech that he won't reveal when and how many that is being deployed, that is that.

I'm guessing, since it's a quote, that immigration is short for some longer, more convoluted government phrasing. Putting it in brackets would just mean that immigration wasn't specifically part of the quote.

Trumps aides need to listen to the people who got them their fucking jobs.
Amnesty is not acceptable. We need to contact these retards directly.

What's better? Four subhuman somalis or two educated good earning chinks? Remember, the immigration bill cuts immigration in half.

>Trump said in his speech that he won't reveal when and how many that is being deployed, that is that.

So let's deploy 100,0000 troops there. Sounds great!

Are you upset that you can't push a narrative without getting called out over it?

Previous post was a specious meme. Very obvious who's behind it. Again, nice try leftypol.