Why does Sup Forums keep falling for attentionwhoring internet "celebrities"?

why does Sup Forums keep falling for attentionwhoring internet "celebrities"?

will you cucks ever learn to not fall for the next e-celeb cancer?

Other urls found in this thread:


Gavin and Milo making out.
Gavin loves israel.
Milo loves israel and black men.
Gavin shoved a dildo up his own ass live on camera.

you made my day OP

I got bad news for you user. there's a thread discussing when pewdipie will impregnate his wifey. I swear this board has gone real shit

What makes these faggots "right wing" again? Because they are pro-mens rights and closet racists? They belong in the liberals political tent, they just dislike that women and niggers now own the dnc. No conservative or rebublican likes or agrees with them on anything.

>What makes these faggots "right wing" again? Because they are pro
the entire concept of the "ALT"-right is that they're not the actual right as we used to know them.

ALT-right is what the jews made up to overshadow the real right wingers.

So basically the alt-right are the white males of the DNC that were striped of their agency/voice. I kind of hate the altright more than the kikes and dykes of the DNC, at least they dont peddle their degeneracy and atheism to me.

the alt-cucks are here to help (((Trump))) fire every non-jew-puppet from the government and do a complete coup of the USA for the israelis

after this, there is no separating the US and israel. permanently jew'd


There is no such thing as "ecelebs"

There are activists who make youtube videos, and gavin is not one of them. Richard Spencer is the real deal.

This is not the alt-right, it's the alt-light. Since you like Gavin so much go watch his video on the difference between alt-lite and alt-right.

Real white nationalists on the alt-right humiliated them by giving them the name "alt-light" and they ran with it like the cucks they are.

It just means they're not good enough to be in on the legitimate alt right.

>There is no such thing as "ecelebs"
stopped reading there, mister delusional damage control

Ezra Levant.

E-celeb is a leftypol communist word to discredit white activists

>white activists
milo literally posts about how he loves israel and taking black cocks

he is the opposite of white nationalism and activism. he is the poster child of degeneracy

>why does Sup Forums keep falling for attentionwhoring internet "celebrities"?

Because you keep posting about them on here.

posting in a shill thread

"e celebs" are our alternative to (((MSM)))

If they're so counter productive, why is every platform banning them?

no argument huh, shills? still trying to hold up the kike illusion in front of Sup Forums's eyes?

Posting in a Gavin thread, that doesn't include the webm of him eating piss cereal.

I am disappointed, again

I don't have it. post it if you do.

we don't

saved, but you can't deny the majority of Sup Forums is nu-Sup Forums and falls for every one of these whores like your pic

Read Milo is NOT a white activist

The e in eceleb means "earned" fame.

Unlike Anderson "owned Michelle Obamas relatives" Coopers celeb status

too laet we have screen caps of the leftard Discode where it says

>"the greatest psyop we have achieved on the alt-right right now is call their ideologocial hubs (youtubers) 'e-celebs' "

so FU (((marxist))) scum, we will watch the TWICE now :D
>Dutch fucking faggot

Because deep down none of us are leaders. We dream of it but we're really faggots, no better than the shitskins screaming for Obama to ruin the country. We need to take responsibility.

>Sup Forums is nu-Sup Forums
well yes the donald killed Sup Forums

I am offended that you made them orange instead of red

orange belongs to the dutch

I personally haven't seen e-celebs being posted seriously on Sup Forums for a month now though.
So stop talk about it and let it die out completely.

>e-celeb cancer

OH HI /leftypol/!!!!

>for a month now
>this thread went up as we had a pewdiepie thread going


E-celeb threads should be mod-filtered and instantly banned. Faggots making them should be banned. Pathetic.

Hating "e celebs" is a meme. They're just people shilling on "controversial" opinions on Youtube, attack the message if you disagree with it.

go away gavin


learn to vanish , you too leftard

it's part of the 'ideological warfare' of the left, too bad they're so fuct up in their cultist leftardation they can't even recognize they are shilled themselves by their bosses
>as Yuri very well said
their response: boo hoo he a traidor to gommunism :DDD-X


Gavin is the biggest fucking cuck around alt lite cuckservative faggot. He denounced White nationalism. He can fucking die a painful death for all I care.

these e-celeb cucks are always israeli puppets yet the alt-right cucks always follow them

I never gave a shit about him before but now that he is punching right because of th latest moral panic- fuck him!

Here in this article he deliberately associated white nationalism with nazism.


That is to me deliberate and a deliberate pathologization of any white id pol. White cucks are the lowest, but the lowest of all are white cucks that claim to be on our side.

I dunno who this Gavin is (beyond him being mentioned around here). Why did he shove a dildo up his ass on camera?

What was the message or point he was trying to make? Jesus, why the fuck is this something I'm asking questions about?

Dont bother. Just another alt lite faggot nobody. Literally worked for a jew, pro Jew, race mixer. Did a few good things fighting feminists but has no hesitation punching right so he is a weak fag and cuck.

The only e- celebs I like are
Mustachio matt
And red ice radio

nice try faggot nice try , we will keep listening to wat you bitches call
mean it's your nomenclature for 'e-celeb' right ?
And fuck you all the way while we popcorn and Red Ice

Gapin McAnus

>Richard Spencer is the real deal.
lmfao. so everyone says Richard Spencer is essentially a CIA plant and he's this real high-class kid with wealthy parents and you say he's the real deal? fuck off

Gavin McInness co-founded (((Vice))) and one day was swiftly removed from his position after writing an article about how trannies are mentally ill.

Now he works for Anthony Cumia.