I'll go ahead and say it - he isn't /ourguy/

I'll go ahead and say it - he isn't /ourguy/

He's everything wrong with the alt-right at the moment:

> morbidly obese
> literally LARPing in a Confederate uniform
> doesn't do anything other than make ridiculous public gesture (saluting a statue) alone
> gets run out of town crying, conveying weakness - just like everything else about his image does

We need to screen people like this out of the movement. We will not win by being victims. No one who matters will ever feel sorry for us. We need to convey strength and that means not showing tolerance for soft people like this guy. Getting fit and getting smart is your responsibility, especially if you are going to act as a public representative of the alt-right.

Am I sorry he got doxxed? Yes. Do I wish he hadn't have been thrown out of school? Yes. Is this guy is literally pathetic and harming the movement? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Don't have tolerance for people without enough self-respect to care for their bodies/set themselves up for victim displays, Sup Forums. This "nice guy" behavior is toxic - get fit, join a group, and actually work to acomplish something.

Other urls found in this thread:


But he's cute. Reminds me of Dudley

The only problem with this pic is that fucking bitch.

He's not alt-right he's some super christian guy that lives in the south.

I'll go ahead and say you are a shill pushing a narrative. Sage

This fat tub of shit is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Thanks OP

How does saluting a statue get you thrown out of school?

How come Sup Forums never got this bitch - whose name is Lara Rogers - fired? Apparently she works at Amazon.

He went to some meme christian college that isn't even accredited and apparently is constantly removing its students. Apparently they probably kicked him for retarded reason like "being seen with a gun" instead of racism.

Stop using "literally" in every fucking sentence you inbred hick.

but you're supposed to salute a salute. that's how they work. never served?

Because society condones her behavior. We don't have that luxury, so we have to be stronger and smarter. Your public appearence is always important.

It's not a grave. He was never in the Confederate armed forces (nor any military for that matter)

What have YOU done, op?

"We won't win by being victims."
That worked for the brown shirts in Germany.

stop being a retard op
he's just proud of his heritage not a muh identity faggot, know the difference

> have a white child (with another on the way)
> joined a pro-white group and currently assist with recruitment
> donated money to pro-white political causes (legal defense funds, campaign donations to sympathetic candidates, etc.)
> maintained my body, setting a good example for my children and other members of our movement

Did this guy accomplish anything other than getting humiliated on the national stage and having his entire life fall apart?

>donated money

>larping in a confederate uniform
You're not larping if you're ancestors actually were confederates. There is only honoring their legacy vs. not.

He is fat, though, but at least he's out there.

> he's just proud of his heritage

Plenty of ways to show you're proud of your heritage other than LARPing and crying on national TV. For instance, he could have had children and taught them to respect Southern heritage.

> not a muh identity faggot

Good, the Identitarian movement doesn't need people like him.

>Did this guy accomplish anything other than getting humiliated on the national stage and having his entire life fall apart?
Inspired those who aren't spergs like yourself.

> revolutions are free!

Really? What were you "inspired" to do?

He literally did nothing wrong. Stop victim blaming, you utter twat.

Sage/hide shit threads.

The video of the jew and sheboon screaming like maniacs and getting told off the police officer at the end is good propaganda

The police officer was the only man in that video.

> He literally did nothing wrong

He did everything wrong: He didn't care for his body. He decided to make a political statement in the worst way possible (LARPing while open carring an AR-15). He had his life fall apart afterwards (getting doxxed and kicked out of his college), all without accomplishing anything.

The alt-right doesn't need more victims

He went there alone despite knowing that he would be confronted and very likely assaulted by leftists. Seeing how Antifa behaves, it might have resulted in his death or a coma if it weren't for the police. It takes balls to do that. And a whole lot of conviction.

Honestly, i couldn't give two fucks about his physical condition. Fitness is a good thing to have, but far less important than the mind. It might be changing, but it's still quite rare to have people that are both fit and smart (whenever i take a look around in my local fitness studio, i feel like looking at a bunch of mentally challenged neanderthals. Doesn't help that it's filled with turks, though). Excluding unfit people from the (alt) right will needlessly the pool even more.

> [Getting fit] and getting smart is your responsibility, especially if you are going to act as a public representative of the alt-right.
He was simply an individual standing up for his convictions. And he's free to do so, no matter how superficial you may be.

Wonder what your stance on the scientists are, which advanced humanity to the current point. Almost none of them where "fit" in any way, yet they did more for humanity than the worlds whole population of dumb chads listening to bad rap and techno music while working out on their bodies.

> Yes. Is this guy is literally pathetic and harming the movement? Yes. Yes. Yes.
> This "nice guy" behavior is toxic - get fit, join a group, and actually work to acomplish something.
The only pathethic thing here is your strange fixitation on body fitness. Being fit is good on an individual level, but it neither helps the cause, nor does it help the image with normies (who connect fit people with 'muh evil nazis' thanks to dumb feminist propaganda).

Please stop trying to divide the movement based on superficiality.

> inb4 "bet you're a fatty yourself"
nope, i am fit and an academic (Stem), and never took any kind of drug (including alc and smokes)

I would rape the shit outta that slut. Maybe kill her afterwards

And shes topless

He's not a part of any movement. He just likes Robert E Lee. We should be championing him not as a martyr for whatever cause but as a completely innocent collateral victim of the Liberal Left's vicious prohibition of wrongthink.

People who care too much about other people's bodies are insufferable.


> It takes balls to do that.

Yeah, it takes a lot of balls to participate in a PR disaster.

> it's still quite rare to have people that are both fit and smart (whenever i take a look around in my local fitness studio, i feel like looking at a bunch of mentally challenged neanderthals.

Physical fitness imporves cognative function (psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201404/physical-activity-improves-cognitive-function).

> Doesn't help that it's filled with turks, though).

Ahahahahahahahhaha. This is why you're losing, Hans.

> Almost none of them where "fit" in any way, yet they did more for humanity than the worlds whole population of dumb chads

Chads can stand up in a street fight. They project power (vital for recruiting). They can easily find a healthy wife and have children to preserve our race. A bunch of childless, morbidly obese, "intellectuals" are largely useless to the movement.

> Please stop trying to divide the movement based on superficiality.

It is not superficiality. It is a critical part of the movement. If we can't project physical power or raise our birth rate, we're finished.

Kys commie

"Christians" have been failing the white race for the last 50 years.

He was thrown out of school? For what? Everything he did was pretty unimpeachable.

He went to some shitty "Christian" school that threw him out on dubious charges of racism.

Bullshit. He's a coward, he can't even meet the gaze of an unarmed women that he towers over.

He bought into the meme that Sup Forums is full of operators and the left is toothless.

And like the rest of the kids here he's too stupid to realize that even if the left was completely harmless, he isn't JUST opposed by the left, but by everybody who isn't into actual nazi bullshit.

He's a pussy, that picture is undeniable proof that he won't actually stand up for his convictions and just came to play pretend.

Stop using "literally" in every fucking sentence you inbred hick.

No OP he is adorable. Women would see this and see how those cunts were treating him and it would make them feel sorry for him and make them feel mad angry at the assholes screaming in his face.

Obvious shill is obvious. Get the fuck out. Sage

> Women would see this and see how those cunts were treating him and it would make them feel sorry for him

I'm sure women feeling sorry for him will give him enough Nice Guy tokens to preserve Southern monuments, create a nationwide movement, and save the white race

Women hate harmless men. No one not already sympathetic to us will feel sorry for this guy.


Chad nationalism is vital to the movement.

We need the Crusades back. When did the KKK start becoming normie fagbags that didn't do shit?

Every little bit helps you spastic. Not every single person on the right is gonna be some jacked alpha cunt. Which is fine as long as the majority aren't all retards it's fine. Need to have some that normies can relate to.

>> doesn't do anything other than make ridiculous public gesture (saluting a statue) alone
doing more than you, mulatto

Shut the fuck up. He peacefully protested for what he believed in. He is a good man.

> Not every single person on the right is gonna be some jacked alpha cunt

True, but if you're going to attend a public event you need to actually maintain your body. Being obese is shameful. He couldn't even button his fucking uniform because of his belly. He looked ridiculous and we can't afford to look ridiculous if we're going to recruit more people

> Need to have some that normies can relate to.

The fact that you think normies would relate to a morbidly obese man dressed in a Confederate uniform (with blue jeans though, lol) sobbing in public while carrying an AR-15 is part of the problem.

Anyone who has the courage of their convictions is better than you desu

> He is a good man.

Being a good man isn't enough anymore.

"Armentrout later told the News Journal he made the trip to Virginia because the KKK, Neo-Nazis and other groups are destroying the history of his ancestors and he wants to share "the true history" of the American South. He said Neo-Nazis have wrongly "latched on" to Confederate history."

Hmm, sounds like you have it backwards OP. It's him that doesn't want (You) in his movement

I actually feel bad for this kid, hes geniunely trying to honor his ancestors instead of being an edgy hateful shit like Sup Forums posters are.

He clearly isn't alt right you idiot.. he is just a conservative that loves his history

>He is a good man.
This kid is totally Baby John Goodman now that I look at him.

You entitled son of a bitch. That man, going out alone to salute his ancestors, not hiding his ideals, had ten times more balls than you are as you pathetically try to soil his memory on an anonymous image board. Kill yourself, I mean it, neck yourself on this moment. You're not worthy to be part of whatever movement you name if you cannot supporter one of our brothers.

Also, remember to sage.

> buying into the KKK & Neo-Nazis meme
> thinking that the alt-right isn't the only hope to preserve those monuments

Just confirms that he's a faggot.

> It's him that doesn't want (You) in his movement

It's clear that he needs more movement in his life.

>screen people out
Well, you're definitely a socialist of some sort. That's precisely what they would do. Kill the weak, right? They're not innocent based on criteria found in the following regulations...
get fucked. Your mindset needs to be screened out and mocked. Here, I'll start. Pic related

At this point, I believe more than ever that this will only end in bloodshed.

She is a cutie in a just world she would have been raped by him for doing this

> That man, going out alone to salute his ancestors, not hiding his ideals

I'm sure his ancestors would be really proud of their morbily obese, childless, great-great-great-grandchild who heroicaly sobbed in public while playing dressup with a fake uniform and an AR-15

> pathetically try to soil his memory on an anonymous image board

He's not dead, and memory of this event is already soiled by his actions

> You're not worthy to be part of whatever movement you name if you cannot supporter one of our brothers

We will not have a movement for much longer if we continue to tolerate this pathetic weakness

I don't see how they won't keep pushing things further and further to insanity.

do you know another sentence?
literal USA chimpout

>Honestly, i couldn't give two fucks about his physical condition. Fitness is a good thing to have, but far less important than the mind.
This is why no one takes alt-right tards seriously. You all look lile you've come out of the basement for a Mountain Dew run.

>as long as the majority aren't all retards it's fine.

I hate to break this to you
> we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology.

Exposing himself to public light is a brave act, especially in those circumstances. He did as any man with a spine would do. Watch the video. The only time he turned his glance was when he was ordered to leave by the cop. Being willing to honor your motherland and to defend it is all that counts. You, on the other hand, are trying to wedge a divide here. Kys, worthless shill

Libertarian conservatives have failed to conserve anything. Your degenerate lifestyle led us to the current sorry state of affairs.

Traditionalism is the acceptance of duty: Duty to care for your body, duty to spread your family's bloodline, duty to assist the movement in a productive way.

> We need to screen people like this out of the movement

Bwahahah, get a load of this faggot!

Yea he is a fat slob LARPing, and he still made the libshits look worse
> doesn't do anything other than make ridiculous public gesture (saluting a statue) alone
You might as well be posting blacked threads if you going to be this gay

>not coming to the aid of your brothers

Nice trigger discipline you fagdick.

He is a kid honoring his ancestors and the leftists looked rabid and unreasonable. The optics were good for us.

> Exposing himself to public light is a brave act

Exposing himself to the public light in his sorry state of physical condition and ridiculous outfit may have been "brave," but it harmed the movement by making us look ridiculous. The fact that he ended up getting BTFO and ran off crying was only the icing on the cake.

Your image matters.

> You, on the other hand, are trying to wedge a divide here

There needs to be a divide if we're going to shape this movement into something that will actually disrupt the status quo. His actions will not do that.

Probably the quickest way to kill your "movement" would be throwing out all of the fatties.

I'm not surprised that a bunch of neckbeard NEETs are defending their own.

Hate to break it to you spergs, but you don't get a participation trophy. If you go out to represent your cause and look like an autist, it makes your cause look autistic.

>morbidly obese
OK my fellow man, obviously you're trying to play up the drama here for the benefits of my feelings.

> morbidly obese
Are you fatshaming others right now?
My my, that sounds very not-tolerant.
I hope an antifa freedom fighter cracks you skull open you fucking nazi.

I don't see you out there defending anything. I see you sitting behind a computer attempting pathetic divide and conquer tactics we've seen hundreds of times before.

We need allies and in whatever form they come, if they help, they're good. Image matters indeed and what people saw was a calm and respectuous man being hounded by mad liberals. Dismissing him because of his shape is not an argument.

>get her fired
>or let her keep doing what she's doing
>and winning us the election in 2018 and 2020 because they alienate anyone who doesnt fall in goose step with them

I get banned form 8 chan by saying stuff like this

There is zero chance his BMI is under 35

Lolno he's a good southern boy and he acted like a saint while obvious liars jeered at him.

You're right user, arguing for a better public image is divisive! Who needs a presentable image? Let's just get pic related to represent the movement. Shadilay, pedes! xD

Guy is our /hodor/

You need a tragedy.
You need a victim to use as a shield and a weapon. And they need to die.
Your opponents have one dead land whale. Look what those fuckers achieved with it!
Movement building like you are doing, setting good examples, that's fantastic.
It's not enough when normies have a corpse shoved in their face.
The quote "One death is a tragedy, a million a statistic" rings true.
Antifa and it's ilk engage in mass violence, they don't kill anyone and they get away with it.
The Alt-Right doesn't need more victims.
It needs one good martyr.

I've been waiting for the time a liberal crowd loses it's shit and beats some old person with an American flag to death.

> We need allies and in whatever form they come, if they help, they're good

Well, he didn't help.

> Image matters indeed and what people saw was a calm and respectuous man being hounded by mad liberals

No, they saw a fat weirdo crying after getting yelled at by skinny weirdos. Although it's unlikely that this incident made the liberals look good, it definitely reinforced the image of the alt-right as a bunch of fat, weak, losers. That is a problem.

> This is why no one takes alt-right tards seriously. You all look lile you've come out of the basement for a Mountain Dew run.

You might want to read the last statement in that post. Not that i would expect basic reading comprehension from someone donning the Democrat flag.

Also nice projection. The left is full of overweight people with health issues - it's home to the true landwhales, thanks to all that #fatacceptance bullshit that you're spewing.

>No, they saw a fat weirdo crying after getting yelled at by skinny weirdos. Although it's unlikely that this incident made the liberals look good, it definitely reinforced the image of the alt-right as a bunch of fat, weak, losers. That is a problem.

Hold them to their own fucking rules. This was a win for us.

>the Identitarian movement
oh you're one of those coneheaded faggots.

>fat, weak, losers
Most of the pictures that were circulated were those of C-vill rallies. Where there was nearly only clean, fit people. And, he still did more than you do.

>The fact that you think normies would relate to a morbidly obese man dressed in a Confederate uniform (with blue jeans though, lol) sobbing in public while carrying an AR-15 is part of the problem.
pic related is how normies saw it

>You need a tragedy.
>You need a victim to use as a shield and a weapon. And they need to die.
>Your opponents have one dead land whale. Look what those fuckers achieved with it!

It's completely different if the victim is a woman who died fighting for what is perceived by the majority of society to be a good cause.

We are already fighting an uphill battle. If our martyrs and victims look like pic related, that makes the entire movement look like virgin nerds.

he looks like a nice boy
leave him alone Sup Forums

Fuck off faggot. This shit is exactly what needs to be spread. A regular guy who is just honoring his ancestors and exercising his rights being mobbed by crazies who scream in his face and denigrate him while he stands unwavering. If these morons organizing these protests weren't so stupid, they would have gotten together a bunch of descendants of confederate soldiers and dressed them in uniforms and had them march with strict orders not to interact with antifaggots or "counter-protesters". Just march to the statue and surround it and stand with bayonets fixed.

Your autistic

hahahahaha *snorts*

I love watching you rightys tear yourself apart. This guy actually gets up from his computer and all you can do is hurl insults like catty women. This is why you will lose. You keep waiting for the day the left magically eats itself, but all you have to back it up is online articles. Meanwhile, we form groups rather nicely, while all you do is criticize. We don't have to do anything, but we do because we're not weightist shitlords. When will you figure out that acceptance just makes your force bigger; your voice louder?

>This shit is exactly what needs to be spread. A regular guy

Only in America is an obese neckbeard a "regular guy"

Not as hard as the alt-right. I mean, you guys did get shunned, fired, and demonitized in one swoop. A movement based on irony doesn't work because folks within ypur movement won't take you seriously, whereas a serious one like Christianity has worked for two millenia.

Don't reinvent the wheel, try something that works effectively beforehand and modify it afterwards.

OP implying he'd have the balls to go salute a statue alone in that uniform

i guarantee you're some weakchinned bat-eared faggot