

>An immovable coon meets an unstoppable cuck

>A true southerner and some yankee faggot bused down to take part in a "protest"




>race war finally happens
>Sup Forums was actually exclusively composed of uncle toms and self-hating jews all along
>leftists are all blonde blue eyed whites

>all black people are dumb
>...except when they happen to serve our cause

damn, this is one meaningful picture

would make sense, it's only the stupid whitey that have baseless compassion

Not too far from the truth

do you have a link for the same picture in HQ ?

>taking Sup Forums literally


those three are football team chads they can fuck any woman of any race in their highschool

Makes one think


>America, where wearing a white hat makes you white.

Cuck of the year goes to you Jew cause you have no waifu and thus why you shit post here

Please red pill me on that flag. Does it stand for southern pride or something else! Was it around before the civil war?

You'd be surprised how many proud black confederates are in the south. You just don't hear about them because our media is nothing but a bunch of typical lying liberal pieces of shit.


>that one spic with the Hana "pee on me" shirt
You would think he would be over being a wet back by now.

The Natives sided with the Confederacy. The first order of business after the Civil War was to continue Westward Expansion and the genocide against the plains natives.