Political comics thread?

Political comics thread?

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google.com/search?biw=1440&bih=731&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=alaska giant vegetables&oq=alaska giant vegetables&gs_l=psy-ab.12...




This is my result

But they shouldn't have the right to marry or adopt, and it is stupid of them to mutilate themselves.
Why are gay people so so stupid?

An hero faggot

The point of the comic is a progressive eventually facing reality



>taking Alaska


This. Giving them any right at all was a mistake.

>live in a freezing shithole where nothing grows
>invade a freezing shithole where nothing grows
believable, for a Russian




I don't see Alaska. Assumed that blob was Ukraine since they are looking at current shit from ten years in the future. At least Crimea.

And people argue that slippery slope is a falacy

>Nazi can't read

Alaska is one of the most beautiful states in the US.


Remember her?


Yeah, we're sooooo scared of you guys

I'd stop at the right to marry

You can't grow shit on beauty mate.


What is happening here?

I'd like to remind you that although they are the victims they are also the perpetrators.



why do women walk in stupid shoes? and why should men feel bad about women's choice?

Fuck the eu


I don't get it

if i guessed it's that putin travels with advisors/bodyguards/actors.



>Wanting gays to adopt
We are living in the maw of hell

Someone redline that bottom frame.


Apparently, Randian hero = Nazi


I dont think it can get worse than this

one post ITT too late

Why are the Finnish such faggots?

>people are shooting at me
>I'll try to evade them in this crowd of innocent civilians

typical woman



This is where liberals get their canned mindless talking points?

The fact that a individual used numerous hours of their limited life to create such a soul-less husk of '''art''' bothers me beyond comprehension.

Please seek help.



I have many questions.

you tell me, anglo

High heels were a Jewish initiative to make people think that long legs were attractive thereby allowing people to understand that nigress legs aren't 'freakish' but rather 'attractive'.
It worked rather well because people think short legs = bad so long legs = good when it's actually the proportionate nature which matters.

As Jewishness must not be questioned goys should feel bad about this.

really inflates my waifu

>Talking about terrorists
>Bad guys are all white men

Do they even try anymore


To be fair child drag-queens are just kids dressing up. Kids dress up as superheroes and princesses and dinosaurs and all kinds of shit, they're playing. If putting on a skirt and some face paint is enough to make your kid gay or whatever then you've already fucked up as a parent.
Most of the fags and trannies I've talked to hate the million genders stuff too, they see it as just straight sjws wanting to get on the new fad and win oppression points at the expense of actual lgbt people and issues.

Holy fuck

Putin is in all 3 of these photos

Look again if you dont believe me


>adapted by moving to an American car manufacturer in Russia Town, Alaska

There hadn't been Olympics in 2014

>Successful woman that need no man transforms into a housewife with two white kids and a third on the way.
So how exactly do liberals justify the bottom being 'worse off'? Any reasons or is it 'just look at it!!!'.

i dont quite get the joke , are we supposed to laugh to their stupidity or the irony that these ''comics'' actually prove themselves wrong

>It's not censorship when private corporations do it
>meanwhile the west is basically a global corporatist society where private media, websites and billion dollar businesses have more power and control over a nation than politicians

Libertarians are the most deluded people on earth.

>If putting on a skirt and some face paint is enough to make your child gay or whatever then you've already fucked up as a parent

That's the thing. For a lot of these people it's a whole lot more than just "play pretend" if not for the express purpose of forcing these particular ideas onto their children.

Alaska actually grows some of the largest produce in the world, no joke.

This is one of my favorites.


Anyone have the parody of this faggot where its just one long monologue explaining how his comics are little more than him preaching his opinions?

One can dream.

The worst part is they aim like niggers despite clearly being White and well dressed.

Even though I hate beer this guy is so fucking wrong that it's honestly making me rethink if we should attack people based on words.

This comic cracks me up, because it SHOULD only apply to Niggers.
It's pretty much everyone in America though. Consumer culture has been a little too effective.



The very long days in the summer make giant veggies.

google.com/search?biw=1440&bih=731&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=alaska giant vegetables&oq=alaska giant vegetables&gs_l=psy-ab.12...


I'm reporting you to the ministry of love for wrongthink!

This fucking nigger, everything of this bear is shit, his retarded attitude, his stupid looking face and even the color.

It makes so sense for the to marry and have benefits like real married couples because gay ''couples'' have nothing to offer society
And since so many gays have sex with minors, it's a recap for disaster letting them adopt
>but not all gays
Yeah, but at least 1 in 10 gays are pedophiles, at least, that's like the best statistic for their case out of many worse statistics

They're trying to make out that all the terrorist attacks in middle-eastern countries are western aggression and not Muslims killing each other.

It makes their butt look better, that is why.

High heels were for men, because taller is/was more attractive.

Then women started using them.




>what is winter olympics


>Liberals piss and whine about corporations having too much power but are perfectly ok with them denying one's right to speech.
I'm not even talking about getting banned from a website, forcing the daily stormer to the darknet sets a dangerous precedent.

>Libertarians are the most deluded people on earth.

That comic is not libertarian philosophy, it's not even liberal philosophy. It's just "its ok because its speech I don't like".

The comic is just outright wrong. He's equating the 1st amendment with the right of free speech. The right of free speech is a value, and the 1st amendment is a particular enumeration of that right. The utility of free speech in our society and the protections needed does not stop at the 1st amendment, obviously.

The libertarian take on that is you have the right to silence anyone on your own private forum, as the comic says, but a libertarian would also inform the audience that that's probably a bad idea.

He post the comics so we can laugh about them, he doesnt like them either.


>Russian Alaska

aaaw, that warms my heart

I'm going to want a source for this one.

>american founding fathers

the historical revisionism of marxist scum knows no bounds

>imagine if Hitler was just a fat guy who accidentally rolled over 6 million jews
That's actually really funny. Is the point of the comic against fat jokes or for it?

>all older white men

is she just using those people as human shields? who is she, Captain Palestine?

>having children is bad
Liberals are all scum, I can't wait until their bloodlines end.

I love how he doesn't mention that "in god we trust" was on our coins far earlier than 1957, almost 100 years earlier.
