Be sure to clear your cache or the FBI will get you.
Hunter Hughes
Lauren is shit. Jessi is Waifu now!
Kayden Roberts
Keep these threads pure
Carson Rivera
Awoo !
Jackson Parker
Guide for non americans
Blake Reed
Why is Brock using a turkish proxy to post cheese pizza?
Julian Powell
I hope Trump gets booed tonight. The only way he gets back on track is if his supporters show their displeasure at these changes.
Jonathan Foster
meme flags were a mistake
Luis Green
I love Kellyanne.
Dominic Murphy
Build that Wall No Amnesty Deport Dreamers Voter ID Mandatory
Jackson Kelly
Hopefully, Turks get a permanent range ban
James Fisher
Cameron Watson
Is anyone gonna tell Trump about that immigration deal? I hope he finds it out soon and kills it.
Connor Powell
Get rid of the leafs while we're at it
Carter Perez
tonight is going to be a shitshow with paid agitators. hope the cops are ready.
Samuel Clark
What happened? What did a Turk do?
Easton Price
Always the Turks
Luke Cox
Spam cp
Logan Bailey
I know white people are starting to wake up and push back.
But they really need to fucking hurry
Ian Morgan
In a perfect world
Nolan Long
There is a Turk poster and a poland poster that come once every blue moon and post CP.
Josiah Price
Bumping to next thread
Aiden Foster
>tno trump gf snuggles for a week feels bad man. Trump give me strength.
Brayden Taylor
Samuel Williams
Everyone is freaking out about some moron spamming pizza so I think the amount of people here are new is quite high.
Zachary Miller
is it safe to come back?
Jaxson Reed
She has such a comfy voice
Juan Cruz
What a scumbag motherfucker, it's probably the same guy who posts the dead americans too
Zachary Roberts
So that's how they're trying to take us down now? Yikes
Luke Hill
Elijah Butler
>being this casual around CP Someone alert the authorities
Jose Moore
why does he care?
Jayden Collins
It was never not safe, moron. How new are you fags?
William Miller
This is what I've been wondering ever since they announced this rally
David Thompson
She does.
Juan Jenkins
I don't recall seeing that shit posting in /ptg/ before
Wyatt Sanchez
he's jelly
Adrian Nguyen
It's how fucking long it took for the mods to delete it
Cameron Thomas
It doesn't get above 40 fucking degrees even in February?! I'm gonna die, I've never seen an actual winter in my life
Brandon Wright
They're 100% aware
Nathaniel Edwards
Its obviously awful but the amount of threads that got spammed with them many years ago was very very high. They are better about banning sources these days fortunately so we don't have to see that filth. Stickys on some boards used to always have someone spamming it.
Elijah Ward
Alot of new people. They dont remember the polish scourge.
Jordan Diaz
This is like reporting a policeman for not shitting himself at a crime scene
Matthew Mitchell
He is balking on immigration and war policies.
He is losing to the establishment.
Carson Taylor
Plz no more CP ;_; I've been here for 6 years and thought CP was just a meme. Fucking turkey. I hope those kids are alright
Aaron Torres
Jeremiah Allen
Joke is on you guys, I was out and mods done their jobs before I came back
> Lad, what did you mean by this post:
You're right, that should have been a > y'all'd
Noah Cox
>this is like x affecting y Shut up
Ayden Richardson
Jonathan Cook
Charles Sanchez
Yeah, that was pretty embarassing.
Everyone's acting like they are going to jail. Calm down fags.
This, kek. So many boards and so many sites have to deal with this shit.
>I've been here for 6 years and thought CP was just a meme Newfag as fuck
Nicholas Bell
What the fuck else is he supposed to do in the embassy?
Ayden Garcia
Thanks for your wise and accurate input, faggot, now go back to Rebbit
Whats the deal with this? Why did Dilbert-man blocked NippLegate? Has he finally lost his mind?
John Parker
Da fuck? I've seen that shit spammed like crazy on Sup Forums, first time in one of these generals though
Hunter Jones
Ian Ortiz
>That one time a newfag in Trump general downloaded a CP image.
Gavin Hernandez
>40* >real winter Fucking southerners
Landon Williams
Someone has to be the guy to report it.
Justin Reed
Well we all hope a botnet is doing it's fucking job in the least
I'm looking at you FBI/CIA We put someone in office that would put a crackdown to this kinda shit And let y'all do your fucking job
So maybe y'all need to start grilling the moderators to do theirs for the kinda gross shit this place can be attracted to because it's anonymous
John Morgan
>changed his mind
Yeah, back in 2015
Elijah Long
No fucks, no intelligence, no class, no morals, no ethics...
Ayden Roberts
>white shows are booming
Lincoln Bailey
The word "betrayal" is up there with "t_d" as the telltale of a particular group of disruptors.
Ethan Mitchell
Someone post the screencap with the Ridley Pepe. Trump said if we pulled out of Afghanistan it'd up like Iraq since 2015.
Juan Richardson
I thought my nipples were bad but god damn that is just unfortunate
Gabriel Green
Connor Butler
>Changes mind Only NeverTrumpers and opportunist bandwagoners don't remember Trump saying pulling out of Afghan would create a vacuum like Iraq in his rallies
Ian Hughes
This is so random
Isaiah Morgan
Again who has that screencap?
Jace Cook
>tying literally everything to Trump No wonder nobody trusts these petty assholes.
Samuel Diaz
Holy shit you're retarded. That literally cannot be any less of an argument
Juan Collins
I hope he gets shot
Adam Smith
He changed his mind all the way back in 2015 that the Afghan state had to be preserved. I've been betrayed and I never should have voted for Drumpf even though I knew that.
Chicagoland has probably the worst winters in the continental USA
Mason Rogers
Jose Jackson
Happy birthday to the God Emperor!
Parker Ortiz
"Come back"
Ryan Price
Most guys are too young to remember when that was common place on Sup Forums before Palin email ""hack"". That event was the shedding of water for this site, with Moot having to testify in front of a federal court of the inner workings of this site. My guess is that's when Feds installed whatever equivalent of "CALEA" in this site to tap all communication. If you guys doubt it is all archived look at what happened on the 1st April hack of wheelschan: it was revealed they also archive all posts together with the IPs so if Feds request it later they can comply, they surely didn't come with that on their own.
Oliver Miller
I only hang around /k/ and /fit/, used to browse /mlp/ but they post baby horses which don't count I guess.
>everyone is acting like they're going to jail B-BUT THE THUMBNAIL GOT SAVED TO MY CACHE AAAAAAAAHHHHH
Logan Gray
Rochester would like to have a word with you.
Thomas Clark
Its true, all he has left is shitpostin'
Blake Cook
Thanks for the (you) I guess?
Grayson Robinson
I don't really disagree. I think most people would have got their tickets before any losing happened (first for me was Bannon going, then the second speech regarding Charlottesville, the second tweet regarding Charlottesville, and of course Afghanistan last night). So most people would have been getting a ticket to watch Aug 15 trump where he destroyed the media in trump tower. At a minimum I have I think people will be upset about staying in Afghanistan for an unknown period. Whether or not people will voice their frustrations at a rally remains to be seen
Jack Diaz
Isaac Johnson
>shows with no blacks are booming
Brayden Kelly
I know this isn't the place, but do I get any fucking financial aid for Graduate School or do the Jews just make it so I need loans?
Benjamin Thompson
>having a fap > BRUMPH
Cooper Peterson
Liam Young
Colton Bell
Wrestling Florida man needs another sex tape leaked.