I haven't seen one of these in a while and I need some hate. Post what you got.
YRYL pol edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>That pic
>Sup Forums edition
Old Sup Forums, maybe
Lost already.
Fucking this. This is what I'm looking for user. Thanks.
>Both Jake and Josie were under the influence and legally can't consent
>Jake alone gets in trouble, because he has a penis
>Most see no problem with it.
And people wonder why men are checking out of this misandric society
There's one right here, retard. Check the catalog before posting
it's you rage you lose idiot
how long was the time lapse between gay and transgender?
>YLYL is the same as YRYL
leave newfag
As a pajeet, if my wife did this, I would email the pictures to her parents. No divorce, no nothing. Just the sweet bliss of knowing her entire family will never accept her again.
Sometimes you need the hate to run through you. This is one of those times.
That's a humour thread retard.
Or you could just tell them she used a toilet, thatll make them disown her as well
Rage, but at least the parents seem remorseful.
Yeah, the fact that he feels remorseful after destroying his innocent son's life from a knee-jerk reaction to a baseless accusation makes it not so bad.
Feminism. Not even once.
Kill yourself.
this isnt b
you're a sliding shill
good job on adapting to our culture to make your sliding look ingrown
How new are you? YRYL threads were commonplace here even just a year ago before the election and all you newfags came here. What exactly am I sliding?
Literally 4 months ago this was a common thread on Sup Forums including OP's picture. It's an old slide, but it still checks out
I have a few
maybe but these days the sliding has been ramped up and the fucks are way craftier in that their shit threads look genuine enough for stupid summerfags to fill them up
the board is currently nuked
You forget.
so she can't legally consent if she's intoxicated?
But for some reason the guy can and that makes it rape. Feminism.
>dot cucked by the white man
I see no problem with this. She was BLEACHED!!
Thanks for the dump user. Needed that rage.
that's a good headline. the angry non-breeding female line will breed themselves out.
in the past they had to marry and have at least one sprog to seal the deal, now big daddy state is the safety net.
problem will likely solve itself
i cant rage at this , i just feel sorry for the guy still being so comitted to her after finding out she is a huge slot for the bonged.com , plus i can partially relate getting cheated on sucks and is soulcrushing when you are incredibly devoted to your gf / fiancee / wife.
this just makes me activate my empathy almonds but he is a turbolowtest for sure.
this type of thing turns me on and since it was written by a woman, all the better.
I really think a lot of these are fake as fuck. Just to push an agenda and live in fantasy world.
I know scenarios like this do occur but nah senpai.
>Your oppressive nigger speech will no longer go unanswered. The Bombshells are here to teach you your place --or else!
>yeah -- this campus is a safe space!
>for everyone but you!
Really made me think
you wtf you lose
This pretty much sums up the current state of America
I'm surprised you didn't notice that islamic thousand-rape-stare.
This makes me moist
WTF is wrong with these people ?
i understand fetishes but cuckolding i will never get behind.
tick tock tick tock, those ovaries are about to run dry.... baby baby baby baby
I have some reddit files also, most if not all are from 2016 tho
You can't post this it's not sportsman like. It's the equivalent of shooting an animal that's already in a cage
People like him should just be burned for fuel.
(you can skip to around 2:34)
we had yryl threads as culture for over a decade , you are young / new and full of nazihatejerkoffmode - i personally also identify as a facist by the commonfolk but looking at fucking jewtube twitter donald blackvswhitedingdongs threads gets old fast and i appreciate it , so fuck you toothpaste.
pol should require a bloodsample , urine , ID , and age limit of 25+.
Ho lee shit. It's literally everything Sup Forums hates rolled up into a single human being. My Christ this thing seems like it's hurt.
So fucking based
Cuckolding is weird because it seems like there are two veins: swinging and domination.
The swinger side of it share their wife, have a threesome, and meet with couples. It seems like cuckolding is something to do is the spare time. Go to a porn website and look under "Swingers." Most of the films are of cuckolds having threesomes after watching.
The domination part? It's all about abuse, humiliation, and femdom. Sometimes these people are very successful in life, and like to be submissive in the bedroom.
Immediately lost. My eyes grew wider and angrier the further down the thread I got.
Checked. Also that was some nice karma. Keep posting what you got pls.
Fuck me that's hilarious
[spoiler]Wrong :DDD Lol, miscarriages, who cares about those - certainly not the pregnant women.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It is yryl thread after all.[/spoiler]
this board is in a state of shit, you "oldfags" should be ringing the alarm about it
it was good during the campaign because of the users' overwhelming pressure
but the kikes have ramped up their offensive and now it's down down down
the board is filled with shit threads, all the more deceptive because they look somewhat genuine like this one
we're at war, this isnt facebook anymore