The Google Memo was Good But the Onus isn't On the Fucking White Male to Explain Fake Problems

It's fun to trigger the marxists with reality but it doesn't destroy the diversity myth. We destroy the myth by forcing identity hustlers to provide evidence anyone is holding back qualified women and coloreds.

We CANNOT be in the position of denying we're bigots and explaining why non whites are not 'represented'. This is how the SJWs perpetuate their fake problems and turn a productive white guy into their straw man.

Instead a white workforce in a company should demand from leadership the evidence there is actual discrimination keeping women and colored people out with real stats from recent company history.
>Demand they show you the qualified, non hired women and coloreds.
>Demand they show the qualified women and coloreds who left the company because of discrimination, along with that data the data of their performance and evaluations from their bosses and co-workers.
>Force them to document that unqualified diversity hires bring any value to the company.
>Force them to explain how hiring unqualifieds isn't anything but demoralizing

Do not explain the cause of 'under-representation' while repeating you are not a bigot because under-representation was never a problem and nobody really thought you might be a bigot until you started insisting that you weren't a bigot. When you explain the differences in population you are engaging the post-modern trash in a war of semantics about identity.

Make SJWs EXPLAIN how non existent people being subconsciously discriminated against make it Ok to hire unqualified women and brown people.
Make SJWs DEFEND the fact they are going after only the high paying, high status lines of work because they want to shake down the productive. They want to destroy the form of masculinity that involves men dominating the world with Western math and technology and being the breadwinner of the family.

Then we will move on to phase two: Legalize all forms of discrimination so we can be free and the market can punish and reward accordingly.

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Yeah that's a really cool story, brah. Except one thing...

Damore was both a liar and a moron and surprise surprise it was muh vidya that caused the problem to begin with.

What if we archive that

>npr org/sections/money/2014/10/21/357629765/when-women-stopped-coding

It's probably not coincidence that Damore is roadkill-tier ugly and hates women.

Wrong. The number of Computer Science degrees in the 80s declined for BOTH genders, not just women.

That wasn't computer science like we have today.
It was horrible busywork like being a secretary.

You reveal how stupid you are about actually creating value in an economy by reciting this trash and thinking it was coding.

Let's destroy Google from the inside. There was a study done on Google and the male pay its 6 to 7 standard deviations higher than the female pay.

I suppose this is being hushed up since actually paying and promoting vapid women would kill Google.

We need to meme this inequality within Google until they capitulate and died from the Diversity they espouse

Lol. This narrative, like all of them on the right are nothing but self-fulfilling delusion.

Wanna take a wild fucking guess why women bring up patriarchy all the time? Because it's not meritocratic.

>lets destroy woman and leftists by subverting them, it will work this time!

protip: leftists know they are wrong, they are 100% conscious of it. they know what you are up to, they aren't stupid.

>It's probably not coincidence that Damore is roadkill-tier ugly and hates women

Well lets look into that. Working at Google he could probably rise to the top and command an impressive salary if he worked hard enough in a perfect world. In a perfect world he could use his access to resources to get a female.

He probably had these things in mind when he decided to be a corporate man. The reality he faces is that companies are flooded with female who make enough to live with a roommate and get along just fine. They have no intention of settling with their wages and chads cock . He probably see women get promoted for the sake of diversity and gets disparaged

Next thing you know he's writing a manifesto and self-imolating the future he was working towards because the pieces just don't fit together anymore

>We cannot deny that we're bigots
Look up the definition of that word and you'll be surprised to find that our critics are greater bigots than we.

A racist person is not a bigot.
Someone that hates racist people is a bigot.

Are you fucking Damore? What makes you think this entitled faggot wasn't just bad at his job to begin with? Most of Silicon Valley is male. If he couldn't make it in a male-dominated field, then he deserved to fail. What even is this bullshit?

>Women or minorities fail

>A white male fails

That article doesn't control for the fact the submissions by women are rejected because they are shit.
Show the millions of qualified lady coders who can't get hired because of discrimination.

Are you literally retarded? The study was gender-blind.

>be in a pressure cooker full of sjw's,feminists and delusional faggots
>enough is enough
>truth is more important than money
>drop redpills on sillicon valley
>get funding + job

he did the right thing, that's what matters

Gender blind. Great.
That proves women's code is for shit.
Thank you for showing that. I just skimmed it.

>Get called out on being liars and shown where you're wrong
>Keep lying
Lol alright. Enjoy your circlejerk.

I've seen the story before, moron.

Aggre, more info needed concerning a majority of Computer Scientists were ever female.

I think it was something more akin to Library Science in those. Calculus, differential equations, and physics requirements weren't there.


The argument Damore made was that women are less likely to enter TECH, he did not say they are worse at their job. This GitHub data only suggests that women who do decide to code can do it just as well as men.

Wait I thought you were saying I skimmed it. Not knowing you're accepting women's code more proves that women are incompetent? Wow, I would love to know how you arrived at that paranoid conclusion.

guys if google's bullshit diversity initiatives are as bad as you say (and i don't doubt they are) wouldn't the easiest thing to do just be to stand back and watch as the company implodes under the weight of the incompetent? some company that hires the most talented people will overtake them.

>. If he couldn't make it in a male-dominated field

Who said he couldn't? Perhaps he saw the work it would take and the reward he'd get. He did a cost benefit analysis and realized it would be a bad deal, then decided to be critical of the system .

>The argument Damore made was that women are less likely to enter TECH
No it isn't. The retarded faggot used broscience to try to "prove" that women were biologically less capable to qualify for jobs in the tech field, which has been shown to be bullshit.

Show Silicon Valley is mostly male because they discriminated against swaths of qualified brown and lady coders. Where are they?
What is your evidence of the evil, unjust patriarchy hogging all the tech work?

we're not in a position to 'make' the SJWs do anything as long as they control the information channels.

'"For outsiders, we see evidence for gender bias: women's acceptance rates are 71.8% when they use gender neutral profiles, but drop to 62.5% when their gender is identifiable . There is a similar drop for men, but the effect is not as strong," the paper noted."

Wow you sure showed us, dumbass. this is definitely a powerful enough result to explain away everything.

Its like you narrative monkeys don't even TRY to criticize your own position before attacking the enemy. For people who claim they represent the reality-based community its fucking weak.

From the ebil right wing SSC

>the retarded faggot used broscience to try to "prove" that women were biologically less capable to qualify for jobs in the tech field, which has been shown to be bullshit

Why prove 2+2=4 women are less intelligent in general.

You're posting some article that has nothing to do with denying qualified coders of jobs because they have vaginas.
Instead it shows women can't code and they blame the fact the can't code on the fact they are women.

He earned his job through solving coding problems, there is literally no more meritocratic way to hire someone

Did you even read the whole thing? You come off as very ignorant and unprepared.

>The retarded faggot used broscience to try to "prove" that women were biologically less capable to qualify for jobs in the tech field

Nope, he was arguing that women are less inclined to be interested in tech jobs. Hence there is a lower supply of qualified women which makes "gender parity in STEM" unlikely.

they are already market leaders, borderline monopolists and don't feel a (short-term) need to invest heavily in engineering. they can afford to piss off white / east asian male nerds now they're more of a consent manufacture company as opposed to a technology one

>want to destroy

They already did.

Wake up.

idk. You're an idiot and I'm not really paying attention to you because you're off on some anecdotal tangent.
Are these the hundreds of thousands of competent women who can't get hired in Silicon Valley because of sexism.

Lol having masters with exceptionaly high grades and being one of the top coders in google is not proof of any merit

Hurr he must have cheated to his position hurr he must have since i cannot fathom how anyone can be a good coder without being sjw like myself

Because the diversity hustlers literally infect every high status, high paying, high achieving field.

He's a jew and a made-for-TV-Fraud on top of that. and NO the cunts at google aren't "good guys" or some shit either, in fact I'd argue they are ever worse. That kid is just a male attention whore who wanted to make a buck. Seriously. Again YES google is corrupt and NSA'ed up the ass but that kid is a fraud himself. I know most won't except that FACT if it's not cool on youtube or facebook but it's not like people support anything else nowadays.

If that were the case, Trump wouldn't have won

Trump won because sometimes they just can't cheat hard enough.

Do you see any of this shit turning around? Because I don't, I see them being emboldened.

daily reminder that this guy lied about his phd

Damore addressed the gender disparity in good faith as if anyone thought it was a real problem. He should have asked the SJWs "Are you fucking high? Who is discriminating against any qualified engineer of any race or gender, before you call be a subconscious bigot and force me to work with the less qualified and promote them over me?"

>the hundreds of thousands of competent women who can't get hired in Silicon Valley because of sexism

I've personally never met a woman who could write code even in the computer science department. Being male I taught myself at 11 from sheer curiosity.

I'm a STEMfag. Women weren't discriminated against at the university, quite the opposite. They weren't interested in the fields. They didn't sign up for the courses. The discrimination is women discriminating against STEM fields.

Definitions don't matter, culture defines how we see reality.

You will always be a bigot to these people so long as culture dictates you are, this is why we abhor the "democrats are the real racists" line. It ultimately doesn't resolve or convince anyone.

We aren't bigoted, but we cannot fight against the line. We have to accept it, never acknowledge it, and move on. If you want to show that the left is hypocritical and truly bigoted, you will have to cause a cultural shift to the right. How exactly we do that is a much larger question, one I'm working on, but it seems the answer is to become a better person on all ends.

>Definitions don't matter, culture defines how we see reality.
That's fucking postmodern trash.

>We aren't bigoted,
Yes you are. If you have enough intelligence to type out a sentence, there are ideas that you will discriminate against. Everybody who is even marginally functional is bigoted in some way.

This guy was forced to work with thousands of unqualified diversity hires because of the sexism/ racism lie.

This is probably the best rebuttal I've seen to the Google Memo:

If you guys could come up with a rational argument against it I'll give you a cookie.

oy vey shut it down; they know

>I'm a STEMfag. Women weren't discriminated against at the university, quite the opposite.

Same here. My university tries everything to get women interested and FAIL

Surely you're just trolling and are not so retarded that you'd confuse what was basically manual work like punching cards to instructions written by a smarter man with actually writing theorems, designing circuitry and developing software systems.

Yeah. It's a rigged game, like gambling at a casino. The only way to win is not to play, because the house wins. In order to win at life you have to not go to the fucking casino and make a productive farm where life is teeming and you produce good things for many people at a fair cost. Like food.

Ease up, homie.

I'm not post modern, I'm speaking for the leftists and the masses. I misspoke by saying that "we" all work this way. I apologize for that

I the writer of the OP didn't say the Memo was good.
I said it was bullshit to enter an semantic argument about identity with scheming SJW liars and that SJWs should be forced to provide evidence of millions of qualified lady coders who can't find work because they are discriminated against.
Maybe you can explain and defend the discrimination that justifies hiring the unqualified.
Be sure to include actual evidence from actual companies.

Yeah, okay, but he lied about his PhD.

But you can't break out of the narrative, goyim. That's antisemitic.

Yeah but millions of unqualified are hired for a lie about racism and sexism.

>Maybe you can explain and defend the discrimination that justifies hiring the unqualified.

Even if some are unqualified, that's a major gap to have between men and women in the field. Are you honestly saying that of the ~20% of women graduated with computer science degrees, 90% of them are unqualified? And even if that's so, doesn't that speak to the concept that there is something wrong with the system if so many graduates are coming out unqualified?


Holy shit this person wants to talk about MOTIVATED REASONING? Is this a joke? This person doesn't even read the sources they link. Them:

"Third, the gender differences you cite differ between countries and over time."

Their heterodox academy link:

"differences are replicated across cultures for both college-age and adult samples, and differences are broadly consistent with gender stereotypes: Women reported themselves to be higher in Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth, and Openness to Feelings, whereas men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas. Contrary to predictions from evolutionary theory, the magnitude of gender differences varied across cultures. Contrary to predictions from the social role model, gender differences were most pronounced in European and American cultures in which traditional sex roles are minimized."

Surely anyone who wasn't a "motivated reasoner" would try to explain why progressive countries have HIGHER variance between genders than traditionalist countries? Instead of USING THAT VARIANCE as an argument AGAINST the memo? I mean really, is your explanation that Silicon Valley is more sexist than Iran?

It's just that women are retarded children in principle that aren't designed to build nests. They're designed to take care of the baby birds in the nest, and if you've ever been in a meeting with multiple men and one woman, she automatically cucks herself because she knows she's outmatched in every way conceivable and shuts her goddam mouth and waits to be cummed in.

This is reality.

Previous to this, google had a rep for being THE leader in science before ideology. It would be better to be accelerationist on say, Apple.

I don't know what system you're talking about.
80% of Google employees are men.
Prove 30% of would be, fully qualified female Google applicants and ladies who left the company aren't there because of sexism.
Prove there would be 2.5 times more women at Google if there wasn't sexism.

aaaaaand Mckillryerself

Really make you think...

truly forces my goyim mind to cogitate.

And yet

Yes, this is reality but it doesn't do any good to get into a pissing contest with a child.
Instead of taking the bait and arguing with irrational shrews we must confront and silently stare at them after repeating the question...
"What evidence do you have we are discriminating against the brown and lady coders"
Because they are still taking a pound of flesh when we argue about biology, cultural constructs, etc.

It's almost as if politic opinions and professional environment aren't set to the same standards.

>hates women
Wanna know how I can tell you didn't read the memo?

I agree with you. Arguing with them is a waste of time. Just state the facts and move back to productive work. Like Gogol said, don't waste your time arguing with the state of things, just work your hardest to be productive and create life where there was none before, and women and even jews and the entire system will cuck itself to you, and you'll be God and king of this fertile earth.

>be typewriter operator
>call it coding

This anecdotal bullshit means nothing.
Google's diversity teams and HR have the data on millions of coders and their skill levels.
If they have the evidence of systemic racism and sexism forcing ladies and brown people out of the company let them show it or let's see one of the employees leak it.

Instead they scream about subconscious sexism and force you to work with the less qualified before promoting them over you.

The data doesn't exist because there aren't any qualified engineers who can't get hired, period. Tech companies fight each other to sign the few lady coders because they don't want to be accused of sexism by the unquestionable, hysterical shrews.

>We destroy the myth by forcing identity hustlers to provide evidence anyone is holding back qualified women and coloreds.
You don't seem to understand how pushing identity politics works. They don't need evidence, all they need is to reduce the problem to "I can't explain why this difference exists, therefore racism". And when they can't explain how that racism works they just invent a new form of racism to fill in the gaps: systemic racism, internalized racism, micro racism, etc. All of these "new" racisms are of course just unverifiable nonsense.

I say confront but don't explain the cause of whatever they are talking about.
Force them to justify the charges if they are going to take a pound of flesh. The pound of flesh in this case is your job and/or promotion.

Muslims can't be sexist, user. Only white men can.

Well in that case I'd argue the main problem is that you're working as a chinovik for the jewish empire when you work for a kike company like (((Google))). I mean obviously they're going to be pushing the kike narrative at kike HQ. Work for yourself. Build your own empire. Then you don't have to worry about fake narratives being pushed by epsilon tier jew slaves.

If you don't like the word 'kike' here it's just shorthand for you know 'them' or those in power or whatever you like.

>y forcing identity hustlers to provide evidence anyone is holding back qualified women and coloreds.
>You don't seem to understand how pushing identity politics works. They don

I know they get away with it BECAUSE we get into arguments with them about identity or whether or not we are better instead of putting the focus on their bogus charges and fact they are leveling bogus charges to steal high paying, high status positions.

The next James Damore should be someone who writes a chronicling of himself taking his demand for evidence that he is a sexist and racist up the management chain.

A memo challenging the diversity myth with biology and behavioral psychology makes for good sport but it lets the identity hustlers off the hook for levelling bogus charges.

It's almost like you expect life to be fair or something.

We live in Western Civilization
There is no assigning guilt on someone or depriving them of what's theirs without due process.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.
The accused is innocent unless proven guilty.
The accused has a right to question his accuser.
If the charges are so bogus they don't warrant ever being levelled the accused doesn't flail his arms and bust out the graphs and charts, he makes a motion to dismiss by showing the accused has no evidence and is a brown money grubbing, white genocidal cunt.


That shit is a jewish comic book. How do you not know this?

Never pay attention to political philosophy or false science of law or any spook like that. Sort yourself out.


Hilarious. At least they admit they don't know the answer, and then go on to suggest it was the patriarchy advertising to boys only. Because most businesses want to halve their market share.

Somehow the white male is impervious to cultural constructs turning them into housewives or niggers. That is, according to the commies.

Law or no law
It's a bad idea to explain the cause of some identity hustler's fake problem
Just force them to prove you're guilty of their stupid nonsense and expose their bogus claims

Why are people using '' instead of' now?

Force them to answer the simple, open ended question of are there any differences between men and women. What's the science on this question, science deniers.

> Implys that it's more important for a coder to be an agreeable social-butterfly team-player than to actually know how to code
Fucking hell, these people really want the Beta Holocaust don't they

what kind of nonsensical garbage Diarrhea did you just spew in the post OP dafuq are you on about i swear to fucking god some of you motherfuckers on this board litterally eat all teh shit up that you read and become walking zombies dafuq foreal

Good thread. Top bantz.


typical thread to confuse new users, move on

I haven't seen anyone suggest the tactic of forcing companies to provide evidence of discrimination to justify unqualified diversity hires.
Instead everyone is a drone for traditionalist roles, which are the goal but it's not something to engage the con artists with.