Why are young white men checking out of society?
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Society scares me
I don't know it's hard to describe... I was a jobless, poor NEET with nothing ...
Now I am married and have a lot of money (had a lot of luck in the stock market over the last 4 years)
but I still feel like I am "checked out of society"
I stay home , I don't like to leave the house, I don't want children ...
I think it has to do with the fact that we're addicted to technology and we no longer believe in this world
we're just waiting for the next thing to come ... because we feel it's coming
the big Event, Singularity
Why are people who aren't young white men so profoundly threatened by them that they make thousands of threads on this board daily disparaging them?
THis fucking thread AGAIN
>OP knows the answer but despite that fact he still chooses to make BS threads
>married and have a lot of money
>dont want children
if your european and not raising at least one son and daughter or not even aspiring to wtf are you even on Sup Forums
because society fucking sucks right now?
Society has hurt their feefees.
why are you spamming slide threads?
slow day faggot?
Or more like society is not exciting anymore. Instead of being all the same wearing the regimees approved clothing we are all the same on the inside thinking and feeling the way the regimee wants us to.
I had lots of friends, girlfriends and was into lots of activities while growing up. As soon as I reached college everybody was so swallow I couldn't take it.
I just moved to Alaska and started fishing 6 years ago, hate liberal bs, just going to fish until I die
>rewards are getting low as women raise demands
>Having childres is a huge risk that for the emotional and financial investment, the woman walks away with both; your children and your money
>Society needs white men to contribute? Then start raising the rewards for it. You can keep punishing to the oblivion, but that doesn't mean people will not check out from non-existent rewards
>"But muh white nation". Yea don't care. Why should white men care about society that hates them?
no job money or gf.
if I could just earn e nought to live and play my pc I'll be happy
Because the Federal Reserve and baby boomers has sold their generation down the river.
What society? Where?
Because ever since I was a young boy I dreamed of growing up and marrying a beautiful woman who loved me. The older I grew the more I understood how this is no longer possible in a society so degenerate and disgusting. The one thing that drove me in life was corrupted and trashed.
>the big Event, Singularity
this,same here
>Why are young white men checking out of society?
No service to their muh dick
the jews fucked all the women up
there's no camaraderie among men anymore. it's always a shittest when you run into someone your age and even if they become your """friend""", they're more concerned with things people tell them to be concerned with like women
ask any mid-20s male what their hobbies are and they will be: tv, gym - that's it
what's the fucking point in even trying
To laugh at LGBT people when they don't get their way and bridge themselves
Yes, I'm a loser, I lost. I loved a woman with whole of my heart, treated her the best I could. I wanted to marry and have kids. She treated and used me like scum.
I was born with white skin and a small pink penis. Women hate that. They want dark and dangerous men to beat and rape them. Just how it is.
No lose, just raype
some LGBTs really hate straight people. They'll say things like "oh you straight guys" and wear those shirts that say "I'm okay with straight people if they tell me first" as if we're fucking equals. And if you get married the envy will drive them nuts
Because life sucks
Trumpcucks and being worthless go hand in hand
>they want dark and dangerous men to beat and rape them
Laughed gud
They're not. A bunch of losers that have the advantage of being white don't even have their basic shit together, but there's not that many of them really and they also don't matter. You can be trash and be white for sure, and most anons are proof.
because they've been told to?
they like white men but they have to be really handsome.
Life sucks, fuck all of you
That's why we need a world war.
21st Century Relationship
You marry your pussy, she marries your wallet.
It's a trade-off, except it's between a common spider and a black widow, and we know who gets on top
with who, North Korea?
Because """"society"""" is full of fags and niggers.
Society is actively rigged against them. You don't take up a new vidya on 'God mode' and expect to have a good time.
Modern women are a lost cause
Its called trolling. user.
And to the OP, its more or less ths although I have no idea why some one would get married only to NOT have children... (???)
Society sucks without us, it proves our point we are better than other races.
liberals for years now have told white men they are the biggest problem in the world and oppressor trash misogynists that are responsible for all the worlds problems and losers. White men decide fine society doesn't want me I'll just chill and do my own thing then. Society begins falling apart and then come the hysterics about why aren't white men participating in society (really why aren't they slaving their lives away driving economics and innovation forward) as despite what women, white guilt faggots and shit minorities claim they are not as competent as the gold standard white males
How do i do this? Do you work for someone or
>have job
>only women get promoted cuz AA
>apply for other jobs
>only women get hired
Just google alaska fishing jobs, you gotta own a boat or be someone's deckhand
Old farts "check out", too. I am SOOOOOO glad that I am NOT young on this planet today....I salute you young dudes...tough...tough....especially when your cat dies!
Do 2000s babbies actually think like this?
>My race is being disrespected so I will purposly not find employment and just sit on my ass in protest.
Because the state has ruined our institutions and made it impossible for young men to forge a future.
When you need to kiss the feet of the state to get a piece of paper saying you can work a job, shit's fucked.
When your wife can call upon the state to rob you blind with impunity, shit's fucked.
When you need a crack team of lawyers just to navigate the mountains of paperwork needed to start a business, shit's fucked.
When the state funds artists and intellectuals that tell the youth to devour their own culture, shit's fucked.
When companies have to hire jewish dykes because of affirmative action, shit's fucked.
When the state chases everyone's money into the stockmarket to avoid taxes and inflation corporations have to take the safest short term bets. Just look at music, it wasn't until the 90's that pop music was complete trash. People know what's good, with the internet now more than ever.
Just look at art, normal people don't like lesbians pussy blood on canvas, they like pretty paintings. They can't tell you why it's good art, but they know in their heart it's good. Without the elite using the coercive power of the state to poison the culture we wouldn't see this sickness.
For fucks sake in my public education we had to learn about how great Chairman Mao and Islam are, no shit.
Top kek, can not you even see he is dreaming ?
i wont contribute making a better world for tyrone and his roasties
i'll just leave shit to the next generation of moongrels
>somebody is actually that delusional
Because unless you hate yourself you're branded a bigot. Why not keep your head down, get paid, and recluse to protect yourself from the ire?
There are no great goals in our society anymore, people talk about wanting to go to Mars or whatever else, but very little gets done, we are waiting for a project that we can be proud of, that project could be anything so long as it preserves our dignity.
Idk but I just drink Irish whiskey and masturbate in my parents attic.
world war with china would finish the globalist footrace when only one culture will come out alive. china’s economy is completely fake and drives the US to legitimately destroy the country to compete. force china into a war time economy and they would crumble. everyone sucks US cock for goods again and we can forget about the world until india stops shitting in the streets
Because even attractive, hard working guys like me who treat girls with respect and honor get left in the dust. I have a good job, go to church, work out, good money, and volunteer on the weekends and I can't get a girl to speak to me for more than 20 minutes. I look like this and I get told I'm handsome, but no women have any interest in me because you have to be a roid head monkey it seems like these days.
So I just gave up on dating, threw in the towel, and said fuck it. The white man's time is done in this country. I'm gonna get my finance degree and get the fuck out. Women are brainwashed and there's really no goals to work towrad.
It is nothing like that, more along the lines of
>everyone hates me, why even go, I don't want to be made fun of more
There is no protest occurring, only sad withdrawal and lack of motivation.
The reason we hate the ones that join the radical left so much is because we know they've actually internalized the hate of others to the point that they hate themselves and wish for their own destruction.
Because for a lot of us, we're told from childhood that we're scum just for being white. As we age and go through school years, we catch even more shit for being white, often from white women and white guys who hate themselves.
As adults, we see that most white women are either dating a nigger, or are single but are single moms who have a half breed since the nigger they were with knocked them up and bailed on them. And they expect us to step in and raise the little mongrel just so she can leave us for another nigger down the road.
Society is openly and happily anti white male now. The deck is stacked against us, and only a retard would play a game that they have no chance of winning.
Hence, the only winning move, the ONLY winning move is to not play. I make enough money to pay my bills, have various comforts and enjoy my hobbies. I don't need anything else. I wanted a wife and a family, but that was before society forced my hand and made me not care anymore.
On the plus side, it's fun to watch society crumble now that the majority of white men quit playing a rigged game. They forced us out, and are now regretting it without admitting it, but are trying to shame us instead. Eat a dick.
Also, sage.
fishing this hard for a (You) god your life must be pathetic
Society is filled with sociopaths, I'm not one
Post ass
Because modern society has been degraded by subhumans and jewish perverts.
The only hope left is in subcultures and fringe groups which should become our white society
I swear this is an attempt at masterbation.
Bitch - you ain't a chick therefore no sympathy.
wahhh - you are such a bitch.
Because the world is ending in 30 years, all other reasons are propaganda for the white nationalist cause. There will be no more world for my children's children, only pain and suffering.
Please stop trying to make this destructive process faster.
no responsabilities
no intelligent context in wich they can compete with other men
You're either a Chad, a genuine artist or bohemian cuck who likes to fry his brain on Research Chemicals .
More often than not I find that the healthiest individuals are the ones who keep internet use at a minimum.
sorry user that sucks youre a really handsome 14 year old boy too thats too bad
What's the point in going to university
> reeeeee men are shit especially the white ones no way in fuck are you scoring higher than the women here
What's the point in marriage
> 70% of divorce is initiated by women and they overwhelmingly win
In the media you see men being shown as goofy idiot husbands or evil racists. If society stops shitting on men maybe they will become a part of it again
Fuck you degenerate. I hope Pence wipes you scum off the streets.
I'm 20.
NEETs are a minority and society will not miss you, nobody needs young white men with zero real world applicable skills that can't even pass highschool.
you're even more useless than the prison population since at least they produce cheap labor.
You are false.
The future will be more brighter it ever was for the whites.
People are more and more redpilled because of africans and arabs,
white communities are gathering,
they will - will east asians - rule, absolutely.
What a time to be alive.
>Why are young white men checking out of society?
Because we can. I like not having to live up to old, antiquated cultural expectations. Screw having a wife, mortgage, kids.....all of that. It's not for me. I just want to have enough money so I can live off the returns my investments generate and not have to work more than a part time schedule. That'll give me time to travel and pursue my hobbies.
I'm just fucking around since you look like a twink.
>This is who calls you a newfag on Sup Forums
Kek I'm off of this wacky site
>replying to the same shill (demoralization) thread that's been posted 6000000 times before
I still do the basics, job, lots of money, travel, go out to nice restaurants etc.
I just don't get involved with the 'social' aspect since it just disgusted me ever since middle of high school. Bunch of virtue signalling lying hedonists, no wonder acting like a psychopath will get you far in life quickly.
Still no reason to shut yourself in and not enjoy things that you think you would enjoy, unless staying shut in is your ultimate enjoyment, in which case more power to you.
This right here.
Unless you bend the knee on everything and play along, being a good little taxpayer with only Right Opinions (tm) then you're going to be destroyed.
Of course men would rather spend their free time on booze and video games rather than risk engaging with society and being excoriated for it.
>Why don't men cluck like chickens on social media?
Any tips on escaping neetdom?
Because our souls are dead. we've lost the animating spirit of mankind and replaced it with destructive hedonist nihilism.
Thats why people are so obsessed with Islamic migrants... they can tell that the muslim has an animating spirit! his purpose in life might be evil and destructive, but it is a higher purpose nonetheless.
we are fighting for nothing less than a revolution in the very spirit of our people... we must have no less than a Resurrection of our very souls from this spiritual death if we are ever going to save our civilization from the darkness...
this. Things seem bad because they are. The human condition is suffering. We scrape our whole lives just to suffer less. I've had awesome experiences and they're not worth the suffering. Not worth shitting, or hunger, or taking my meds. Just not worth it. I don't advocate suicide unless you're in severe agony. But without a religion to believe in, there is no point. Maybe go to church and try to trick yourself, might work. Get a job, slave away, it feels a little better. Will To Power was a cop-out
>inb4 edgy nihilism
>inb4 rick and memey
if that's your only defense I implore you to suck sweaty nigger cock and leave my board
He's not wrong though.
This is what growing up is now if you're a white guy, you learn to hate yourself.
I'm 28, going to college with a bunch of 18 year olds, and the difference in attitude is shocking. These guys are completely defeated before they even begin.
They aren't. You just spend your time on internet echochambers filled with losers. White men are the most productive members of any demographic.
because they have been raised to hate themselves
I started, a new life
On the Internet
On the Internet
[Verse 1]
But not because, I don't like what I've got
I just, feel like it's time
I've got, everything I need
It's a strong connection, that's high-speed
Got two modems, and a fax machine
I got receptionists, they keep my office clean
I've got, a master plan
I'm my own boss, I'm the man
I got business cards, you can find me
On the Internet
On the Internet
I call the shots, I give the green light
On the Internet
On the Internet
On the web
None of this is remotely true in reality. Just some pathetic NEET making excuses and wanting to think his failure is endemic rather than his alone.
It's always been this way no?
We are not biologically predisposed to be content, it would lower our survival chances.
Find any low paying job like fucking mcdonalds, start working. Keep working and look for opportunities maybe withing the company even for a tiny raise. You constantly keep working thought, look for other nearby jobs. You confidence, if you had none before should by now be rising. Also don't spend everything, buy some essentials, maybe even nice essentials but keep a minimum saving. Also don't abandon everything you did as a NEET, keep some things, like gaming or anime so you can come home to them and to keep you sane and comfy.
Look up degrees with lucrative job offshoots, look up their entry requirements in actual decent educational institutions, or maybe look at company sponsored training programs, anything that you can invest your time and money in so it will pay off big in the long run.
Start studying and working, pick up a few hobbies on the way or whatever fun shit you like to do as long as it doesn't cost you too much. Always keep looking for job opportunities even while in education, fake niceness with important/useful people, who can recommend you or get you started after you finished.
Think of it all as an investment so you can keep enjoying the shit you do now and even tenfold in the future. No need to accept mass social culture or whatever, just blend in when you need to.
we're just at work so you probably wont see much of us
Why are people like OP making threads like these over and over again?
Lemme think...
Play by the rules:
>work for someone else at a pittance
>40% of your money goes to supporting minorities and single women
>meet a cute girl you really like
>find out you'll be penis #12 that she's had jizz inside her mouth
>feel disgusted but soldier on because you don't want to be offensive
>oh wow, i guess birth control doesn't work after all, we're having a baby
>marry her
>now you're her bitch
>state puts a gun to your head and puts her finger on the trigger
>huh, that kid kinda looks like that guy she works with
>ignore it
>she divorces you 5 years later
>lose your house and half your stuff
>she gets full custody
>she's a terrible parent
>you're watching from the sidelines as """your""" son gets brainwashed and turned into a criminal
>you're working more than ever because if you don't you'll go to jail for not paying child support
>begin drinking
>drink every single day just to take the edge off
>daydream about playing with your son
>daydream about the girl you knew in high school
>drown in the sorrow of your life until you die early
Go your own way:
>work minimally, save, be healthy
>travel and do interesting things
>learn constantly, master yourself and your hobbies
>pay basically zero tax
>have 18-25 year old women chasing you, ignore sluts completely
>save your love for yourself and your friends and family
>meet a girl who's 5-10 years younger than you
>she's a traditionally minded virgin, and for the right reasons
>you court her properly, date, get married, have kids
>she's an amazing wife and mother
>sex and friendship everyday for decades
>never gets old
>build an amazing life together
>have kids and grand kids
>die surrounded by your loving family, still happily married
>she dies a month later from a broken heart
>your pictures hang on the walls of your grandchildrens' homes for decades
Which do you choose?
They started taking away everything good about society or subverting it
yeah, just the facts of life. That's why bitches always use shit arguments about "le subjective suffering" and ad hominem attacks. Fuck that noise, suffering matters. If people want to have a philosophical discussion about it, go to /lit/ or somewhere else. Those of us with a goddamn functioning nervous system know that there is objective value to hitting one of your balls with a hammer, or crushing your spine, or the myriad of horrible shit waiting for us
Society has nothing to offer young men. Living as bachelor, playing vidya, drinking beer, playing sports, engaging in hobbies, doing drugs, whatever. The single life is easy and it's cheap.
Marriage and fatherhood, and careers on the other hand. That's nothing but whining, bitching, constant effort. The sheer amount of legal and financial downside to marrying and having kids, and the disgusting way mean are treated in family court, that's enough to put any sane man off marrying.
I have a career, but it's only because technical things come easy to me and I get to blow that money on cool shit.
to discuss this topic?
if you can't figure out how to ignore threads on Sup Forums how the fuck are you still here
>find out you'll be penis #12
Looks like we've got ourselves an optimist.