Women hate thread
Women hate thread
>all white women
Not even once.
>bunch of middle aged harpies refused to give a guy a chance
>now claim guys are the problem when the available middle aged men are going for women 20 years their jr
Like pottery
thanks user. the hate thread I was waiting for!
Maybe 30-something men don't want to date Grandma's.
They would have no problem finding a 55+ year old man, they just think they deserve more.
shit, wrong hate... let me look for proper material
I've been waiting to dump my folder. Enjoy!
Empty shells with makeup and perfume spread all over them.
Dried out pussies.
Decades of entitlement and Chad poundings.
They bring absolutely nothing to the table. Completely worthless to society.
Euthanasia is the only humane option.
I recently turned 30, and I've seen a lot of 40/50/60 year old Japanese women I'd love to fuck.
Sadly reality isn't that kind...
>be overweight permavirgin
>hate women because you can't get laid
This you?
Found your problem, ladies.
or this one?
or perhaps this one?
They don't "think" anything user, they're CONVINCED! Fat, old, dumb women, don't see themselves as fat old and dumb. They're convinced to still be as attractive as 20 years ago, but men just can't see it (except niggers... but its a different topic).
>women over 30
r8 h8 masturb8
user, you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth.
You hate women, because you are weak. You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking.
Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby, a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected into that activity.
Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.
Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.
You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.
Despite the claims of the kikes, exposure to a group doesn't make you hate them less. It makes you hate them more. Spending time with niggers is guaranteed to make someone racist. By the same token, interacting with lots of women is guaranteed to make you realize they're fucking insane and should be back in the kitchen.
Haha this one is literally true
you can't be both sassy and sophisticated i think they mean these are stuck up cunts
I know a female cunt when I read one.
I'm 15bf% 85kg 6'2", i got laid twice in the past month and I still think women are the niggerjews of gender.
The secret to male happiness in current year is going for the really really REALLY dumb girls. Girls so dumb they are unable to hurt anyone. If you date one with even a speck of malice you're not gonna have a good time.
Thankfully here the women above 20 are much more conservative so there is a decent chance you find a good looking, virgin, nice woman who is there to love you and not try to shittest you every goddamn second.
From what I read here this isn't true about western women. Sucks to be you I guess.
She might want to consider the personal danger of being so fat that it is impossible for medical professionals to find a vein in her arm.
Reminder that any woman who wears one of those plastic choker things is carrying at least two STDs and watches a lot of porn.
Ya, OP, you need to prove yourself as an effective work mule to impress the ladies.
Go out there and work yourself to the bone, be a provider, then you won't hate women anymore.
You'll hate yourself.
I understand this photo but shit cmon man
>huge debts
That one is shit yeah, but alot of us have debts
>drinking problems
Like most of us here
>heavy smoker
Like most of us here
>mental health problems
Like most of us here.
>single mom with 2 kids
Are they Tyrone's kids and is she gainfully employed/not on welfare? That's important here
I support the others, but you gotta change that shit
ive seen this before and it was years ago, if i recall correctly. if she's been 400lbs or anywhere close for that amount of time, there is a reasonable chance that she is currently dead or has suffered severe health complications and been forced to lose the weight to remain alive
Youngest is 42?!?!
Maybe "good men" want a partner that can have kids. 40s is possible but not probable and the dangers to the child and the mother are extreme compared to even a woman in her 30s.
It's nobodies fault that reproductive biology is what it is. It's what we all have to work with.
>projection: the post
Health at any size, you bigot
alright man I'll update it
>subhuman monkey:the race
>failing crucial fitness test.
Nah it's cool. We can wait another 5-10 minutes behind this door while the smoke and fire engulfs us. You go ahead and take your time breaking it down princess. It must be so liberating to be a firefighter we're so proud of you.
Also daily reminder that thinking that women are nice just because they dress and look nice and pretend to be nice, and deserve praise just for having a vagina, these are very naive things to do and you are a beta if you believe these.
>I tried to donate blood, but thet couldn't find a good vein
My friends friend (who is female) was over last week. I showed them both the theme song to "reading between the lions" for old times sake.
And the moment I turned it on she goes "oh I remember this!!! WAIT WAIT REWIND IT REWIND IT TO THE BEGINNING!!!!"
My guy friend goes "let's just watch it first"
so I do and she starts recording it for Snapchat. Then after 8 seconds goes back to her phone and forgets andnceases to care about it kek.
Women only care about shit in relation to pother people, and actually have no original thoughts or opinions of their own. Everything they pretend to like, like certain music and TV shows, is really just because other people they know like it, and they watch it to have something to talk about and appear like they have personalities or interests when really they're hollow rempty shells of nothingness and misery
"ugh why are all guys such PIGS?!"
bahahaha old hags in denial of depreciating value
Another classic. When I was in college, I thought the "token female" girl was my type. Now that I'm older, I can't imagine a more annoying cunt than a woman with no female friends. Girls with male hobbies, girls who brag about being "one of the guys," girls who actively avoid being around other girls are absolute fucking human garbage tier.
In some countries (the UK is a good example), women can't commit rape.
It's something only men can do.
You;re an idiot hiding behind a fantasy flag. I charm girls , get laid, have fun. But I truly believe they're stupid manipulative cunts with kids brains.
"Where have all the good men gone? "
The fuck away from old battered 40+-year-old pussy, that's where they gone hun.
Top fucking kek. The typical vaginal Jew will post something like this on her faceberg right after she posts some retarded astrology bullshit.
Imagine the smell of that well she calls a pussy
it's true and you know it.
just because you have those problems doesn't mean others have it too.
just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right.
Nice pic faggot. I copy.
>girls who brag about being "one of the guys,"
I love those types. In the military, those were the ones getting gangbanged every weekend or sleeping with the employees at Denny's.
OP savaged and BTFO by BASED user.
bruh, I'm 130 and toned, im fully skelly mode. I don't hate women, but I hate the women I associate with, having to listen to their nonstop gossip and just sheer ignorance about even the simplest fucking things.
>Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.
Much truth in thread but this too may be true.
Looks like she's gonna have to pay a few more bills.
>doesn't mean others have it too
Those are all fairly common problems, especially in the US, Le'monjello Al-Brazili. No go back to spreading HIV to nigger tourists.
Replace "Feminism" with Therapy and these begin to make sense to rational people.
Do you think women who "love men" and are "anti-feminist" are just as big of sluts as feminist mean hating female supremacists? Or are they worse?
I've noticed that trend, there is really almost no sexual degenerate difference between feminists "anti-feminists" or "traditionalists"
Thanks, this thread just reminded me why I hate men so fucking much. A bunch of whiny entitled cunts.
this you? Did you get to touch boob for defending m'ladies?
Aww sweet heart, you're projecting :). If you're one of the profiles described in the picture... You're screwed.
Gay user, why the women hate?
They turn you gay?
No. Women realize they are just holes. Some fight it and some embrace it.
>In the military
My brother is an officer in the chairforce and he told me that there was not one single female--enlisted or otherwise--in the military he has ever met that was not a gigantic fucking whore or gay. They're all either massive sluts or lesbians.
I've always heard that women on the right fuck like pornstars in heat whereas the women on the left will lie there like a dead fish then tell all her friend how bad you performed or cry rape.
Divorce rates at 46% are a problem in the US.
Drinking, smoking and mental healths aren't that big buddy. Maybe you just live in a shitty neighbourhood.
Confirmed. I worked at a library where I was the only male worker when I was much younger. They were all nice to me but they constantly went at one another.
What is she going to do, kill other white women and exclusively breed with non-white men? Sounds like a misogynist who plans to be barefoot and pregnant all the time.
No one is "turned gay" my Muslim friend. We are born this way.
Go dye your hair green, post some astrology bullshit on your wall, and then lez out, you worthless vaginal Jew.
>No holes barred?
Women on the right do love to get plowed like an old English street whore. Women on the left...it's hit or miss.
The life of the over 25 single career woman.
Can't even have health kids at that age to boot.
HAHAHA TOPKEK let it flow user xD
Don't talk to it user. Femanons must be ignored
all these neckbeard feminists thinking it will get them laid
Unmarried 40+ women are only good in 2D.