Who else here has been redpilled their entire life?

Who else here has been redpilled their entire life?

>tfw I remember asking my father how a black person and a white person can be friends

My grandparents have always said "jew" as insult. It's normal here.

>tfw I was in elementary school and my dad told me how advanced German technology is, and if they won the war, the whole world would have benefitted.

Here too. If someone is tight with money we call them a "scabby Jew".

Exactly. That's it.

>all my life my dad has matter-of-factly told me that Jews control the media
>When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to take public transportation because it was "dirty"
>My dad calls Asians mutants

Thanks pops

Grew up in a conservative, somewhat racist, family. Great-grandfather was openly racist, grandparents hate blacks and Muslims, Mom doesn't like "wogs" too.

it's probably normal everywhere outside of Israel's puppet state

even little children know that you call a tight bastard a jew, it's almost natural instinct

>Who else
That's funny. You're not red pilled, you're just another intellectual neanderthal. Kek was a JOKE. It was funny while it lasted. It's over now. Only the feeble minded took the meme seriously.

Who said anything about kek you raving lunatic?

I remember in elementary school I was telling a friend of mine that Hitler wasn't a bad guy, he was just defending his country. She told me not to say that to a teacher and I couldn't figure out why I was supposed to censor myself.

>children thinking they are 'redpilled'

>Great-grandfather was openly racist
He probably shit in a whole in the back yard and washed his hands in a bowl full of dirty water, too. So what. If your grandfather was a pedo, would that make being a pedo ok?

I've been racist since age 5. I didn't really develop political beliefs until age 10/11 though

my mother must have been taking the red pill during her pregnancy

You probably haven't even seen a black person irl, Ireland

Your mother went to college.

You seem upset. Take a load off my dude.


Thats fucking Italy dumbass. Irish flag has orange.

>You probably haven't even seen a black person irl, Ireland

Not him obviously, but most black people I meet make me consider becoming racist. It's the very few Ive met that are decent that keep me believing they have a chance at being decent.

At the time a hadn't. I saw it in a book.

Is that supposed to be an argument? You double nigger


When I was young, I was disgusted by how black people have white hands. It grossed me out

I was like a Fremen or a Sardukar. I was forced into he hardest conditions from kindergarten. Forced with constant conflict and merciless combat against "classmates".
Father was redpilled, whole family was redpilled. I once asked as a small child why the man was so burnt. I asked mom did he get hurt. She had to apologise for me in the store. The black man just smiled. He understood. This was the first time seeing a black person. Then School. Constant WAR.

I do not hate the bear because he kills. I just know to shoot the bear before it comes into my camp.
I know the sharks nature that if it senses blood...it will attack...So I must fish it in its waters.
I know the beast will try to kill me therefor I kill the beast.

I do not hate.
But this is for SURVIVAL of our people.
RISE UP mother fuckers.