A Brazilian user suggested we make houses out of shipping containers, which isn't a bad idea.
Levi Davis
Fuck, made error in first post. I meant to say: I am NOT one of the two OPs from last night.
Christian Peterson
An island? Ehh. Why not just buy us a 1000k acres in midwest, and build a compound. Apply and start our own "religion" so we can make our own laws.
Plus we will be close enough to grid to get internet and services. An island, and we ain't getting internet
Lucas Nelson
>ain't getting
And you would have to live on an island with this faggot.
Andrew Rodriguez
We could do that, or even better, start a homestead in Alaska or Russia. Both governments don't really mind, and we wouldn't have to worry about starving and dehydrating to death on an island. Many more resources too.
If we do stick with the island plan, solar energy is not an option. Way to much maintenance and space required.
Lincoln Torres
I don't agree with the whole island idea, I just made the thread to continue from the previous threads. The homestead/midwest thing has been mention in the previous threads, but for some reason, anons want complete isolation.
Ayden Parker
I'm a faggot because I said internet isn't as accessible on an island as it is on land?
You are a piece of shit bitch and would never be able to come to our island. No newfaggd
Kayden Foster
He meant that you would have to live on an island with me, newfag.
Liam Ward
No neet cubes allowed!
Zachary Taylor
>it's another Sup Forums starts its own country thread general
Do you people have any idea how many times this has been tried?
Samuel James
>An island, and we ain't getting internet satellite
Evan Rodriguez
Anons are dumb
We could buy 200 acres in Midwest, compound it, have security, have smart anons program/contract from home and that's our money.
We'd have actual resources, not be on an island where we have no access to healthcare or the first world resources.
If the millionaire was legit, he could buy 100 acres in Midwest for 150k and for another 500k we'd have a kick ass compound
How the fuck do you get to an island?? Who has enough money to charter a private helicopter from a boat? Your talking 20k just to get to island
Nathan Harris
>newfags band together around a roleplaying faggot who won't even post his bank account >he starts a kick starter >6 billion newfags donate a dollar each >OP runs off with the money
Really onto something here guise
Jacob Stewart
Just gave yourself away.....
Andrew Roberts
As someone who has been in hundreds of these threads, and made a few, yes, I do know. But these threads are always fun and a man can dream. Also, it's not a country we want. It's more of a plot of land that Sup Forumsacks can work together on. The island nation thing is just there because richfags say they can buy one.
Dylan Price
Buying an island would be better than taking contested I think.
If people decided they hated your shitty island (and it's people) whatever country that was disputing it could go lol mine gtfo.
It hasn't really happened, but times are changing.
Gavin Russell
Do some cost analysis on satellite with speed needed to pentest
Noah Bell
Protip, morons: Buying an island doesn't mean you get to start your own country there, any more than buying a house does. You would be under the jurisdiction of Chile, and would have to pay taxes and obey Chilean law.
Julian Fisher
Gonna get into cyber warfare right off the bat?
Mason Sullivan
I agree with you on all points. If richfag OP ever comes back, this idea is much more viable. We know he has at least 2.2 million if he isn't just fucking with us. He could buy several thousand acres and still have enough money left over for basic infrastructure. The main problem with that is, the CIA/DHS/FBI will want to know what we are doing, and might shut us down even if we don't mean harm.
Julian Gray
Ain't is perfectly correct English, there is more than one register of English, you know. Dumb faggot.
Xavier Russell
The point was is that satellite internet is not able to contract work from
Leo Cruz
So what is it short for? Ai Not?
Brayden Cooper
If you are too stupid to infer "ain't" in the context of the sentence, kys
Jaxson Jenkins
Yes, that was mentioned several times in the previous threads. It's just a lot of anons are retarded and don't know how property works. It's can mean many things such as "isn't," "not," and "can't" depending on the dialect and the way you say it. Just because it's not used in fucking Jew York, doesn't mean it's not a viable dialect.
Austin Campbell
He said it was "perfectly correct English", which it ain't.