Red Pill General /RPG/

Because of all the normies, newfags, commies and antifa that have been flooding Sup Forums lately, lets get a fresh redpill thread and give them a taste of reality.

Enjoy your stay goys, and learn something while your at it!

Will be dumping some of my own in this thread

Other urls found in this thread:,2.208,2.210,





6 is pretty accurate










Hitler told his soliders not to destroy property? Why did he ruin polish cities then? Fucking pathetic if that is all you got



“This was an insane war that brought us low economically, morally. We went to war against a guy who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was a total pretext! It’s inexplicable and there you go to Cheney, there you go to Bush, there you go to the Jewish neo-cons who wanted to remake the world. Maybe I can say that because I’m Jewish. To bring about a certain result ..”

--Carl Bernstein, Morning Joe on MSNBC (July 2013 )




I never got why this wasn't always a general. You're do the Lord's work user have a bamp

wait a second. How is a normie chad worse than a sjw??

A good read

Because they are absolutely apathetic about everything in life except hedonistic pleasures and will go along with anything that their sjw overlords on the daily show tell them

yes, but they wont come and acuse you of being a nazi or insult you. They are passive slave-minded like chinks, or women for instance, they are neutral to me.
btw i fell like i am level 10 kek

do you have a higher resolution of image?

growing conservative. Joined Sup Forums about a year ago.
This place really does fucked with your opinions

Im with you on that, they won't cuck out easily, but the truth is that many of them are the typical boundless unattached man who doesn't believe in shit. For a Jewllywood example: Hank Moody, guy is fucking alpha but he is so degenerate that he would probably side with left wing fags in order to preserve his right to "do whatever he wants".

No sorry stuck to phoneposting at the moment

>tfw your girlfriend knocked you down from 10 to 9

I've become a fan of Nick Land, where does that put me?

“The Jewish merchants exported to the Mediterranean world not only fur, timber, and swords, but also slaves. Blond Germanic slaves brought to the markets and Arab Mediterranean cities by Jewish merchants were much in demand, especially if they were young boys or adolescent, nubile women.”

--Norman Cantor, Jewish Professor of History, Sociology, and Comparative Literature, New York University, "Sacred Chain" (1994, p.163)

From an interview with former ultra-Orthodox Jew Samuel Katz:

"...boys in the community are taught that non-Jews aren’t
quite human. Katz explained that growing up in such a
community, 'you don’t see commonality with people who aren’t Jewish.
There is a completely different taxonomy of people. There are Jews and
then there are non-Jews, who don’t have souls.'

When the messiah comes, 'every boy is taught that the bad goyim will be killed and the good gentiles will have the privilege of serving us, of being our
slaves,' he told Haaretz. "


Archive time

>haaretz com/misc/article-print-page/.premium-1.567422?trailingPath=2.169%2C2.208%2C2.210%2C,2.208,2.210,

In ideology and mentality I'm a 9 or 10

In behavior and habits I'm really shitty though.

Hi user. I see you called someone a "faggot". I'm assuming you meant this jokingly, but I've been mulling this over in my head for several minutes and it does not sit right.

Let me please (re)iterate you on this word. Not only does it aim hatred at a large group of people that I myself and many of my friends are a part of, the word has the power to tear down and undermine a fight that we have been fighting for decades. I don't know where you stand on the issue, but I'm assuming you value your rights to equality as a citizen of this country.

You may think that this is only a word, a mere configuration of letters, but this word is the foundation that keeps LGBT people held in the depths of inequality, while men like yourself toss around hateful slurs in a joking way thinking immaturely that you are immune to hurting anyone. This is not true. Next time you throw this word out (however jokingly and privately you may thing you are using this- in this era NOTHING is ever private), think about those who have struggled for the right to feel safe in their own country.

The word "faggot" creates a hostile environment and makes many LGBT people feel unsafe around those who have enough power in society to use such words. Don't make me feel unsafe. I have a right to my safety. And although I have tremendous pride in being a mature, strong, bisexual woman, it really sucks when your words get in the way of my pride. Thanks for your attention.

Nice pasta fag-fag

Eternal leaf here. West is best but I wish people who shared in that view weren't so overwhelmingly anti-Jew. Rich Jews are liberal marxists, who knew. But you go down the road of "everyone is part of a group" and you are just on the opposite side of the same problem.

Who cares.

You're retarded. Most people aren't anti-all jews. They're anti-elite rich Jews who meddle in our country's and people's affairs. No one would give a shit about Jews otherwise. The problem is; most non-rich Jews in the west are ALSO anti-goy anti-Western 3rd worlderism trash as well.

So are many "goyim" at this point. Doesn't mean they can't be converted. Even if the people who aren't radical left don't actually hate all Jews, most make themselves indistinguishable from those who do on these boards.

The amount of ammunition this gives antifa/sjw/commies/white-guilters is nearly limitless. Time for us to step out of the shadows and represent as a respectable group.

If that were true Trump wouldn't have won. Jews are OVERWHELMING 3rd worlderism proselytizing progressives.

tl;dr fuck off faggot.

who cares about non rich jews? They are nigger tier subhumans







And this is just typical kike subversion: The Post. We should just ignore reality and be "respectable." Oh you mean like the neo-cons which slowly allowed everything they were supposedly "conserving" to be lost? Yeah great fucking idea you idiot. How did no one think of this before? If we just cow to every leftist demand then SURELY they won't call us racist, or call for the destruction of our race. Then on the tombstone of the west they will write: "Here lies the West 'at least no one called me racist..'"

Here's some advice kid: smarter people than you have had all these thoughts before. Look at the results they produced and tell me if they worked.

I thought /RPG/ was role play general. Silly me.


I said many, not all, and not most. But the second or third may be true once you actually consider white people outside the US. Remember Europe?

It doesn't matter what "most" people of a group are. The individual is more important in capitalist Western society. And until we start acting that way again we'll all continue to be at war, with things continuing to decay. Shittiness from the right is just a reaction to shittiness from the left but you don't fight fire with fire in this war.


This. In a vacuum, none of us would have any problems with Jews. They're just people like everyone, theyre not violent, smart etc.
But its hard to get it out of your mind that every single Jew with a voice that can reach many peoples ears is so undeniably anti-white and anti-western. And the vast majority of the everyday joe jews go along with that ultra-liberal antiwhite rhetoric. Even conservative jews will be the first to disavow "white supremacy" aka a coherent identity for white people and their #1 issue will almost always be shilling for israel, our greatest ally. Its impossible to find a jew who is pro-whiteness because to be jewish is antithetical to being white. They don't see themselves as our coracials, they segregate and are nepotistic, and they endlessly work for their own interests. But the moment white people try to stand up for their identity, they all come out of the woodwork ready to take up their white identity ready to talk about how evil white people are. "Hello, fellow white people comes to mind."

And the moment they conversation ever reaches Israel, 98% of those liberal jews become nationalistic and affirm Israels right to remain jewish, which shows that they realize there is a truth in our arguments, but they want to shut us down without adressing them, so they throw buzzwords at us(racist sexist etc.)

It's not because Jews are successful, no one resents them for that. Hell, Asians are successful as fuck in our societies. I intern in a stem department at an Ivy League school and 75% of the people there are Chinks or Poos. But we like them, because they work hard, keep their head down, provide value to those around them. People dislike Jews because they are pathologically anti-western and anti-white, and enforce this zeitgeist through their power in the media in the slimiest ways possible.








You don't seem to disagree that this type of thing is not helping though. I'm not talking about placating to anyone. I'm talking about winning them over. Even if its not the marxists. People are on the fence normies and they may not initially speak your language. You can't start with fire.

Let's take your mentality. When has name calling and painting a population with a broad brush worked? I seek to subvert no one. I'm calling for realism. Even if I'm wrong, as I see it, your method has no winning scenario, its a spiteful suicide mission where you've given up hope and want to go down in a blaze of glory.





It worked fine for liberals the past 120 years.

Looking around, I would have to firmly disagree with you.

Fuck this one triggered me. Never doing that to my child.


Then you're a brainlet and there's no use conversing with you, as you are too stupid to be worth engaging in this topic in. I just refuted your bullshit with one sentence and that's all you can come up with? The West is overwhelmingly liberal the only thing that is changing that is seeing the fruits of their labor. You're not going to win normies over with rational arguments. I should fucking know, I wasted 10 years of my life trying that. Hell, fedora Jesus Dawkins got crucified for saying that Muslims aren't that great for the West.

The problem is you cannot change someone's opinion that was formed by emotional, rather than logical, arguments with logic.



I'm pretty sure most liberals in the past would have wept if they saw what things have become.

So maybe I'm wrong. I am certain I don't know how to solve the problem, I only have suspicions of what won't work and what will make this slow death at least a little slower.

So with that being said, what exactly is your strategy. Do you feel the Jew-generalizations and slurs generally works? What am I missing. I admit I'm skeptical but I will try to be open-minded.

I would call myself a 0 on that scale. Completely apathetic.


No surprises here really.

Where is the blackpilled option?
Because that is me

Being real here. Just the, well whatever you want to call Sup Forums and people that profess to have a similar ideology to the most common forms it takes here, using the word cuck made more progress in 2 years than all my endless well source arguments did over 10 years. I'm sorry for being hostile with you lad but I've heard this all before and it simply doesn't work. If you cede an inch to leftists they will demand a mile or you're racist. And that itself shows the power of stigmatizing words, which brings us back to my first point.

Using these sort of linguistic attacks WORKS. Most people are too retarded and/or don't want to devote the time necessary to check sources or do independent research. I know it's distasteful resorting to such low-brow rhetorical tricks. But we are fighting a war of ideas, we should do what works.

And I'm not saying to never use logical arguments, with well sourced data to reach conclusions. But it will always only work on a segment of the population that is too small to matter and the level of effort required to reach such people, people that are often fully inculcated into this liberal mind disease cult, is too high for the return on your time and effort invested. So just recognize your audience and don't waste your effort on futile engagements.

The braindead and fully inculcated are going to crucify you as a racist no matter how well sourced your argument about racial intelligence is if the conclusion is brown people are less smart than whites or asians.


Started at 1. Skipped 2 and 3 altogether, and am now comfy at 8.




Can someone explain what the heck is that?


fug what is this?






Also here is a good one for the muh based legal fags, US flag spics, your kin are a poison.



