Why Do Poor People Like Trump?

It isn't just Trump, but he is the most blatant example of a wealthy elite that gets massive support from the working class. The guy inherited a fortune from his daddy, then grew his wealth through a series of shady business deals where he ripped off the blue collar guys who did work for him. He's a fucking billionaire who lives in literal gold-plated penthouse and dumb hicks act like he's some populist hero.

The ruling class has always tried to deflect the anger of the lower classes by distracting them and having them focus on those below them (i.e. blame the brown people for taking your jobs, don't blame the CEO of the company for giving the jobs to the brown people in the first place)

This is honestly one area that the left and right should agree on, but the ruling class uses political polarization as another tool to keep the lower classes divided. I see a lot of alt-right people on here talking about the "day of the rope", and I'm sure they're talking about a race war/war on leftists, but that's just playing into the hands of the elites. If we want to make real change, we need to stop playing the games they are forcing us into, and start playing the game that's behind their facade

Autistic shill, kys

Because middle and working class people are getting fed up with being bombarded by social justice bullshit on a weekly basis.

>Yeah I know you work hard 40-60 hours a week to provide for your family but FUCK YOU YOURE RACIST FOR NOT GIVING ME FREE SHIT

Why do poor people like obama?

Factories in south east asia..vs factories in north carolina.




Fuck off ANTIFA

Poor people know they suck, and are looking for people who don't suck to help them out of their suckitude. Following another suck-ass poor person in the hopes he'll improve your suck-ass life is a fool's errand.

Amazing how even stupid poor get it but "educated" lefties can't seem to figure this basic concept out.


Poor people have seen that the democrats have done jack shit for them despite all the gibs promises for years, so they've lost faith.

That, and when the libtards say "HATE YOURSELF WHITE PEOPLE YOU'RE TERRIBLE" over and over, it makes white voters GTFO and abandon the party.

Basically, the Dems failed to deliver on promises while telling their fanbase to go fuck itself, is it any wonder people are going to the other side?

Obama is definitely part of that same wealthy elite class, but at least he tried to downplay the fact that he was rich, and he had a bit of a humble beginning that people could connect to. Trump was born rich and he's the epitome of an out of touch elite. He ripped Wall Street during the campaign and then hired a bunch of Goldman Sachs bankers to advise him
Which factories do you think Trump uses to manufacture his goods?

Cant answer for everybody but the truly poor see Trump as the fulfillment of everything they themselves would do if they were suddenly rich beyond avarice

>big ass building with my name on it
>jets and helicopters
>multiple big-tittie wives
>say whatever the fuck I want, when I want

I totally get why the Democrats lost the election in 2016, but it's still striking that Trump just had to recite a few empty slogans and make outrageous promises and a large number of people ate it up without any skepticism.
It's amazing that people still believe this "trickle down" shit. The only place the rich guy is going to lead you is into bankruptcy. People like you let billionaires and CEOs write the tax code and then you're surprised when they cut their own rates and stick the middle class with the bill

poor people didnt like him. liberals did because he pushed all the right buttons. nonthreatening well spoken black man that wasnt all black and only acted black sometimes. he was like the cool boss they never had

poor people don't

uneducated people on the other hand

You don't know what the word "elite" means (of course you don't).

>The only place the rich guy is going to lead you is into bankruptcy. People like you let billionaires and CEOs write the tax code and then you're surprised when they cut their own rates and stick the middle class with the bill

compared to what, hillary?

trumps campaign was always about creating jobs, guess what poor people want.

Allow me to explain this so a retard like you can understand.

Republicans at the top, hate the poor. They have no connection to the poor at all. And they would gladly see the poor disappear.

Democrats at the top, hate the poor. They have no connection to the poor at all. But rather than see the poor disappear - they wish for their existence to continue - however as poor. Hence Democrats will promise to make changes various changes - which ultimately fall flat or are inconsequential in an effort to appeal to the poor.

Hence, Republicans, with their open hatred of the poor, are by nature more palatable to the poor - on the grounds that they simply do not hide their opinion on the poor.

Furthermore, since at least 2007, there has been an increase in flagellation of identities and peoples based entirely on their representation in the top brass. This flagellation, is by far exemplified in Democrat talking points, espoused by Democrat politicians, is riddled with inaccuracies and supported by left-leaning academia. Right-leaning academia tends to avoid making such attempts at disciplining a people. Therefore, the poor will look towards Republican politicians or academia as they are not simply bending them over the barrel for a raping.

In short,

Poor people are being abused by both parties.
One party is open about it, and refuses to kick them while they are down.
The other party attempts to buy them and berates them for whatever meme is running in academia.
Poor, being poor - not retarded, simply choose to go with the first choice, because at least their abuse allows you the dignity of a master.
Hence poor like Trump/Republicans.

As a polylingual consultant for I probably make more than you, and while I technically didn't vote (missed the deadline to register as an absentee voter), I was definitely on the Trump train and red pilled numerous people against Shillary.

I think you missed my point. My question is, why do the poor keep choosing either party? Why don't we try to change the system in a way that isn't as rigged toward the extremely wealthy?

Yes, Hillary sucked too. What I don't understand is the rabid support that never seems to dwindle. I get if people made a "lesser of two evils" decision, but does anyone really think Donald Trump cares about coal miners and steel workers? He loosens regulations so coal mine CEOs can line their pockets, and slashes funding for the Appalachian Regional Council so the blue collar people who got screwed by the coal companies won't have access to job and skills training and will be forced to keep living on unemployment