We already run your dumb forum

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO get fuggggggggggggggd commies

Drumpf is a fool

You realize that by posting here your create a situation where your opposition to pols beliefs creates a reinforcement of that belief, right?

I can't wait until we send you snow monkeys to the fucking gulag


>caring this much about an underwater siamese backgammon forum


an anarchist wouldn't even have gulags that would be a communist dictatorship (so any communist government), you fucks wouldn't even have police or the army because according to you they shouldn't even be real

Kill all niggers

>>Sup Forums

I can't wait until the filed petition to the White House is approved and you're shipped off to Guantanamo :DDDDDD


>run dumb forum
pic related

>He called out the real terrorists tonight.
>No, the media.

The Dems/MSM are so desperate with Russia turning back on them, they are overplaying their hand on these statues.

The SJWs are now off the leash, Antifa is off the leash and they lost control. YOu can't call every Trump voter a Nazi, run on $15 Wendy's jobs and expect to win back 4 STATES TRUMP STOLE FORM YOU


Now the world will learn the Antifa are actually Soros Nazis

Good luck

This is a good opportunity to learn about the Democrats

Not working

say the line again shill

((they)) are nervous


Drumpf (der um ph) [noun]
1. A word used by smug butthurt losers to show disdain for
those that BTFO of them.
2. The sound made by a Democrat just prior to shitting its pantyhose.
3. A general shitposting of shit in some shitty thread started by a shithead.
4. The noise your mama makes when she takes you up the ass.




The saddest thing about "ancoms" is that most of them are too stupid to understand the ideology they shill or what would happen to them in the end. Like most communists I guess, which is why they support it in the first place.

running over antifa thots

> claiming to 'run' an ocean of piss when all you're doing is swimming in it

We all float in the septic tank down here, "comrade." Don't stay for too long though - you might learn a thing or two which may make you question your beliefs. And we both know you can't tolerate that for long.
