
Richard spencer sure does get mentioned a lot on CNN, I wonder why?

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Really gets the noggin joggin, doesn't it?

controlled opposition

Has he ever addressed this Laura Bush pic???

If Richard Spencer doesn't realize that he's hurting his own cause, he must have a lower IQ than oxygen deprived fungus.

Richard Spencer is kind of government agent I'm sure.

nah he's just a narcissist who has no self awareness

Wow, there's no way this guy isn't a spook at this point.

He's fucking giving them the talking point


What a fucking dumb ass. What the fuck.

It's also funny how nobody knew who he was until after the election. I'ts even funnier how him getting punched is what fueled the "punch-a-Nazi" meme from the left.

This guy is as dumb as David Duke, assuming they are not on the government's payroll.

What is the alt right?

Fascinating hoe Spencer never calls out the j*ws.

I'm sure he's j*w wise. He must have some kind of j*w reason for not saying it how it is.

Definitely controlled opposition.

He's essentially the modern David Duke (except Duke is also alive today too). They just trot him out whenever they need to play the race card.

it's almost like he's doing it on purpose...

HMMMMM really makes me think

I love when he trolls like this. He's a pretty shitty leader but Sup Forums overblows how "harmful" he is.

cointelpro, always has been.

I don't know how you guys don't see it, I smelled it on him the first time I heard him speak.

Spencer does this all the time, calm our tits gentlemen.

He's a narcissist who loves t be controversial and piss off everyone, whte nationalists included. He thinks it makes him "dangerous"..

He's not a bad guy, he's just clueless

self promoter narcissists behave this way a lot, the pro-white cause needs better leadership

he fucked up his carreer already with the HEIL TRUMP bullshit

false, he talks about the JQ quite often

When he does q&as, all the libtards and sheboons make him look real good.

He really is a paid shill, isn't he? First I thought it was a meme but it is getting more and more obv.

Spencer is a weird guy, he doesn't know when he looks bad.

He actually bragged about being good looking at a fucking press conference, the guy has no clue.

nah dude he's just a narcissist who thinks he's a James Bond villain, no joke

I don't think so anymore.

Every time he gets more attention and pisses off more people, Spencer's dick gets harder. Calling him a plant is retarded. He needs to go and we need better pro-white leaders, but don't be a retard.


you mean rich kid commie spencer of the /alt-faggot/ movement?

Controlled Opposition.

>check his twitter
>he actually never said that


Finally a petite version.

Someone should assassinate this fag, and leave a message like:
>We despise rats even when dyed blond

You are more transparent than he is at this point.

[gibberish - the post]

The alt right is the new conservative party of the republicans. Also Trump denounced the alt right at the beginning of his presidency, wtf is spencer talking about.

Not a big Spencer fan, but imo it's much more likely that he's a victim of rule 12.
>pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it
But at least he gets publicity for it.


It's great to see that Sup Forums has uncovered the elusive and grand scheme of the Richard B. Spencer waking up white people and elevating racial consciousness under the guise of some grand scheme involving controlled opposition and paid FBI plants.
All we need to do is wait for Hitler guys.

>He's not a bad guy, he's just clueless
Regardless, I'm over him.

I want to fucking kick this low information whites fucking head in.

He will lead the movement he didn't start right into the fucking ground because he is tactless number one and coopted something he had no part in creating number two.

If the right continues to let this fucking faggot claim he speaks for it we are in trouble. We essential have a retard representing us. He will fucking debase us by association.

Its very simple...

1. The media is overtly antagonistic toward white people. The

2. We should be allowed to have a discussion about mass immigration/replacement immigration in our native countries.

Thats about it. How is this so fucking hard to articulate? Why do we have to listen to richard spencer do his shitty lectures? I am 100% behind my people but this fucking guy hasn't gotten a fucking thing done for us except bring heat on us. He takes obvious to a whole new level. Does he plan to out jew with tiki-torches and khakis? Is he a comedian? Am I missing something?

Thanks for the update.

They have a crush on him. Too pretty looking.

Yes. CIA niggers come here to claim he got a pic with her because he was a donor.

Yes without any economic or social platform, it's almost like it's all planned

He did, but someone smarter than him told him quickly to delete it I would assume.

CNN is CIA and so is Spencer

This. Not to mention the chick, Nina Byzantina, translated all of Dugin's work who is known as the mind behind Putin.
Never forget that the left likes to accuse everyone of what they do.


Richard has said many times he doesn't care for economic politics. He identifies as an identitarian and pushes for such platform.

STFU faggot.


Successful at fucking what?????

Paid opposition? Never looked into the guy desu. Like what exactly is an alt right?

Fail shill. You should be fired because your too dumb to shill

Good, user.

You're beginning to see.

endless shills

Ah. But has he? I listen to his podcasts or interviews once in a while. I like what he says about 65% of the time. He's addressed other accusations and petty drama between Cernovich. Wondering if he's at least denied it or just completely ignores it...

> going on a liberal news network as the opposition
> reinforcing their racism narrative for the counter pop culture
> he's a victim

They guy doesn't represent the counter culture, he's only there to continue the narrative and prevent possible lefties from getting red pilled.

(alt right, neocon, alt left, liberal globalist) These are all enemies of the traditional homeland values, not only to America but European nations as well.

If you side with any of these labels you are enabling (((them)))

I don't need any facefags claiming to represent me anyway. Put up a policy with something to offer me and I'll vote for it, but it's clear that whoever we vote for is a shill puppet for kikes. Black pill wins at the end of the day.

He seems kind of arrogant.

This isn't really surprising, until Trump spends his whole day admonishing muh Nazis and muh alt-right the lugenpresse will try to peg him guilty by association.

And if he ever starts spending his days admonishing muh Nazis and muh alt-right they will only accuse his standoffishness towards them as suspicious behavior and accuse him of being a covert Nazi.

Once you realize the media are a consortium of disgusting leftist hacks their coverage becomes even more pathetic and predictable.

Antifa should hurt him real bad and make an example of controled opposition. Hell, his twitter isn't even suspended while real opposition is.

Oh, the fucking retard didn't even delete it. Jesus christ.

>until Trump spends his whole day admonishing muh Nazis and muh alt-right the lugenpresse will try to peg him guilty
There's nothing that can be done to appease clickbait media and any attempt to do so is just taking the bait. All you have to do is perpetually ignore them because they are not relevant. Anyway, the kikes want a hero puppet who can play the underdog against the (((media))) and (((entertainment))) industries.

Beginning? I feel like it's been a lifetime. I wasn't red pilled on here, but I imagine it's the same anywhere - once you go down the path, you can't go back.

Yep, can't unsee the truth.

>his twitter isn't even suspended while real opposition is
Good point. I haven't been allowed on twitter in two years. They did a complete shoah of anyone with an original thought. It's a complete hugbox there.

If Trump is controlled opposition and Spencer is controlled opposition, who is the opposition?

I don't buy into that. Sup Forums is full of conspiracies 'cuz that's the nature of anonymous free speech with minimal moderation.
>I can see Spencer being just a bit awkward and using bad press to grow the movement as Trump did during the campaign, albeit not as gracefully.
And I can also see Spencer being an FBI provocateur and/or Russian plant. Wish he would just address the rumors...

He's controlled opposition created by (((them))). There is reason they all comb their hair the same way. Dress all similar.

It's to give the lefties an image of what the opposition is supposed to look like.
Leftists take aesthetics seriously... why to you think they go through all the trouble to look the way they do.

There is no white supremacist movement, it's a complete farce to ensnare useful idiots.

Even BLM has more legitimacy now than Spencer's shit show or the alt left's circus.

lolsukъ, the first time I heard about that faggot he was declared as the leader of alt-right.
And only clueless faggots can believe that putain supported Trump. Putain is a clerk (as cliton is) and he's more than that, he's raised as a commie, he hates bourgeoisie, he oppresses business people in Russia, he only pretends being a liberal, when in reality russian government directly controls over 75 percent of russian economy (when I told that to my new american friends they showed me this image. That is comprehensible, because clerks are natural leftists: what leftists want is to give all the power in the hands of clerks)
And that ribbon is a definite indicator of russian pro-government whores.

Fuck this controlled OP FBI nigger

Spencer is not a figure head of Sup Forums, calm your man tits down gentlemen.

Concerning CNN, we mainstream now.

Of course he is

It's literally his fuckin job to make the right-wing look bad, that's what he's paid to do

If he's not controlled opposition then he's a fucking idiot


Anglin, Weev, Azzmador and Cantwell have made the right-wing look way worse than anything Spencer has done.

>"I am PUTIN myself in the lake!"
oh leftist memes....

They don't try to pretend they're normies.

I don't know who Azzmador is, but the other guys I have seen and they are basically just trolls and attention whores

Spencer is a completely different beast. He puts out just enough to seem slightly credible and then goes and does shit that is designed to discredit right-wing movements. He is very obviously a controlled op.

No true White man could ever have such soft and pendulous breasts.

How the fuck can you guys not see Spencer for what he is yet?

I haven't heard of the middle two at all, have never seen the media mention cantwell and have heard little about anglin until his site got shoahed.
Spencer appeared of the blue after trump won and caused the alt right-lite split by doing a roman salute at his Washington event. He is constantly in the news and practically a household name after being a nobody.

He also gets mentioned a lot here.


From the very beginning. Right after Hillary and friends coined the term "alt-right" he showed up to lead them to the promised land. One is a tool and the other never existed. You do the math.

>Concerning CNN, we mainstream now.
This is fucking incredible, everything they try to do has such a natural way of blowing back on them it's crazy...
>Call out 4chans Sup Forums as racist board
>More people start visiting and gets redpilled
>Send shills to disrupt us
>Our resolve grows stronger
the list goes on.. also, a funny observation is that these hours and the next what? 8 or so, is shill prime time

>I am putin myself in the lake

>When you want to warn people that Spencer is controlled opposition but leftists come in and try to make memes of it

fuck you

Hello 8ch!

We need some commie to kill him already.
It would be a win/win situation

usually i think you guys are retarded with how you see shills in every corner of the world but im starting to wonder if this guy isnt for real a gov agent

he's always around when stupid shit occurs
those stupid shit are very often easy to avoid if youre not completely fucking retarded and yet he never does
notice a lot of far right dude got fucked HARD like cantwell or anglin but nothing bad ever happen to this this guy
even though half of the figures of the alt-right are much more interesting and entertaining than this guy, he's always the one getting the msm attention for some reason

Cantwell was the center piece of the most viewed media piece on Charlottesville and spoke like a maniac. Azzmador is there too. This has been seen by 5.5 million people already, and that's just on Youtube

Hmmm, I think that's a bit misleading because Wyoming and other Midwest states are very rightwing, but are less populated and have big state parks. California, Oregon, Washington, of course. Fuck those commie faggots.


Nope. Not that I know of.

A family member of mine donated to Bush. She got a Christmas card.

God I hate this little faggot.

no different than David Duke. these guys are CIA through and through. nobody except a leftists is dumb enough to say/do the shit they do without knowing it's only harming their own side.

this or maybe a useful idiot

His family are/were Republican donors if I'm not mistaken, so I assume they got invited to an invent, brought their son and his wife, and that's where the photo comes from. They're pretty well off people. I believe his parents also donated to the Paul campaign in either 08 or 12 and Spencer definitely introduced Paul at a speech somewhere.

Probably that's why they're rightwing. Government didn't ask their permission, it simply grabs the territories which don't have enough people to protect them.
There was a rebellion recently when federal government expropriated some land from farmers who lived there for generations, only I don't remember the name of it, probably someone else could add that info

just randomly bumped into each other at the lake

He completely blows.

He's hasn't even been banned from twitter. He's still got his checkmark too. Really makes you think.