Let's drop some inconvenient truths
Redpill thread
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Jews are pure evil and the cause of all the worlds problems
OP = fag
Canada would have been better off if we annexed it in 1812.
Trump is your president. FACT.
greenland is icy and iceland is green
All the Marxist insanity was simply catalyzed by the Soviets, its since taken a life of its own and so there's no head or underlying group we can simply destroy to end this. We must out argue it and we must seek legal action against it, to serve as a deterrent to others. Only then will it sink in that this is not preferable behaviour
None are more blue pilled than those who falsely beleive that they are red pilled.
~Albert Enstein
Society will always be flawed, and have problems. It is an inherent aspect of society.
Therefore, you should reject society and instead, serve only your Self.
whats wrong with south american catholicism? genuinely curiosu desu
>Let's drop some inconvenient truths
There is no such thing as a redpill and most people posting on Sup Forums are pathetic larpers who believe posting pepe or a youtube link is somehow fighting 'the man' and/or doing any difference whatsoever to the world.
America is under a second constitution, the constitution of 1871, which turns america into a corporation controlled by the banks and created Washington DC. Their product is the american people their source of money is taken with taxes. this also makes things like licenses and other right suppressors legal.
albert einstein
t. jew
of course she ll be quiet with my dick in her mouth
please stop reposting this shit tier reasoning. Better secular reasoning exists than this sad excuse for an "argument"
>implying infertility is a disability
>implying fetishes aren't restricted to bodily sections
>implying only men can be gay, implying homosexuals are necessarily promiscuous (although most are)
>implying a homosexual society wouldn't still have fertilization sex to maintain itself
>implying it's not seen as an error because it runs counter to the standard
>Axiom 1: one is mentally ill if one is psychologically incapable of refraining from a biologically non necessity acvitiy or desire
having friends is not a biological necessity so under this axiom, everyone is mentally ill. The arguments that follow are null and void.
The role of the homosexual in society needs to be drastically changed. There will be some individuals who are inherently gay, and if we could find roles for eunuchs, surely there can be proper roles for homosexual men. The founders of western civilization had no issues with it because they saw homosexuality not as a submissive, cock-sucking, woman-emulating activity, but rather the epitome of masculinity, where your love for being male and lifting and killing was so great that you loved males.
The role of the homosexual today as a promiscuous, no-obligations-to-society degenerate just goes to show how far the west has fallen
When a redpill looks like a joke at first glance.
Same Master
ability to cheat unexposed is smart i assume
"It's not us, blame the whites"
The goyim know.
Aaaaaand you picked mainland China
>Not starting with the Jews or niggers
You people must be new here
Most men and women should not be allowed to vote.
Both because most women are incapable of putting nation before self-interest, and because most men are incapable of putting nation before poon.
The majority of both sexes will fuck over an entire culture for generations to obtain immediate personal benefit, even if that benefit is fleeting and even if it's not guaranteed.
Of course a kike would say this.
Thanks for writing this in a red pilling thread cause you just re pilled someone!
Also, no. Just because you happen to get away with being a criminal doesn't mean you're smart. It most likely means you're lucky or so dumb you can't compete on an equal footing so you have to become a hated kike.
>ability to cheat unexposed is smart i assume
The knows.
>says the jew, with pride as he saw the asian mimick his master
>an equal footing
change the flag, commie
you should adapt to the enviroment, that's what kikes do
you can change rules multiple times and the nose will always find a way out
matrix five snuff film PPV
>1945. end of war
>media speak of the "holecaust" all over the world
>holecaust comes from latin and means whole offering. Coming from the practise that you burned the whole offer to the gods, holecaust.
>1950 claimed jewish death
6 million
>1980 claimed jewish death
6 million
>1990 claimed jewish death
6 million
1950 claimed jewish death in auswitch
>4 million
1980 claimed jewish death in auswitch
>1.2 million
1990 claimed DEATH in auswitch(including gypsies and so on)
>1.1 million
>dawids star 6 edges
>6 death camps
>6 million jews
666, holecaust = whole offering, no changing from the symbolic devil 6 even though the auswitch jewish death toll has changed with over 3 million.
This is a big redpill
Shiit i destroyed the thread with this redpill.
>implying infertility isn't a disability
You're Canadian is why, my boy
A local community college I took a few classes at had such a problem with this that one of the professors there resorting to requiring photo ids for every student upon entry on test days. Students would have someone that looked just like them show up to take tests. According to the professor it was so widespread that he had no choice but to spend nearly 15-20 minutes of class time having us wait in line on test day so he could check everyone's id. School was at least 70% Asian, maybe even higher than that.
(((our greatest ally)))
No goy allowed in jew temple.
Kevin MacDonald-pill
That is fucking terrifying and insane.
It often gives me the chills to think about modern kids raised in the iphone era. there is something psychologically happening on a mass scale that will change everything fast, like within years.
living in a material world
"Among the leading figures in the debate are Deputy Secretary of Defence (((Paul Wolfowitz))), Pentagon policy chief (((Douglas Feith))), and Cheney’s chief of staff, (((I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby))) on the unilateralist side. Ranged against them are Secretary of State Colin Powell and his senior advisers. Cheney and Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, normally allied with the unilateralists, have not yet come down firmly on either side."
"The letter, whose signatories include Washington’s former U.N. ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, Defence Policy Board Chairman (((Richard Perle))), and another former Pentagon official, Frank Gaffney, calls on Bush to launch ”a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.”
”Someone taught these suicide bombers how to fly large airplanes,” Perle, widely considered the godfather of neo- conservatives inside the administration, argued on the day of the attacks. ”I don’t think that can be done without the assistance of large governments.”
Although it was shown quickly that the skyjackers learned their skills at pilot schools in the United States, this did not deter Perle and other unilateralists from concentrating their fire on Iraq as the most likely state sponsor.
The Jewish Lord is the Gnostic Satan.
Yaldabaoth, Samael or Saklas. The Demiurge, the Chief Archon and First Ruler of the Hebdomad.
Satan / Saturn
The real problem is that their morality is literally based on what's good or bad for Jews. If a white organization advocates a fraction of the ethnocentrism that Jews do, it gets labeled a "hate" group.
Most Jews think antiwhite coalitions with minority groups are more manageable than coalitions with a majority white society.
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Confirmation bias is a powerful thing. Perhaps you should keep reading and learning and consider whether it's possible you're wrong about the conclusions you've drawn.
It's very easy to be wrong and not realize it.
History is littered with examples.
History is manipulated by the kikes.
Hitler is a prime example of this.
He was the good guy of WW2
>muh jews
>a fuckin leaf
Assuming you're an American, I'll point out that our ancestors died in battle against that "good guy". I know mine did.
I imagine you're not a real person who actually believes what you're writing, but if I'm wrong, no judgement on you, but please stop and consider whether it's possible that you're mistaken. Once again, think of all of the historical examples that point out the folly of holding any belief as a certainty. If there's a lesson to history, it's that.
Check it out. Hitler was right. Trump thinks so too. Look at his holocaust speech. He says the good guys lost.
Your ancestors died for a war we didn't belong in. A war started and ended by kikes.
Jews aren't evil as a whole, but they are A) very opportunistic and in-the-moment B) prefer their own in-group (fellow jews) over all others and C) had no homeland of their own and instead settled in other nations as a result. Over time, this lead to an elite class of them being the de facto rulers of ethnically different states, festering resentment in those ethnic underclasses. Nowadays, there are Jews with good in their hearts but they've fallen victim to the "evil whitey" and "6 gormillion" narratives, and see anyone pointing out these historical truths as being anti-Semitic, when all we're doing is pointing out how they've universally acted for several millenniums.
Now that being said there definitely some pretty evil Jews out there.
damn u just blew my fukkin mind
Iss redpill
pic related
Ok, why not...
The Earth is FLAT.
JFK was not killed by a lone assassin.
Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings.
Elvis entered the witness relocation program and currently preaches in a small church behind a Pizza Hut in Benton, Arkansas.
9/11 was an inside job.
Jesus Christ, Son of God & messiah of the Jews, died for your sins, was buried, rose again according to prophecy. Yeah, and he'll be back soon.
And, oh, yes...
If you don't believe all this, you are probably going to give your salt to the Sup Forumsocks because you are too stupid to just keep it to yourself.
Or, you're a faggot.
Probably both.
Better believe the last one, or you will burn in hell.
What is he doing that is exposing the hoax?
Women evolved to reproduce via rape.
Also, there is no important distinction between sex and rape.
Told you it's flat.
Zero g planes!
Close sun!
Holocaust means burnt offering
>[citation needed]
>150 million km away
>redpill thread
>people posting flat-earth shit
God damn it. Fuck off shills.
It can be unsettling
You've obviously swallowed on of the larger redpills. Ever wonder why the lie?
Cause Satan has been laying the groundwork for the great deception for a loooooong time. The end is nigh, brother.
If you haven't done it yet, you need to get right with Jesus.
Don't worry, I believe
RE2 best game
Looks like the jews are coming close to abandoning the left as well.
Only one earth, no nibirus.
No aliens, no vast empty space.
There's God, there's God's footstool. We live in it.
He's tired of the degenerate shit here. He's about to clean it out...permanently.
Those two I'm pretty questioning about either way.
I knew some faggot would have to tell us how we are wrong.
Good. See you in September!
Ever wonder what this was?
It came from 69.5829571,19.2139356