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What have I missed so far?
Don't know I just got home
The lesser forms of humanity are acting like the cancer strains that they are.
White Man's Burden.
Antifa getting btfo by Phoenix's finest for almost two hours. We don't fuck around in Az
why do lefties litter so much, they are fucking pigs.
This is beautiful
the left seems to attract the derelicts of society.
Now you know why they are disgusting humans
404 my man
Arrest imminent. Police told em to leave or be arrested. Probably want to go home and crawl into bed.
My bad, this one
Leftist btfo
I hope we see multiple arrests tonight. Time to send a message, no more immature protest bullshit.
Anyone in the area with a dodge?
What are they protesting? Trump is long gone!
Wrecked mine sorry user.
Based dodgebro. We need you more than ever
Wtf haha
Mexicans too. It blows my fucking mind. I swear I've seen spics go OUT OF THEIR WAY to throw something on the ground instead of the garbage. Interesting racial perk.
I play paintball and I get those for fun.
gas habbenins
are these pro or anti trump protestors on the feed, ? I see American flags and guys in trump tshirts, what is going on?
Can anyone fill me in on the reason of the protest?
Typical leftist shit or has Trump said something new?
Commie blood for Kek
mup beep
A antifa guy got shot in the DICK with a 40mm.
I wish i can give you an answer beyond the media and Marxist indoctrination run a muck has caused mass hysteria and an entire segment of the population to become a mob of easily controllable violent fools.
This isn't just a recording? I thought they gave up and went home?
I don't know if it is "protest" related, but Phoenix just had a bad happening. Or maybe this is every day for them. Damn.
who is this peepee princess?
Live waste of time LARPing right before your eyes.
>breaking ne pepper balls
>breaking ne
You had one job, Crusader-Kun.
All the good stuff happened after i left.
Lawrence sounds like he's been a smoker for 40 years
They obviously didn't give this dude enough agent orange.
Meme it I did not. Spread it I have.
Are you even in this thread you dumb nigger?
Put the poor guy out of his misery.
Poor fuck probably got drafted.
who is this semenal fluid demon?
>Police are not people.
She's the 3D Awoo girl.
I'm watching the livestream, you stupid mong.
Dehumanization is one of the goals.
Oh shit they're sitting in the street blocking the police path.
Let's see how brace they are.
>Everyone has the right to speech
And I guess the right to throw rocks and urine at cops. Those cops were supposed to just take that shit and do nothing.
Where do you get gas masks like that?
>No habbenings in the live stream.
>40 second webm.
You kidding me nignog?
They gassed these faggots once already
What's with all of these protests and riots anyway?
>For the Live stream
Police are people. The person who's screaming it is an idiot
>that one faggot crouching down like he is in assassin's creed
jesus christ son real life is not an anime
They've gassed these faggots many times tonight and shot them with pepper balls. It's been an amusing night.
Same able bodied nigger has been out there for HOURS. Go the fuck home and get a job nignog.
>entire crowd chants CNN SUCKS
There have already been a few tonight.
>watching the stream for potential happenings
>no time to watch your dumbass webm
Must be rough being that fucking retarded
>Trump getting hammered in the media day by day over charlottesville.
>Senators and Business leaders disavowing him for saying both sides were violent.
>Decides to go to Phoenix and give a speech so triggering that Antifa literally riots in the streets, proving him right.
How does he do it?
I was really hoping for more of a show tonight I waited all day at work to come home for this.
Greatest POTUS ever.
Wait until he pardons Arpaio.
>Webm is of one of the only habbenings of the night.
>MFW you're a dumb a nigger.
>tfw living in a land where it's easier to get a few pistols and rifles than it is to buy a gas mask
dog bless this nation
Reddit, back to.
Pink shorts is breddi thigg
>watching the live stream for more happenings
>this is the second time I told you this
sure is 12 years old in here
It's at the Trump rally. They set off smoke to keep antifa from advancing on the elderly Trump supporters leaving the rally. They pushed us south from the convention center towards Talking Stick Arena as we exited the convention center, the antifa were north of it. The cops prevented a real shitshow from occurring to be honest. What would have occurred if they had stand down orders would have resulted in antifa or maybe even leftist ideology itself being completely outlawed. The rally crowd had a LOT of older people like old old. They would have been attacked by antifa live on campus if not for the Phoenix Police Department planning. Trump mentioned Governor Ducey also went out to help coordinate security.
So it's Jr High kids they use now?
>Literally nothing has happened for 30 minutes.
>webm is 40 seconds long.
>you were dead in the thread.
Somehow my fault? You are going ultra nigger right now.
Coal burners get the nightstick.
These people are so pathetic they are not worth throwing gas at
This is gay as fuck, just a bunch of hamplanets and beaners standing around taking selfies for their shitbook. Are these the "revolutionaries" who were supposed to topple the government and instill communism? Fuck outta here, you fat faggots.
Sure. Tbqhfampai chicks just side with whatever ideology the dude they're fucking is.
I don't really care if the cops crack her though, shouldn't be standing in the street rioting.
Looks like he got shot in the dick
>looks at kid with schoolbag
"What are ya doin witta schoolbag for? You can't even read."
possums are bros though
TFW her jew addled mind convinced her to get out and protest on the streets.
Just get her in bed and fuck the programming out of her. You'll be slottin floppies in no time.
They did prevent a shitshow and im glad everyones okay. I doubt if the stand down orders came and they clashed that lefties would lose too much ground. They justify just about anything. I think the trick is to bore them and sap their funding. Theyre mostly millenial age kids and we get bored way fast.
>implying Antiiiiifaaaaaaaa needs a reason to riot and be violent
I'm here for the Civil War.
Otherwise is boring.
what am i watching
OP just rewinded the stream live.. It's just looping back and forth.