>They have no allies except their Jewish sponsors who bus them in to each event they disrupt
>BLM hates them
>Liberals hate them
>The God Emperor hates them
>The general public hates them
>The right definitely hates them
What will they do?
Now that Antifa are officially exposed as left wing communist terrorists what will they do?
That image is bullshit. That photo was taken before the USSR existed.
Wouldn't matter really, Communism is a mask for Bolshevism (responsible for 60 million murders) which is a mask for Judaism so your point is faggot at best
The motivation behind antifa is moral posturing, they are virtue signalling so hard that they would risk prison time. Without the association of virtue with antifa, if it's considered a terrorist organisation, many people probably would just quit or not join.
Antifa are defeated fairly easily, you just convince the members that they're actually the bad guys in this story. That's all. Just keep reminding them they're villains, they see this as a story or narrative so they won't want to play anymore if they feel they're in the wrong part of role.
the math checks out
Is it really that easy? Most of these guys get shuttled in by buses to states they're not even from, more like paid protesters it seems.
They are, but they see themselves as the good guys. The second they feel like villains their world view changes and they're "enlightened," in reality they're just playing out a story and knew all along they were rotten. This is what's really obnoxious, they already know, it's just not part of their story yet that they know.
This is my current theory on how the extreme left think. They have become the narrative, whereas the autistic right is just reacting moment by moment, which is actually true enlightenment if you bother to study world religions.
appreciate the response but at least acknowledge my trips aussie bro
>Now that Antifa are officially exposed as left wing communist terrorists
By who? I didn't see a news report.
capitalism = open borders
not surprised an americunt doesn't realize this
>by who
anyone with a pair of eyes and common sense Antifa-kun
Present a calm and rational right as an alternative to the red apes. An alt-right if you wish.
I'm not Antifa. I despise them probably 100x more than everyone on this board and have hated them way before they gained notoriety in the US.
I'm still waiting for an OFFICIAL declaration stating Antifa as a terror group so I can see them physically removed from my area.
People don't seem to realize what Antifa are like on a street level. It's not just protests. Protests are just the basics people see on TV. On generic weekends and shit, you'll find them pushing drugs and sex onto minors at punk shows, raves, hangouts, skate parks, etc. all over the SF Bay Area. Literally corruping entire neighborhoods, not just with propaganda, but with degeneracy. A whole generation of females, and even some males, who could have lived a normal life. Nothing but filthy wookies and crust punks that need an endless dose of Zyklon B.
Why is it that you can't decide if you want to blame Marxism for liberalism or anti-liberalism?
Must be a serious mental illness you got there.
In modern us parlance those are all the same thing
Marxism = Marxism
Liberalism= modern leftist Americans which are basically Marxists
Anti-liberalism= Anti (classical Liberal) which in America we would now call libertarians and generally the more conservative.
Liberalism and anti-liberalism isn't the same thing. Notice the word anti. Fire and ice also isn't the same thing.
I know it doesnt make sense because we use the same term for two different things but the context is what matters ruski
A liberal is basically a modern European social democrat/socialist Marxist leaning person
when someone says ANTI LIBERAL they are using liberal in its classical sense (human rights, free speech, individual freedom) from the 1700's. So being anti-liberal ironically makes you "liberal" when it comes to american politics.
I know its a little confusing.
>Facts doesn't matter really
A fundamental axiom of Nazism and anticommunism
They will rename and continue to larp in the streets. They will continue to be promoted as noble warriors standing against the bogeyman.
You use words Bolshevism and Marxism interchangeable when describing things that are neither that. You throw around Communism like you know what it means. Next thread you will be posting gays, pretending that's Communism fault and so on and on...
Where can I go to see anyone argue for communism in a way that isn't just attacking Fascism? I've legitimately never seen anyone make a fact based argument for communism.
Fade back into obscurity. Except in Europe where people are cucked enough to tolerate their dumb shit.
Im giving you a glossery of what these words mean when speaking of american politics today.
what they are actually or correctly is fucking irreverent.
I'm not quite sure how to respond to that. I don't think there is any point in linking books or videos (as you'll ignore them anyway). But Marxism attacks the current state of things most of the time, not some Fascism, obviously.
Both fire and ice can burn you tho
I wish more people here realized that.
Trump almost named the commie at the rally, it was beautiful. But yeah, we were taught that the USSR was communist. The flag didnt help.
Enlighten us. Because "you are wrong" is not really an explanation
Like, seriously, dude, you are clueless. Pic very related.
you never will either user, communism is just a tool for killing the population that falls for it, nothing more nothing less
I'm legitimately interested to see what communists have to say. Mostly though, is there a communist version of Sup Forums somewhere that I can go to?
The difference doesn't matters because anybody can be anything in USA. So having a swastika means automatically you are a Nazi in USA, then in one hour you can pick up a Communist flag and be a Communist. Americans don't go though quality check. Hitler/Stalin provided for population, there were many quality checks and education you had to finish before you could wear a title Nazi or Communist.
That's a photo from Povolzhye famine in 1921-22. While USSR was established in 1922, it was still the bolsheviks who caused it.
Don't forget that they've been doxxed.
Communist version of Sup Forums would be /lit/. A place to go to see what communists have to say would be /leftypol/ (put it in search engine)
>he asks why the OP said what he said
>I explain it
>hur dur your clueless
says the fucking commie flag poster? Fuck off i was trying to help clarify for him .
/leftypol/ being cripplechan? Last time I was there it wasn't very active. Has it picked up any?
At least they have their little 8ch hugbox where they can circlejerk the 3 resident posters and ban anybody who disrupts their disturbed worldview
>don't think there is any point in referencing reality (as you'll ignore it anyway)
Follow Marx and starve
Capitalism =\= NWO
I wouldn't be surprised if you were a fucking leaf with that comment.
Communists get laughed off /lit/ all day.
In my opinion the best place to start learning about arguments for Socialism is John Rawl's Veil of Ignorance thought experiment. Then expanding into utilitarianism as an ethical theory. Stanford has an excellent philosophical encyclopedia that is entirely online if you google "Standford Plato" it will pop up. The encyclopedia condenses topics as much as possible, without insulting the intelligence of the reader. Utilitarianism is the basis of most leftists' conception of an ideal society and much ink has been spilt on exactly what an ideal society would be and which ideal societies would be possible to reach. The which ideal societies would be possible to reach, ( or at least better approximate) gets into the social sciences. I personally find field experiments the most convincing as hard data, but unfortunately there is not a concise compendium. The best I can do is offer a citation to high quality study with a good literature review, and useful citations. ( Pager D, Western B, Bonikowski B. Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment. American sociological review. 2009;74(5):777-799. )
All communists need to provide age, job, and if they live with their parents. Mods get on this please.
Hopefully kill themselves if we're lucky.
Well when you put retards like yourself in high positions of power in where they pass policy, such as taking experienced farmers off farms or melting tools into scrap.
It'll never happen because you are too apathetic to do anything anyways so what is the point?