What part of Antifa appeals to white people?

Why do they work against their best interest to support a group that literally wants them to go quietly into the night while pretending to champion a cause that doesn't benefit any single person alive? Serious question need serious answers
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Niggers gotta nig. They dress in black because of they are niggers.

white antifa come from upper middle class families

they grew up in over 90 percent white schools

so naturally, most of the people they hate are white

they are the losers, the outcasts. in order to bring down their betters, they are using brown people, gays, and other freaks in a collective power brokering

Because they don't actually realize that globalists are gonna throw them away like a fucking cum rag.

The part where for a small moment they believe their lives have meaning.

>Son you should get a job you're 24 for fucks sake
I can't dad I have to fight facism, that's much more important.

There's a quick answer for ya.

what a strawman

that does seem to make sense user except the part that they hate whites naturally, Japanese are surrounded by all Japanese but seem to hate niggers and other subhumans just fine so what gives?

could you share your side of the story Antifa user?

the ability to virtue signal on social media and act like a chimp in a "socially acceptable" way while pretending your making a difference as you sit at home all day while your parents work trying to come up with more stupid shit to stack on your cat for pinterest fame and retweets as it is the only thing that can validate your empty dull life, deepening debt and eroding sense of self worth.

Because their entire lives they've been taught to hate their country and their race.

They're basically like Charles Manson. Manson wanted to bring about a race war that he believed blacks would win, and in turn him and the Family would rule over the blacks. Communists want to bring about the revolution but meet strong resistance from whites, so they turn to minorities instead. Commies also love the thought of black leadership in the revolution, in the 60's and 70's they attached themselves to dumb nigger thugs who they wanted to be less by.


that is true but i went through the same thing except my father and grandfather were alpha/omega god-tier racist so fortunately everything i (((learned))) i quickly unlearned upon returning home each day. did these snowflakes not have the same parental guidance?

japanese are hierarchical

the losers and outcasts are naturally kept down and away from power

Serious answer: read Notes from the Underground. People with no job prospects and nothing but resentment towards their betters find ways to just make life miserable for others as a way of getting back at the world. That's the cuck mentality in a nutshell.

that was merely one example, spics, kikes, mongoloids are all racist as well when left to themselves

leftists suffer from inferiority complex, rather than try to raise themselves up they want to drag everyone down to their level. they consider themselves virtuous people fighting for equality, but they're too stupid and brainwashed to see through the leftist doublethink and understand the consequences of their actions

white people are more imaginative, which in some cases, means better ability to live in a false reality


i think time and again white imagination is shown to be used mainly for planning in the long term, delusions and false realities are for niggers mostly
>see "we wuz kangz"

adventure, """fighting the bad guys""", getting to LARP in cosplay as a crust punk

It's exciting. You get to have secret meetings, dress up like a ninja, and hurt people who would probably be the bad guys in a video game.

From Industrial Society And Its Future:

12. Those who are most sensitive about “politically incorrect” terminology are not the average black ghetto- dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any “oppressed” group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual white males from middle- to upper-middle-class families.

13. Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)



ok now we're getting somewhere, this was informative

Because at the end of the day they're rebels for the status quo - they get to riot, destroy property, #BashtheFash while simultaneously feeling like they're rebelling against "The Man" and authority in general.

I think people on this board forget that one of the major driving motives of the Left is the feeling that they're the underdogs righteously opposing The Establishment. What they don't (or won't) realise is that after the Sixties they became the same Establishment they dread.

So now they live in a weird alternate reality where - despite massive media coverage and general liberal sympathy - "nobody cares 'bout black lives!" etc

isn't the irony in this being that BLM hates Antifa now?

>isn't the irony in this being that BLM hates Antifa now?

That comment came from my time shitposting on /leftypol/, where the overwhelming majority of the board seemed shocked whenever the disproportionate media coverage - and sympathising - with BLM was brought up.

They really do believe its still the '50s, and white cops gunning down innocent black people doesn't even make page five in the local newspaper

A lot more where that came from, friendo.

Here's the full text


Came here to say that. Everyone here should read the first part of the book

Comfortable upbringing combined with emotionally distant father as an authority figure instills in them a drive first to rebel in an effort to establish a sense of self, and then as they move into adulthood to transfer those oedipal urges to the "paternal" authority figure that is society itself.

However, these emotional drives have been categorized, dissected and mapped out for well over a century and can be harnessed and manipulated by people in actual positions of authority.

thanks i'll take a look

it's the new religion. white people just need some kind of religion to believe in. the church of the middle ages should look very familiar to leftist ideology, and anyone who is a heretic is treated similarly.

Bored, cultureless middle class kids who are violent/restless. There's a reason why a lot of decent lefties hate them.

Here in spain antifa are seen as retrads, and treated like the shit they are by the police.