Daily reminder christianity is jewish and has no place in Europe

Daily reminder christianity is jewish and has no place in Europe.

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Daily reminder that christianity is inheritly anti-jewish and is the religion that built Europe.

Fuck off shlomo

>daily reminder that I can cherry pick quotes too


>build Europe


Jesus himseld was a kike

Daily reminder that pagans are white niggers and varg is a retard

Daily reminder that atheists are jewish pawns

Daily remijdenr that the Catholic Church has basically been at war with the jews for almost 2,000 years, and the greatest obstacle to their success is white christians

daily reminder that you are right

>forsaking your mythology and tradition to worship rabbi Jeshua ben Josef
reddit needs to leave


Reminder that this gives Christians the ability to say anything they want about Jews.

No stupid goy! Listen to your preacher when he tells you to donate to Israel and pray for Donald Trump! He is (((our man))) making sure to protect the interests of your great ally in the Middle East! Now help your wife's mixed son with his holocaust book report!



>I don't understand basic theology

Jesus came from the line of the Jews but the Jews killed him because he at his peak power became the anti-Jew. He went into the temple and threw out the money changers

The Nuremberg Laws were inspired by the medieval treatment of Jews by Christianity. Do you think Hitler invented the yellow star idea? Or putting them into ghettoes?

Everything Hitler did to the Jews, the Christians did for hundreds of years. And the only reason the Jews became powerful is because the Christians got lazy and permitted usury

By banning usury you ban jewish financial power

If Christianity is Jewish does that make Islam Christian?


(((Christianity))) is the religion that destroyed Europe, goy.

>being a white nationalist and having no connection to Christianity

Might as well just be a nigger then son

You are one step above a commie you heathen savage

Catholicism is the religion that prevented the mudshits from browning Europe idiot. Spain too. Catholicism is the religion that kept the Jews in line and burned whores at the stake.

>some heathens try to depose my King and God
Gonna rip your heart and eat it, faggot

Christianity built europe
Or would rather rhe version of history where the invading Muslims weren't pushed back into their hell hole by the glorious crusaders

Kys fucking muzzie scum.

>be jewish cult
>destroy europe
>eventurally rebuild a more shitty version

>justifying a middle eastern religion
>reddit spacing
like poetry

Sorry user but civilization was created in the middle east and mediterrian and spread out from there

Inbred pasty skin gingers mud hut dwellers haven't contributed shit throughout history

>destroy Europe

Pretty sure that was the savage Germans that destroyed the Roman Empire. Besides paganism is dead.

If you are honestly advocating atheism just know that you are the Jew here



Incorrect bro


Ultimately It's a matter of understanding the game and playing within the existing framework

Superficially Christianity is Semitic but under the surface most of It is heavily rooted in the pagan religion that it supplanted (and is necessarily similar because that's how it spread so quickly)

There's no need to declare yourself anti-Christian because "it's not European". The Bible may not be European origin, but the actual religion of Christianity itself was built in and was fundamentally European. If you think the teachings and rituals of Pagan European religions are worth more than those of Christianity (Which again, is mostly derived from those Pagan religions anyway) than simply reclaim them yourself as a Christian. Christianity already exists and has a following. If you actually care about this, joining a fringe pagan group isn't going to get you anywhere. Christianity was built out of the existing Pagan framework. Simply build Paganism out of the existing Christian framework.

This is a perfect time for it too, because Christianity is in decline and is subject to change.

You do realise that Christians being the true Jews would mean modern Jews are impostors, right?

>ayy yoo dats right christians wuz ancient greekz n romanz

>That's right paganism is dead, worship our merchant god instead

>religion that originated in ancient Judea isn't jewish
I don't even know what kind of mental gymnastics you kikes use

>oy vey you aren't an atheist are you goy, here's a desert religion for you
>implying paganism is euphoric fedoraism
In the oven you go shekelberg

The bible has had more revisions than rewrites that i could count.

Thats how they got europe behind him, by changing him from a brown kike into a white adonis

Daily reminder? Thats the first time i read this bullshit on Sup Forums. Btfo

Christianity is basically socialism. Meek first resentment politics. The great inversion of European morality and almost nobody comprehends that.

Haha hail Odin am I rite BOIS xddddd

OY VEY hail G*d am i rite GOIS xddddd
May YHVH send a shoah upon the goy filth

(((neopaganism))) is just larping over a idealized version of the pagan world made up preciselly by christians specially during the renaissanse. You're nothing but dogs eating the scraps

>so many coalburners of the soul ITT
How are you not disgusted with yourself?