Don't say anything anti-Semitic or they'll think we're Nazis!
Everybody hide, the ADL is here!
Mark Pitcavage you say?
I think I'll say hello.
Don't be stupid , be a smarty , come and join the Nazi party.
Sage hail set the ovens to no trace of bones
Niggers Chinks Gooks Kikes Kebabs Spics Japs Goys Flips Frogs Micks Wops
A message to the ADL: If you are a Jew and not building your ethnostate in Israel you are a traitor to your people and will be treated accordingly.
Adl is a jewish supremacy group.
Hitler was kind of a douche.
Nice bait, you Fgot
give him credit, he picked a top tier bant post desu
I hope this won't offend anyone
>Don't say anything anti-Semitic
Hale Hitley
Holy fuck this Sup Forums place is really mean!
What the fuck is a Sup Forums?
Please fucking die you fat bald jew.
This is what the ADL are going to be looking for... God bless and best of luck my colonial friend.
For Sup Forums, it was a Tuesday.
There's someone who's job it is at CNN to browse Sup Forums.
Hello intern!
on second thought
let's not go to Sup Forums
tis a silly place
We're gonna need a bigger oven...
I want to cum on Wolf Blitzer's sexy beard
Kill all jews
Jesus fuck you Americans really do need to put warnings on everything apparently...
Put this pizza into the oven please!
I bet MARK PITCAVAGE likes to get fucked by men. He's no more a man then a tranny ain't gay. Posting shitty "updates" about a satire board while ignoring the real problem on the streets.
Get a life you reverse nigger jew.
>the ADL will never screen cap your shitposts
Why even live?
Amazingly beautiful and rare pepegif
See, I know that post they screenshot'd is written by the author of that tweet. But it's still a good line.
Defamation League
>Mark Pitcavage you say?
I think it's spelled (((Pitcavage)))