Have you ever met a non-white racist?
Have you ever met a non-white racist?
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Yes. Most black people. Every Asian.
every non white ive met has been far more racist than any white person ive met.
Spics and niggers hate eachother
i don't associate with people outside of my race
Have you-
Basically this.
slide thread
Every black person I have ever met. About 50% of Asians I have met despise black people. Latinos usually racist as fuck against blacks and whites. Arabs seem to hate blacks and whites. Of course the Jews are by far the most racist as they hate all other races with a deep passion.
I had a black friend that HATED other black people. he blamed them for everything. Shit was hilarious.
And I knew a mexican girl that despised cubans. Just cubans, though. she liked everybody else.
This. Our local indian population is the closest thing to being slightly non-racist except everyone hates the niggers. Even the niggers hates the niggers here.
Every Asian I've met and that's a lot considering I live near Melbourne. Southern Europeans too. They usually tell it like it is which is good. Only pussy as white Aussies are afraid to
Yeah, most Indians, Indonesians, Asians, Middle Easteners and Africans I've met have been racist, but like are cool with it lol. I am pretty laid back with my racism around a lot of people and mostly they don't seem to care so long as they can give it back, and that's fine I reckon
I am one.
fpbp. metsicans too
Have you ever met a person from China?
spics absolutely 100% hate niggers. especially here in Houston
Actually alot of people standing for black lives matter etc are quite racist.
A fair share of non-whites are pretty racist.
Yes. Every nigger hates whites, as well as other niggers that are darker or lighter than they are. Seriously. Spics don't care for niggers or whites, but they typically avoid causing trouble for whites because most know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. Arab Muslims universally hate jews and sub-saharan nigs. Asians, including curryniggers, hate almost everyone but keep it to themselves for the most part, they'll just try to fuck you over on a business level.
>Work with qt3.14 Chinese-American girl
>She is usually pretty typical blue pill tier
>A pack of sheboons comes into our workplace, loudly complain about the prices, and exit
>She tells me, "user, I don't want to sound racist, but why is it only blacks who do that?"
The fire rises.
Oh definitely, my friend's grandpa. he was going off on arabs. and all I could think is if I dropped your ass of anywhere in the middle east nobody would know you weren't from there. you may be american indian. You are the same fucking color as they are. alot Mexicans here and they are all horribly racist
Yes. I'm a beaner and I unironically have some hate for every race/group.
Blacks: hyper-aggressive, over-sexed, stupid af and unware or in denial hedonistic, blames others for failure, easily duped riled up.
Whites: Arrogant and overestimate their abilities wile underestimating others, thinks themselves masters of the universe, unironically believe to have it worst then others groups due to historical backlash, believe in self determination to such a degree that they ignore historical context of current events.
Asians: greedy, clandestine, lacking individuality, underestimate, nepotistic, lacking empathy or not showing it or caring
Jews: see Asians x 10
Hispanics: overtly prideful with no source for it, no emphasis no education, dumb and happy about it, no drive, proud peasant stock,
All the time lol. Browns as a whole get to generalize and be racist as fuck with no repercussions. Being a "racist" in this country is only a bad thing if you're white.
yeah i called him a nigger
Most blacks are racist and yes, thousands. Around blacks, never relax.
middle eastern/north African: Islam
Indian: arrogant, smell like shit
First redpill was non-white manager asking if I was racist. I said "No.". Then he replied "Well, I am."
>Some qt 1/4th abo chick i worked with said she "Can't date white boys" when another co-worker joked that we would suit each other
Got cucked by racism lads
all spix are dats rayciss against blax
all squinty asians are dats rayciss against blax and indians/pakis
I have a pajeet friend who hates muslims and niggers with a flaming passion. He's a great guy desu.
yeah, non-whites
only white people experience white guilt
quite a lot, most were Asian
I knew an Indian that used to joke and berate other Indians, the dark ones to be specific
he may have been part british, not sure
the funniest one was this group of black kids in highschool making licorice jokes about a friend they had
Indians hate Pakistanis and Sri Lankans and Muslims and east Asians and blacks and hate Indians not from their socioethnic class.
Wogs hate vietnamese and wogs of other religion
Croats hate serbs
South Italians hate north Italians and healthy food
Asians hate dark skinned Asians and indians
South east Asians hate each other
Africans hate other tribes and abos
Abos hate Africans, whites and islanders
Islanders hate indians
Kiwis hate islanders, Asians, indians
Everyone hates Africans and abos but all coalesce around hating whitey.
my filipino wife says 'nigger' at least 3/1 of mine. she is pretty racist
well duh democrat party, blm and antifa is full of them.
Yes, I'm asian
Whites need to stop acting cucked; losing culture means others will define Western values
American Blacks are gullible, lazy, tribal, and just voters in the eyes of Democrats
Latinos are easily the most deadly, denegerate, and savage Indians are the smelliest, small dicked rats that need their own black plague
Chinese are some of the most cold and batshit insane people, I want to see them in a naval war with all their overfishing going on
I've never met a single Asian who didn't have a disdain for blacks.
I am one.
EVERY race has a disdain for blacks.
I've never met a single white who didn't have a disdain for blacks.
>Donald Trump
Pretty much this. They don't get judged for it too.
m8 virtually everyone in central and south america hates black people
In person? No
On the internet? Never met any but see plenty on various websites. I already dumped some of the twitter racism images I had on Tila Tequila and Jenny Hyun in another thread. Maybe Evalion since she looks jewish
Of course. Every non-white I've gotten to know beyond simple small talk all frame things based on race by default first, then other factors after. They aren't normally assholes about it or anything, but they do bring it up nonchalantly.
The word racist is thrown around so much these days.
To me, being a racist means "I am better and/or hate that person because of the different color of their skin"
I don't think it's racist at all for people to state facts like "black people have a higher likelihood of commiting a crime"
Usually people are racist because they just have bad experiences with another race that they can't help but make them want to steer clear of them. Rather than trying to beat racism into submission, we should try to change the facts and statistics that support racism.
Idk how to go about it effectively, but yeah
Being racist is good now. We took it back.
my Nicaraguan grandmother hated niggers more than Sup Forums does
from my experience most blacks hate whites, most asians hate whites, most hispanics hate blacks, and most whites hate whites.
the word has too much negative connotation due to all the shill laws passed that say, along one line or another, racism is bad.
That's probably why redpill became a thing; to dissuay the notion we're racist for nobparticular reason, but rather, we say the things we do because we accept facts regardless of the agenda. Or at least some of us...
>To me, being a racist means "I am better and/or hate that person because of the different color of their skin"
Because genetics doesn't exist? Because phenotype doesn't indicate their genetics?
At the end of the day a "racist" is someone who admits biological differences exist
>every aisian
true. I was the only person in a sushi place (it was around 3pm, off hours. Only me the hostess and a sushi chef were there) recently and this black dude comes in. He doesn't look very ghetto, maybe a little bit, but not to much. He asks the hostess if they served fried catfish to which she responded with "no, no fry catfish. You go" repeatedly. They black guy just mumbles "uh, alright" and leaves. I'm sitting at the sushi bar thing having just watched this go down and me and the sushi chef on the other side of the bar look at each other. Then the chef (who probably can't speak english) picks up a sliced in half banana, quietly mimics a monkey and goes "ooo ooo," and then shakes his head side to side. I swear to fucking god i almost choked to death on rice and fish. Asains are fucking great.
It's all about the tiers of racism user. Anyone who isn't an idiot will display a certain level of discontent with other races whether it's because of personal experiences or something they were taught by their peers, sometimes both (especially with blacks, jews and mexicans).
Tier 1 = Caution (People with common sense will avoid areas populated by a certain race with obvious signs of criminal activity)
Tier 2 = Isolation (Discriminatory, will avoid interacting with a particular race(s) for any practical reasons)
Tier 3 = Disgust (Will show signs of hatred for particular race(s), may say a few hurtful words and derogatory terms)
Tier 4 = Malice (Willing to cause harm to an individual for the color of their skin, may or may not deal life threatening injuries)
Tier 5 = Homicidal (Self explanatory, wants to murder a person over his race)
>South east Asians hate each other
Not necessarily, most of them banter against the muslims and the indians
If /asean/ was still alive, that's what they do everyday on Sup Forums
East Asians don't really care
>t. Asian
that's pretty much everyone non-white
Yes. Theirs many areas in the UK that are white no go areas. Muslim ghettos you really would not want to enter.
Nonwhites are way more openly racist than whites, if not more actually racist
Some Asian dude. He was really smart and easy to hang out with, but one time we were cruising, some car got in the way and he went 110% "FUCKING NIGGERS!" then spent the next 10 minutes ranting about how much he hated niggers. We became friends after that.
Travel the world, you fucking amerilard. People are racist everywhere.
Every comedian that isn't white
Yes. Mexican guy always saying "why do you people..."
My step-dad's a native Hawaiin and is the reason I'm so relaxed with racism today.
I have never met non-white
>disdain for al-behds.jpeg
This is how Tier 1 works
>Whites will avoid going into black neighborhoods to avoid getting mugged
>Blacks will avoid going into white majority rural locations on their own to avoid being murdered
>Chinese Asians that own a business in an inner city location will be wary of the blacks that come into the store as they might steal something
>Arabs will avoid walking around with heavy coats or metallic devices in their hands in case some white bystander might call the police because they suspect they're going to blow something up
>Japanese Asians will be wary of everyone that isn't Japanese in their country because I really don't know why
Everyone is a racist retard
The difference is that whites and asians know that we are superior to the others.
Are you asking if I have met an openly racist non-white person? Yes, the Thai-wife of my granduncle. She will say that she hates immigrants (Yes, she is also an immigrant) even publicly for everyone to hear.
Jesus christ you guys come on. We all know only white people can be racist, geez.
I used to play WoW as an undead white supremacist dickhead with a muslim second-generation Egyptian immigrant that lived in the UK and hated whites, a Serbian that wanted Kosovo back and hated muslims, and a crossdresser from Thailand that played in the middle of the night to match our european raiding times. It somehow worked for a month and then, unsurprisingly, we abruptly parted ways. It was a total fucking freak show.
>inb4 things that never happened
>everyone is a racist
yeah, no. keep projecting though. it only makes you look that much more desperate.
1 post by this ID.
Keep projecting what? I'm a racist. And so are you.
I feel bad for the black guy but my sides are in orbit.
Arabs don't hate whites. they just assume they're infidels. they're ok with muslims and christians somewhat.
i'm not racist. do you know why? because it's illogical. think of the riddle about the chicken and the egg. which came first; the chicken or the egg? well, it's obvious that the egg came first and the only reason the egg comes first is because different organisms discover their ability to interbreed and afterwards, it's done until one population (egg vs progenitor species) overtakes the other.
you only exist here because of non-racists.
>mfw we would be the master race without Islam or cuckstianity
>abo blood
pick one
there is no master race- only races that exist at the height of human achievement at any given point in time and those races build the foundations for the future.
natural selection is tricky beast- you don't realize you're not a master race until it has selected against you in some unknowable way.
It's not interbreeding that is the drive force, it's evolution. What you are saying is that because we reproduce with man and female, it's illogical to be racist.
I exist as I'm, white, because my forebears preferred and was rewarded for going after white skin and high intelligence. We all started as black - if we hadn't been selective, there wouldn't be white people today.
Yep, got the WHTU PROPLE GO HROME treatment in china
Was Wakka wrong or right about the Albhed ?
>it's evolution
evolution doesn't occur by inbreeding.
Stuck my benis in a Dominican chick once. She was racist without remorse and openly called blacks monkeys.
I have never met a non racist non white
Ive met plenty online that hate white people but need their technology to express that hatred anywhere out of physical earshot
>be me, meet non-white on beach
>"show me your stuff"
>throw ball at his head
>"hah! Im good"
>beats the shit out of me with a giant key
>"ow that really hurt"
What is inbreeding? Breeding with your children, is it inbreeding when a Norwegian breeds with another Norwegian?
There is a difference between interbreeding (immidiate family) and breeding with someone from your nation and breeding with Sub-Saharan sub-humans. You also have the evolutionary logic, and reality, that a healthy person that is not stressed, would prefer a partner that looks more like himself.
Are you white?
I've never met a non-white non-racist
Only one race has any compassion or honesty and that is what the parasites exploit
everyones racist, retard. It's more than just skin color prejudice, its everything about how people look, clothes, hairstyle... people are even prejudiced against people who talk diffirently, listen to different music, everything. everyone everywhere does it. If someone calls you a racist, say "yeah". cause they're a fucking idiot.
you're back at the chicken part of the riddle. my focus is the egg part but that's what being racist gets you: a contrived view of reality that's so myopic that it will eventually lead to an evolutionary dead end.
I'm good friends with a black supremacist
So let's focus on the egg part. Yeah, sure, we became humanoids through interbreeding. Why? Because evolutionary pressure.
And later white people evolved from the early humans to what we are today. Same with East-Asians and some other groups of people that through circumstance had a higher pressure towards intelligence (and strength, height, beauty, egelitarianism, empathy etc. that are traits Europeans have much more of). Mixing with say Sub-Saharans or Abbos, that have had less evolutionary pressure would go against all "logic" if that's what you are going to call it. Let's go further back, if humans could breed with apes, would that be acceptable or good to you? They are like sub-saharans and abbos generally inferior, something that we looked more like previously and evolved from.
"Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. " = if you agree that Sub-Saharans have genetically detemined lower IQ, you are by definition racist. If you are not racist, you are denying hard facts.
Are you white? (2. time asking)
>everyone's racist
not really. there are plenty of people motivated by discovering things outside of their communities- attracted to possibilities they've never imagined or witnessed before. weak minds and weak people would be a better way to fashion your "everyone's racist" argument- it takes an absurd amount of cowardice and stupidity to be obsessed with looking inward and not pioneering outward; to think one's own race is the only one that possesses anything of value.
Most of the Mexicans I know are racist against other Mexicans.
Stranger things have happened my dude, one of my best friends is an Egyptian/Italian mutt and I'm a White Nationalist.
>its everything about how people look, clothes, hairstyle... people are even prejudiced against people who talk diffirently, listen to different music, everything
Sounds like a children's cartoon about stereotypical school life
It seems almost every non white person in Europe is racist towards white people. They display their racism in a thousand different ways, from outright abuse to their pretence at anti-racism and related subversive manoeuvers to dismantle our culture and demographic majority. I have become a white supremacist because of anti-white racism, it's clear we have nothing to gain from "diversity" and everything to lose.
Yes, I have met many non-white racists. Mainly Hispanics that rail on blacks.
I have never met a racist