Be honest Sup Forums were you radicalised here?
Be honest Sup Forums were you radicalised here?
If they deleted Sup Forums the /po/ shitposts would be reality
>Limited those topics
Jesus, it's like these people don't hear themselves.
I was radicalized by wikileaks exposing that the debate questions actually were given to Hillary Clinton. Until then I was an Obama-voting normie.
From that point I started looking into more and more shit. Then I learned about Vince Foster and Ron Brown. Then Haiti. Then Seth Rich happened.
all you need is a library card for that, here we just share everything, its a fucking imageboard
What is "radicalism" anyway? Is it holding beliefs that stray too far from the mainstream or is it the lengths one is willing to go to achieve their ideals? Seems like it's more the former.
>doesn't really exist anymore
Those people have no idea of what's going on
Only morons get radicalised. I'm just here to laugh at you and confirm the well-known fact that nazism/fascism is the ideology of people with an inferiority complex.
> pol
> horrifying
Ron Paul radicalized me.
we need to start shutting down these Jews accounts who want to silence the truth and what people say and control how they think.
This is proof of how dangerous and how far jews will go to get what they want.
>Sup Forums doesn't really exist anymore does it?
Sup Forums is a containment board for shitposters. this bitch is stupid.
Nope, came here afterwards. Bill Clinton radicalized me.
>Sup Forums doesn't really exist anymore does it ?
Make sure people think we don't exist.
It's not being a leftie while white.
Sup Forums doesn't really exist anymore.
>antisemitic Christian
Oxymoron, m8
Sup Forums stands for peace online
What they're looking for are those fucking facist on /po/
I was "radicalized" on infinity chan during guber gate
He's right, you know.
i got into blacked thanks to this board, now i think about blacks as our better because they have bigger dicks. thanks nazis.
I already knew blacks dindu nuffin way before coming here,Sup Forums only got me to hate jews
msm kikes would call it radicalization, I would call it a realization
Dealing with progressive liberals while I was in college did more to push me to the far right than Sup Forums ever could.
I was radicalized by american sponsored coup in 2014 and complete jewish take over of the country.
no i always knew something was wrong then pol told me exactly what
Sup Forums the hacker must be stopped!
>shitposting online is radical
>throwing bottles of piss and acid at the police is totally peaceful
Iraq 2003 did it, actually.
Normies don't comprehend shit posting and think memes are real life.
GG radicalized an entire generation of young males. Really lifted the veil on social justice, identity politics, and liberalism in general.
Yeah, but when you've made it so that words actually hurt physically, then that's what they think in their minds.
Calling someone a nigger, for example, is equal to physical assault.
They're detached from reality.
>the debate questions actually were given to Hillary Clinton.
Remember how NOTHING fucking happened after this?
"Radicalised" by finally realizing that the CIA created Isis and the entire story about the Syrian conflict was a bunch of really transparent lies. Opened my eyes to a lot of stuff that had always been there in plain view.
She is right, Sup Forums is horrible. The number of off topic and pure bait threads at any given time are unacceptable.
I got radicalized because of the lack of ethics in video game journalism.
I went into prison colorblind having been around blacks my whole life. I came out goose-stepping. Not because of being influenced by people as much as books and observation.
I actually became more of a moderate due to Sup Forums. I'm pretty much a center libertarian now.
chan doesn't really exist anymore does it?
Was radicalized growing up with sandniggers almost 2 decades ago. Sup Forums is just free open debate and overall a great place to get red pilled on many things. Too bad it doesn't exist anymore.
No but I radicalized a ton
>implying Hiro and the mods would censor us
The last time they tried that GamerGate exploded, the FBI got involved, Moots mother got doxed, M00t got the rest of the site to raid Sup Forums for 3 weeks, cripple chan was born, and moot sold the site.
Normies are fearful of the shit we do for entertainment. Not sure what she thinks would happen if we were collectively pissed off and didn't have this site as an outlet.
And we are the scary ones.
I was radicalized by reading David Lane and George Lincoln Rockwell. I was only further radicalized when I got exposed to the white privilege lie bullshit during college.
I was blackpilled before I came to Sup Forums. I probably would've become a mass shooter or off myself if it wasn't for you guys.
> Sup Forums
> a containment board
A containment board for WINNING !
No. I mean not really. I mean yes fuck dammit shit!!
I just wanted ethics in video games.
Absolutely fucking bizarre that there were no consequences. You'd think that even Hilldawg couldn't get away with that, but given all she's gotten away with, I should know better.
No, but we should be.
Ross Perot radicalized me.
Also, niggers.
>Was radicalized growing up with sandniggers almost 2 decades ago
public education did it for me
Nope. Not radicalised ever. People who hold serious convictions are stupid.
Post red pills!!!
Sup Forums made me more liberal because you guys are retarded and make unsubstantiated claims with no evidence, promote the failed ideology that is national socialism and actually think that democracy is bad
i was radicalized by proximity to niggers
>FBI got involved
I was part of that migration to fullpol, when did the FBI get involved?
>radicalized by the truth
I was radicalized by Hillary Clinton and what she did in Lybia. But seriously, what difference, at this point, does it make?
Also CNN, MSNBC and TYT radicalized me, but then i found Sup Forums which is a peace board, and used it as a escape valve, and i feel much better.
The mods are listening to this btw, I was banned last week from Sup Forums for posting a kangz meme picture.
The ban reason was racism.
No I was radicalized yeaaarrrrrsssss before I came here, just by observing the retarded fucking liberals devolve over time and then when the full impact of the migrant crisis sunk in for me it was solidified.
No Sup Forums didn't radicalize me, leftists did. They are the number one recruiter for radicalization and they need to acknowledge that if they ever want to stop it.
If you didn't like Harry Potter then your a radical.
anyone who's ever had niggers ruin their neighborhood was "radicalized" already, people knew about who really ruled the world 80 years ago
I ain't even R A D I C A L yet bitch
>I'm just here to laugh at you and confirm digits
I agree with her a bit. Not that Sup Forums should be closed down but sometimes I wonder what I would be like if I had stumbled onto tumblr or whatever website leftists like first
>listening to words
Do you love Hillary's cock?
If you're going to be this desperately sincere by the hard shift Right, why even come here to swim in your own tears?
The permanent shift Right of all of Western Civilization began around this time, though Reagan made a small start he was oldschool.
>be radicalized by internet
I couldn't be radicalized by an imageboard
But The ''''''''''''Left''''''''''' shutting down all the Free Speech sites and sperging out is goddamned useful idiots.
>post a picture not pertaining to video games on the video games board
>"hurr I got banned because cuck mods muh white genocide"
Go to /gif/ and try to derail a black on white porn thread, I fucking dare you, see what happens moron
Absolutely this. I used to be so angry all the time. This place sated my anger with humour and gave me hope in the future. At this point even if we lost I'd be at least happy just for the time I spent here.
Yes. I was pretty liberal until I was randomly linked here one day. I was always skeptical of multiculturalism though.
I'm probably one of the ones who radicalized you! :)
why? what is good about democracy?
thats because you dont read the evidence retard
The ban reason was racist remarks
blame the army of paid & unpaid shills.
radicalized by brainwashing attempts at school and on television
radicalized by interacting with niggers at early age
radicalized by my country being at war for no reason almost my entire life
Then it just snowballed because of my interest in history to try and give some sense as to why school, the economy, people and general direction of the country seemed shit and getting shittier
i don't feel radical
i just stopped listening to rap music after Sup Forums
I wouldn't say radicalized. I was just told the truth here. This is one of the few sites where citing your sources is important or you are immediately discredited. If your sources are shit or biased then you have no ground to stand on and you will be called out on it. Opinions are unfiltered here as well so you see every side of the spectrum. If the entire population was to see what was said here without crying for it to be erased or buried (downvoting or downright deletion) I honestly think the world would be a different place
>t. Literally illiterate and definitely antifa
You seriously need to up your game a lot more if you want to shill here faggot
No I am not a radical. I became redpilled when some harpy posted on Facebook how she had anxiety about being in public due to false statistics which purported to say that 1/3 women will be raped. Then our shared friendship group started siding with her as she launched personal attacks then a year later the trayvon martin trial started. I initially sided with the msm narrative and by chance started browsing pol (b, mu, gif and lit poster before) and was shocked at all the racist posts calling trayvon a bigger. Eventually though the NBC doctored audio of ZimZam's phone call to police and revelation of Trayvons criminal history which had been suppressed. This deconditioned me and helped me realise the propaganda that is the mainstream media and eventually becoming aware of the jq, iq, feminism and the fag agenda.
Too much winning, folks!
Not really. I've always been open to listening to anyone's opinion. I was surrounded mostly by liberals, socialists and communists my whole life and I'd always ask them why they believe they are right. Most of the answers I got were unsatisfying to say the least. Then the refugee crisis came and for the first time in my life I heard right-wing opinions and none of them were too unreasonable, I asked the lefties why they are opposed to these view-points and again I got unsatisfying answers so I decided to listen to what the right wingers had to say and now here I am.
I grew up in what is now referred to as a no-go-zone from the age of 12-20. So essentially a ghetto with sandniggers. Easy to get redpilled living alongside with animals and beasts.
>were you radicalised here
hmmm, since I visited 4chin I have participated in two revolutions. Coincidence? I think not!
Democracy is two wolves and sheep voting for dinner. That's why, we are a republic and you cunts wants us to forget that.
You think you're radical ?
You are like a little baby,
Whatch this.
>not sure what reddit has done
well, they've convinced a generation of idiots that it's alright to cut off your penis. and that being a straight white male is the worst thing you can be.
yep nothing wrong there
No I just like laughing at funny internet memes.
Because I learned the truth about history here and what the state of Weimar was like, and I understood that Hitler was entirely justified in his actions. I also read the policies of National Socialists, and found myself agreeing with them.
Free flow of information freed me of the shackles imposed upon me.
I was radicalised by Harry Potter.
>calling Trayvon a bigger
Fucking biggers
All pol did to me was push me from an sjw to the center